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Unraveled (Mastered 3)

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He clenched his ass around the plug, and the movement zinged to the tip of his cock as he rammed into her, proving how goddamn hard she’d made him.

Her sexy laugh vibrated against his throat. “This word porn will make you harder yet. Because when I slide into your tight ass, I’ll slip a warm gel tube down your cock and jack you off with it, so it feels like I’m fucking you with my cock and my pussy at the same time.” Her tongue teased the razor stubble on his jaw. “Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Drive me over the edge, Knox. I’m so close.”

He pushed his middle finger down her slit, getting his fingertip wet, and returned to rub the tender flesh of her clit until her belly, her thighs, her arms, and her lips quivered. That slow pace forced him to focus on every stroke. Every thrust.

Shiori sank her teeth into the side of his neck as she started to come. And fuck if that didn’t about do him in, her harsh cries muffled against his skin as her pussy clasped his cock in soft ripples.

His ass tingled and burned. His balls were drawn up and ready to blow. And yet he kept up the same rhythm as she returned to herself with a drawn-out sigh.

Then her voice flooded his ear. “Come now.”

Her voice had become his trigger, just like she’d warned him. He plunged in fast and hard with one, two, three, four strokes, and then kaboom!

Knox came so hard, his vision turned hazy. Ass, cock, balls tightened and released so violently, with such molten heat, that he couldn’t keep himself upright. In his state of bliss, he felt himself spinning, falling, and then he realized he really was falling forward, and he managed to catch himself on his hands.

Shiori bolstered him with her body, with her kisses on his parched throat, with her words of praise. Words that burrowed into his heart and soul, leaving him emotionally and physically wrung out. She gently disconnected their bodies, laughing at his protest that he wasn’t finished with her yet, and rolled him onto his back. She destroyed any brain cells he might’ve had left with her loving caresses as she removed the plug from his ass. A quick pinch on his cock and she got rid of the condom too.

This was what humbled him. The care she took with him in the aftermath.

When he could function somewhat normally, he pulled her into his arms.

She snuggled in, such contentment flowing from her that he swore he could hear her purring.

“I have no words for that, Nushi. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I missed you. Stay with me tonight.”

Knox smiled against the top of her head because he knew how much she hated to ask. “I’d love to.”

She drew her fingers up and down his stomach. “How was everything at Black Arts the past few days?”

“Same as usual. I put the guys to work in the training room getting it cleaned up.”

“You nervous about meeting with Maddox?”

“Yeah.” Not because of the money she’d fronted, or even how Ronin would react. Knox worried about his future with the MMA program. He didn’t bring anything worthwhile to the table as far as a unique skill set. Ito had mad judo skills. Fisher knew boxing inside and out. Deacon could work with the other fighters and had a background in Muay Thai. Ronin worked with grappling. His only contribution was as Ivan’s fighting partner, because they were the same size. So of all the instructors, he was deadweight, and Maddox would see that right off the bat.

And the really stupid thing was he worried Shiori had already come to the same determination. Seeing pity on her face would do him in.

Then she was nose to nose with him. “Stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Obsessing. Everything—”

“Don’t you dare say everything will be fine.”

Shiori head butted him. “I’m no Pollyanna, asshat, so that wasn’t what I was going to say.”

“Then what?”

“I’d started to say everything about the program doesn’t have to be decided at once. One step at a time.”

Knox brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “You’re right.”

She grinned. “Ooh, did it hurt to admit that?”

“Yes. Is my tongue bleeding?”

After smooching his lips twice, she sat up. “I have something for you.”

“But, kitten, you already gave me a butt plug tonight that resulted in an orgasm that almost put me in a fucking coma, so I think we’re good.”

She rolled her eyes. “Stay here.”

“Nowhere I’d rather be than in a bed waiting for you.” His gaze stayed glued to her ass as she sauntered across the room to her dresser drawer. Too bad she hadn’t stashed whatever it was in the bottom drawer, because he’d love to see her bend over.

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