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Always Mine (Coming Home To The Grove 1)

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I exhale as I bring my truck to a stop at the end of the street. In my rearview mirror I can see her house.

Seeing Bradley coming out of Lacy’s place with her on his arm makes me want to punch him and knock that smug look off his stupid face.

It’ll only take one date for Lacy to see Bradley is a piece of trash. She’s way too smart to fall for his fake charm.11LacyBradley seems like a perfect gentleman. Trent is so full of it.

I get a caffeinated soda hoping it’ll help me wake up a little. Even though today has been easier, it was still a long day. Checking people out and having so little time in between guests to clean the rooms and change all the bedding is no small task. No wonder it took both my parents and some extra paid help.

I am so glad that Bradley is doing most of the talking since I’m just too tired to make much conversation. He talks about his handyman business, and I do my best not to yawn as he talks about all the different calls he’s had this week. I should be impressed that he’s a business owner, and I tell myself I would be if I wasn’t so darn tired.

In fact, I’m so tired that I don’t even make it through the previews of the movie. One minute I’m watching a trailer for an upcoming romantic comedy—my favorite—and the next thing I know I awaken to the rolling of the end credits.

I think it’s so sweet that Bradley didn’t wake me up and let me sleep instead.

“I’m so sorry, Bradley. You have to think I’m a horrible date. I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

We’re walking to his truck, and every apology I give him, he tells me it was no big deal.

He offers to take me to dinner, but I know I’m not going to be good company. “I’ve already eaten up enough of your night. I’d better go home and get to bed.”

He shrugs good naturedly. I have to be honest. I thought that maybe there was some truth in what Trent had been warning me about Bradley, but I’ve not found any of it to be true. He’s been a perfect gentleman.

He walks me to me door, and just as we get there, a guest meets us on the porch. “Oh good, you’re home. We can’t get the wifi to work in our room.”

I could tell her I’ll be in in a minute so I can say goodnight to Bradley properly, but I don’t.

Instead, I tell him good night and follow the woman into the house. There’s no kiss goodnight, and I can’t say I’m really upset about it.

I feel bad that I was such a dud of a date for Bradley and am quite sure he’s not going to ask me out again.TrentI showed up this afternoon at the B&B. I was planning on getting here early, but there were some issues at the ranch that needed taken care of. I’d no sooner finished before I showered quickly and headed into town, straight for the B&B. I barely got here and made nice before asking her about her date the night before.

She was hesitant, so I urged her on. “You know I’m going to find out anyway. You might as well tell me.” This is Forest Grove, after all. Everyone will know by the end of the day.

She covers her face with her hands, and for an instant, I think something bad happened. Already I’m thinking of a hundred ways to hurt Bradley. That is until, her fingers spread, and I can see the smile on her face. “You’re not going to believe it.”

Now I’m smiling too. “What? What happened?”

She begins to tell me all about their date. She tells me about falling asleep and even admits to me that there wasn’t a goodnight kiss because of the couple’s wifi problem.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting the description of the date she just gave me.

“Stop smiling, you’re terrible. It’s not his fault I was so tired,” Lacy says, trying to shame me for my obvious joy at Bradley’s misfortune.

“He is boring.”

Lacy laughs and shakes her head at me. “He didn’t have the chance to be boring. I fell asleep right away. I have got to hire some more help around here.”

I am so happy that she slept through the date and then brushed Bradley off that I can’t stop smiling. Already I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I knew nothing would come of Bradley and Lacy, but I still didn’t have to like the fact that she was going out with another man. “There’s a few bulletin boards up at the community college. I bet you could get help there.”

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