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Unraveled (Mastered 3)

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“Go see. Please.”

Just as Knox started to walk over, Dr. Barr turned, holding a wrapped bundle. “Sorry. Nothing to be concerned about. Just routine checks.”

She reached out for her husband, and of course he was right there.

Dr. Barr set the baby on the pillow on Shiori’s lap. “Congrats. I’ll let you two coo and admire her for a few minutes while I finish up the medical end.”

“I wanna see her.” Knox pulled her hat off.

Beneath the hat was fuzzy blond hair.

Shiori laughed. “Of course I gave birth to a Viking child.”

“We’ll turn her into a ninja to even things out.”


“Look at her. She’s beautiful. Just like her mama.” Knox brushed his lips over Shiori’s. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

They just stared at their red-faced little miracle. In awe.

“What are we naming her?”

Shiori stroked her baby’s cheek, and immediately her head turned, looking for food. “How about Nuri?”

“After your grandfather?” he asked softly.

“Yes. Is that all right?”

Knox kissed her forehead and then his baby daughter’s. “It’s perfect.” Then he touched Nuri’s tiny hand with his pinky finger, and those itty-bitty fingers clamped down on his. “Whoa. She’s got a strong grip.”

“Our baby girl is already trying to wrap herself around Daddy’s little finger.”

“Something she’ll learn from her mama, since I’m completely wrapped around your whole hand.”

“Mmm. But I like it better when you’re at my feet.” Marriage and pregnancy hadn’t changed her dominant nature, but it had made Knox even more protective of her. Every once in a while he’d take those instincts too far and she’d become the big bad Domme. But their dynamic worked beautifully.

“It’s a shame with your medical restrictions that you’ll have to wait six weeks until you can boss me around, Mistress.”

She turned and looked at him. “I have restrictions. You don’t. So nice try, but you’re not getting a six-week sabbatical.”

Knox smiled slyly. “Worth a shot.”

“Having second thoughts about being my sub?”

“Nope.” He smooched her mouth. “Since you finally put me in my place, you’re stuck with me.”

“For good?”

“Forever, kitten.”

Shiori nuzzled her face into his neck. “Forever doesn’t seem like long enough with you, but it’s a good place to start.”

Don’t miss the next book

in the Mastered Series by Lorelei James,


Available in May wherever books and e-books are sold!

Continue reading for a preview.

PRESLEY stopped in the middle of the hallway so abruptly that Molly ran into her.

When she glanced up to see what’d caught Presley’s attention, she froze.

Deacon leaned against the wall, his muscled arms crossed over his chest, one knee bent with his cowboy boot pressed behind him. The pose seemed casual, but she wasn’t fooled.

“Beat it,” he said to Presley. “I need to talk to Molly.”

Her stomach swooped.

“You have shitty manners,” Presley said.

Deacon ignored Presley and continued to level his brooding stare at Molly.

Talk about unnerving.

Talk about hot.

Shut up, hormones.

Then Presley moved and blocked Molly from his view. “Tell me what to do.”

“Go. I’ll give him five minutes.”

“Don’t take his crap.”

“I won’t.”

Presley’s gaze darted between Molly and Deacon as she backed away. “I’ll be right over there if you need anything.”

“She won’t,” Deacon said.

“I wasn’t talking to you, asshole.”

“I know. Keep walking.”

When they were alone, Molly kept the entire width of the hallway between them. “You were rude.”


“So you save your decent behavior for the strippers working the VIP section?”

His eyes flashed. “Sometimes. What are you doin’ here?”

“Drinking with my friends and soaking up the naked entertainment.”

“Doesn’t seem like your scene.”

“I hardly think you can chastise me for being here when it appears you’re a frequent patron of this strip club, Mr. VIP.”

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