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Unwound (Mastered 2)

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Go away.

“I can make a scene to get you to pay attention to me.”

Ronin slowly turned around.

Naomi stood less than five feet away.

She didn’t look any different than she had almost four years ago. Same conservative business suit, same pixie haircut, same understated makeup—she’d even worn the same color of red lipstick. Normally he wouldn’t remember things like that, but Naomi had glossed up her lips only when she’d gone down on him. She claimed it was to leave her mark as a reminder of how much she loved him. Afterward she’d placed fresh lipstick marks down his thighs. But he knew the truth; she wanted him to fear—just for a second—that she’d made him bleed.

Sick f**king woman.

Her siren-red mouth curved into a smile. “I know what you’re thinking about.”

He moved his gaze up to her eyes and kept his face impassive. “That it’s obvious you’ve resorted to using Botox?”

“Insulting me? Not nice, pu**ycat.”

Since she’d always preferred to speak Japanese with him, her use of English meant she wanted people to overhear their conversation. “When I insult you, you’ll know it,” he said in Japanese.

“Where’s your new girlfriend? Shiori assured me you’d both be here tonight so I could pay my respects.”

She was such a liar. “Wrong. How did you find out where I’d be?”

“Ronin-san, I know where you live.”

So she’d followed him. Really f**king creepy but completely her style.

“I’m in Denver on unfinished business.”

“Why would you think I’d care?” He started to back away.

She edged closer. “Aren’t you curious about who I’m here with?”

“Some lowlife wannabe Dom you’re trying to make jealous? You hoping he’ll beat you and f**k you in front of everyone in the arena?”

Malice glittered in her eyes. “Sounds like jealousy, pu**ycat.”

“Yes. You know me so well,” he sneered.

“I know you better than you think.” She pursed her lips into a pout. “I’ve missed you. All the great times we used to have together. In your penthouse, at my apartment, at the club. Don’t you miss those days?”

As much as he missed an oozing boil.

“I do,” she said dreamily. “Especially the club. Not that I could relive old times there after you had me banished for life.”

“You made your choices, and you knew there’d be consequences.”

“You don’t feel guilty at all for such an extreme reaction? It was a sex club! You really can’t blame me for taking a sample of what was freely offered.”

Enough. Ronin turned to walk away.

But Naomi grabbed his arm. “Don’t leave in a huff, lover. You’ll want to hear this.”

“Let. Go. Of. Me.”

She dropped her hand. “So upon my return to Denver, without a club of my own, I visited your new club . . . Twisted? The manager is lovely. Of course I name-dropped you like crazy, and the man was very eager to dish on your rope skills. You do have a fan in him. Anyway, he indicated it’s been quite some time since you did any public rope demonstrations at the club. I had to ask myself why that was. And then I asked him. Do you know what he told me?”

Ronin didn’t react.

“The manager told me your new girlfriend refuses to be part of a public bondage scene. The information shocked me. A master who lets his lover impose the rules? Has pu**ycat become pussified?”

First thing tomorrow he’d contact the club owner and get the manager canned for breaking the confidential terms of service.

“Don’t bother getting the man fired. I already did. He shouldn’t have been so willing to discuss a certain club member’s . . . problems with a potential new member.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“To remind you that I look out for you, Ronin. Even when you aren’t aware of it. We were so good together.” She reached out, and Ronin jerked back, away from her deadly claws.

“You baited the manager and got him fired, making sure you got the satisfaction of reminding me how psychotic you are.”

“Aw, pu**ycat, don’t be upset. After I learned of your girlfriend’s phobia, I tracked you down to see if there was anything I can do to help you. I know the ropes, so to speak”—she winked lewdly—“so if you want to remind club-goers that you are the rope master, I’d gladly offer my services as your partner again.”


“You sure? I’m only trying to help you save face. Your girlfriend’s unwillingness to be publicly bound speaks of her shame of the act. It undermines your expertise, Master Black.”


“Is she ashamed in private too?”

Don’t respond.

“Didn’t you always remind me that teachers don’t let students impose limits on the lessons?”

Ronin’s jaw tightened. As did his fist.

“Sounds to me like you’ve gone soft.” Her gaze zeroed in on his groin, and she lifted her eyes back to his. “You were never soft in any area before. Does she prefer you make sweet, sweet love to her? Instead of binding her and f**king her like a beast?”

“I’m done listening to this.”

“But you didn’t answer.” She pouted and stepped in front of him to stop his retreat. “Do you let your student dictate the rules to the master, pu**ycat? Or maybe I should stop by Hardwick Designs in Lodo and ask for the truth. Mention I’d be happy to be her stand-in at the club.”

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