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Always Mine (Coming Home To The Grove 1)

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“I’m done. Do you need anything else while I’m here?” Bradley interrupts my thoughts as I walk down the stairs and meet him at the entryway.

I forgot all about Bradley still being here. My first day running the B&B has definitely been a hectic one. I’m ready to call it a day and fall into a bathtub at this point.

“No, that’s about it. Thank you for getting the railing too while you were here. How much do I owe you?” I ask, already walking toward the office that has the checkbook locked in it.

“I’ll invoice you.”

“Oh, great! Okay, then. Well—"

He interrupts me. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out to a movie with me?”

“Tonight?” I ask him.

He just shrugs his shoulders. “Sure.”

I swear I hear a sort of growl coming from behind me, and I’m almost positive that Trent is listening in. I don’t agree to go on the date with Bradley with the intent to hurt Trent. I agree because I know I need to put some distance between Trent and me.

“I can’t tonight. How about tomorrow night?”

Bradley smiles at me. “That’s perfect. I’ll pick you up at six.”

I walk Bradley out to the porch and stand there as he drives off in his work truck.TrentSome things are hard for a man to hear.

Listening to Bradley Crawford, the local handyman and total womanizer, ask out the woman that I’m in love with ranks up there with attending a funeral.

Bradley was in my older brother’s grade. He was butt ugly and fat in school, and he’s made it his life’s purpose to use and lose women. Somehow, I need to warn Lacy about him.

I walk out onto the porch, and before I can calm down, I tell her, “You shouldn’t go out with Bradley.”

She looks at me, tilting her head to the side. I know that look. Nothing I can say is going to sway her at this point, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to give up.

“Why not? He seems nice enough.”

“You know why not, Lacy.” I gesture between the two of us. Surely she knows how I feel about her. I know we can get back what we once had. I just need her cooperation.

“This”—she points between the two of us—“is not going to happen.”

“You can’t go out with him, Lacy,” I tell her between clenched teeth.

We go back and forth on it, and it turns out that warning her while I’m jealous and angry isn’t the smartest move. I come off sounding like I’m just trying to sabotage any relationship she might get in that isn’t with me.

“You don’t understand. I mean, of course I don’t want you to go out with him—well, with anyone besides me really—but that’s not the point. Bradley was fat and ugly in high school. He’s spent his time since then just using women. He’s only in it for a good time. That’s it.”

“Aww, he had a hard time in high school? That’s sad. But he’s been nice to me.”

Well, that backfired. I just wanted to tell her what kind of guy Bradley is, but all she hears is that he had it hard in school and new she feels bad for him. Nice.

“You just met him today. Today, Lacy!”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, you’re right. I just met a nice man in the small town of Forest Grove where everyone knows everyone. It’s not like he’s a stranger on the street in a big city.” She rolls her eyes and starts walking toward the door to the B&B. “I think it’s time for you to go home, Trent. Thank you for all your help today.”

She’s no sooner got the thank you out before she’s shut the door in my face.

I stand there staring at the wood door with the flowered welcome sign. I put my hand on the doorknob to walk in but stop myself. I know if I go in there, I’m going to make matters worse. I need to go home.

I back away from the door and trail down the steps toward my truck in the driveway.

I go home, help out at the ranch, and then fall into bed. But I can’t sleep. All I can think about is Lacy and spending the day with her today. It was crazy and almost frantic, but it’s the best day I’ve had in a long time. Probably since before Lacy left town. I know we can make a go of it. I just have to prove it to her. Of course, it’s going to be hard with Bradley in the picture. I can’t sleep I’m so upset a scum ball like Bradley is dating Lacy.10LacyThe next day, things are going a lot smoother. Luckily. I have breakfast ready for my guests and am awaiting the arrival of some new ones. I was able to tackle all the laundry last night and thankfully, all the towels are now clean and put away in the linen closets. Today is definitely a lot smoother than yesterday.

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