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Unwound (Mastered 2)

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The first round ended, and Ronin had a sense of dread that had nothing to do with the rest of the fight. Everyone had convinced him that because this event launched Black and Blue Promotions, they had to host an after-party. He’d grudgingly agreed. But now the idea of glad-handing sponsors, discussing upcoming opportunities with other promoters, rehashing fights with fighters and their families, plus the Black Arts and ABC crews . . . he wanted to fake a setback injury and bow out.

Katie’s appearance signaled the start of the second round.

After the bell dinged, Deacon came out with extra aggression. Two kicks, one fake punch, and then he executed a spinning back fist to his opponent’s head and the match was over. He knocked the guy out cold.

Ronin had a phantom pain in the back of his skull—he’d been on the receiving end of that move recently.

The referee called the fight, the lights came on, and Ronin headed to the ready room.


AMERY had to admit it was cool to flash a pass for the private after-party. Black and Blue Promotions had gone all out, securing a large private banquet room at a local brewpub.

But it was cooler yet to walk in on Ronin Black’s arm.

The man defined hot and sexy. And intimidating. Women eyed him. Other fighters wanted to be him. The man was constantly surrounded. But that was okay since she liked to admire him from afar too.

During the party, his eyes met hers across the crowded room, and the punch of lust tightened everything inside her even as her knees went weak. He allowed himself that I-own-you smirk and then refocused on his conversation.

She sighed.

“That is one sigh-worthy man, ma chérie,” Chaz said behind her.

“Will I ever get used to the fact that he’s with me?”

“Watch this.” Chaz draped his arm over her shoulder.

Ronin’s eyes immediately lasered onto Chaz. Although nothing changed on his face, his displeasure pulsed through the air like a sonic boom.

“See? The man is insanely jealous of even a g*y man touching you. So your shock and awe that he’s with you is reciprocated one hundred percent.” He gave Ronin a little finger wave and dropped his arm.

“Thanks for coming tonight.”

Chaz sipped his beer. “It’s so not my thing, but I’m a supportive friend.”

“I know. We’ve both been so crazy busy with work, we haven’t had our Friday-night happy hour for ages.”

“That’s a shame for you, sugar lips, because I am fun. I think playing nursemaid to the billionaire made you forget that.”

Last week, Amery had managed to sneak in a lunch date with Chaz and Emmylou, and she’d told them the truth about what’d happened. It spoke a lot of Chaz’s loyalty that he understood her sense of betrayal about Ronin’s nondisclosure regarding his family connections. Emmylou’s reaction was harsh, and the lunch had ended on a sour note. “Ronin’s pull is such I forget everything when I’m around him.”

“Sweetie. Put the hottie who freakin’ adores you out of his misery and just move in with him already.”

It made no sense to others, why she was dragging her feet on packing up her stuff and moving in with him. It wasn’t a power play—exactly the opposite. Ronin’s nondisclosure about his recovery status convinced her he’d reverted to the share-nothing-unless-they-were-naked man. It wasn’t wrong to wait. It wasn’t wrong to expect more from him.

“Besides, it’s not like you’re not at his penthouse most of the time anyway.” Chaz sighed. “Penthouse. I’m letting my bitchy jealous side show for a minute. Hot. Sexy. Rich. Mysterious. Tough. Yeah, hating on you that your man is all that.”

Amery leaned over and whispered, “And he f**ks like an animal, so there is that too.”

“Hate you,” he trilled. “Oops, here he comes.”

Ronin stopped in front of Amery. He curled his hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her to his mouth for a kiss that made her lips tingle. A very possessive kiss. A very unlike–Sensei Black display of public affection. When he eased back, so their lips were only a breath apart, he kept his thumb on the pulse point in her neck. “You okay?” he murmured.

“I am now.”

“Well, I’m not,” Chaz huffed. “I think I need a cold shower and a cigarette after that.”

Ronin smiled at him. “Just making sure my woman doesn’t feel neglected while I’m part of the dog and pony show. Thanks for coming to the event tonight, Chaz.”

Chaz waved him off. “Sweaty half-naked guys rolling around the mat? I’m there.”

He laughed. “I have to make the rounds.” Ronin kissed Amery again, this time softly.

She sighed.

“Hate you,” Chaz singsonged. Then he threaded his arm through hers. “Let’s hit the buffet.”

They were filling plates when Chaz said, “What’s up with the ring girl still wearing her costume to the after-party?”

“Part of her promotional duties. And if I had a body like that? I’d flaunt it too.”

“She certainly isn’t lacking for male attention.”

Amery glanced at Katie, holding court with half a dozen guys. Knox stood behind her, arms crossed, acting like her bodyguard. “She’s supposed to be mingling with the sponsors, not trolling for dates.”

They gossiped about some friends as they nibbled on way-too-healthy appetizers. Amery’s gaze swept the room, and she spied Shiori looking a little disheveled. Something didn’t fit. Shiori never went anywhere less than one hundred percent put together. Amery said, “Excuse me for just a minute,” to Chaz and then headed toward Ronin’s sister.

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