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Unraveled (Mastered 3)

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And then Knox leaping over the bar and chasing after her when it appeared she’d gone looking for a playmate.

Of course Knox had no idea she’d seen that.

Of course Knox had no idea how much it’d thrilled her.

She had a small sliver of hope all wasn’t lost with him.

As much as she’d dreaded going to Mexico to make a buyout offer, the timing was good. She’d needed a reminder that she still could play a role in furthering the Okada Foods global brand—if she chose to.

Not that her grandfather or her mother were pressuring her. They opted to call Shiori’s time in America a sabbatical. Maybe that’s all it was. She’d agreed to help out at the dojo while Ronin was under medical restrictions and traveling in Japan. But upon his return, she’d have to make some decisions.

Shiori was so lost in thought that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and she tripped over the bottom support bar to the weight training machine. She went flying, sending the medicine ball in her hands airborne before she skidded across the mat like a baseball player stealing home. The momentum sent her careening into the rack that held the stretching bands, the jump ropes, and the weight belts. That rack fell over with a loud clunk. Her head smacking into the weight bench leg finally stopped her.

“Ow. Fuck.” She squeezed her eyes shut against the explosion of stars behind her lids.

Running footsteps sounded down the hallway and then closer.

“Jesus, Shiori, what the hell happened?”

She pried one eyelid open. “Knox? Is that really you?”

“Who else would it be?”

“I didn’t know how hard I hit my head and maybe I blacked out or something.”

“And maybe you were dreaming of me again?” he said in an amused tone.

“I didn’t know you were in the building.”

“I’ve been on the elliptical for the last thirty minutes. I didn’t know you were in here either, so the crash scared the crap out of me.” He frowned. “Are you hurt?”

“Is the top of my skull caved in? Because that’s what it feels like.”

“No.” Tentative fingers touched her head. “No blood either.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Let me help you up.”

“I’ve got it.” She turned her head and smacked it into the weight bench leg again. “Ow. Fuck.”

“Stay. Still.”


“Jesus, don’t argue with me for a change. Let me help you.” He slid her body down away from the weight bench base. When she reached out to grab on to him, she drew her left hand back with a hiss of pain.

“What did you do to your hand?”

“I don’t know.” She used his body for support as she stood. Another spike of pain in her head sent her swaying into him. “I’m a little light-headed.”

“I’ve got you. Hang on.”

Shiori kept her eyes closed when Knox lifted her into his arms. Damp, warm skin met her cheek. He wasn’t wearing a shirt?

“Sorry that I’m sweaty.”

“Sorry that I tripped over my own feet.”

Her butt met a solid object.

“Feel like opening your eyes yet?”

She fluttered her lashes, letting in a small amount of light. When that didn’t send a shard of pain to her eye sockets, she opened both eyes.

Knox was right there in her face, his blue gaze darting from her temple to her mouth. “It’s starting to swell. I’ll get ice for it in a minute.” He picked up her left forearm and bent down to look at her hand. “These are friction burns.”

“I slid across the mat.” She raised her right hand. “But I don’t have them here.”

“You must’ve hit the Velcro strip along that side.” He set her hand in her lap. “You twist your ankle or anything? Is that why you fell?” Strong fingers skated down her thigh, over her knee and calf to her ankle. Her skin beaded, begging for a more complete touch. “You’ve got a scrape here.” He circled the area halfway down her shin. Then he gently maneuvered her ankle around and looked at her. “Any pain?”


“Good.” His hand glided back up her leg to the edge of her athletic shorts. “I’ll grab the first aid kit. Don’t move.” He strolled out the door, and she stifled a groan.

A shirtless Knox was the very definition of temptation. He was so damn big and built like a warrior with those broad shoulders. She could write a dozen haikus about the beauty of how his muscled back tapered into trim hips and a firm, round ass.

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