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Always Mine (Coming Home To The Grove 1)

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He’s still waiting. Smiling at me. And I’m standing here with my mouth hanging open. He may not have planned to spend his life as a rancher, but by the looks of him, the ranch has definitely been good to him. Quit ogling him, Lacy! Talk!

I admit I’m surprised to see him even though I don’t know why I should be. Forest Grove is a small town. It was bound to happen; I just thought I would have a little longer to prepare. I know my cheeks are flushed, and I just hope it’s dark enough that Trent can’t see it. I finally break my gaze from him just as he takes a step toward me. It’s getting awkward now.

“You’re back to run the B&B for a while?” he asks.

“Back for good, actually.” I know there’s a bite to my tone, and I try to soften it. “It is really good to see you, Trent. I’d better get going though, lots to do running a business, ya know? See ya around.”

I get up and start down the aisle and force a smile to stay on my face as I wave back to different people in the crowd who are waving to me as I pass. It’s too dark to see many of their faces, but they seem to know who I am. I’m sure it’s all over town that I’m back for good. And there’s no doubt that the town is going crazy with whatever gossip there can be about Trent and me. People almost certainly have wondered how he and I would react when we saw each other again. I’m sure half the town showed up tonight just for that little tidbit alone. Well, I’m not going to add any flame to the fire. I’m getting the heck out of here.

I barely get ten feet before he catches up with me, the blanket folded under one arm. He always was fast. My shorter legs never stood a chance against him in any kind of race. Even now.

“I couldn’t wait to see you when I heard you were back,” he says.

I clench my jaw, bracing myself before I turn around. I have to face him and set the tone for how things are going to be now that I’m back, or this is just going to keep happening.

And I’m right. Most of the people around us are watching us instead of the family movie up on the screen. I turn to Trent with a quick nod and gesture for him to follow me to the parking lot. He trails after me, both of us silent. I walk all the way to my car, needing to be near it in case I need a quick escape.

I don’t stop until I’m standing next to my open door. And even then, I take my time, taking a deep breath to prepare myself. Because resisting Trent is going to be hard to do.

Turning, I come face to face with my ex-boyfriend, the love of my life. And there’s no doubt about it as I look into his eyes that I never really did get over him, and he’s staring at me in a way that makes my heart pitter-patter.TrentI feel like Lacy coming back to Forest Grove is a miracle, and the fact that she’s come to stay means that I might actually have a chance with her. There hasn’t been a day since she moved away that I didn’t regret what I’d done.

When she turns around, staring up at me with her big brown eyes, I want nothing more than to just reach out for her and bring her into my arms. No, heck with that. I want to throw her over my shoulder, take her home with me, and keep her in bed until she completely understands that we are meant to be with one another. The only thing stopping me is the look on her face. She’s not happy to see me. She looks as if she would rather be anywhere else. Her guard is up, and I can’t say that I blame her.

“I’m so glad you’re home, Lacy,” I tell her with emotion filling my voice. I never dreamed this time would come, and I’m determined to make the best of the opportunity.

She tilts her head to the side as if weighing my words. “Why? Is there something you need to say that you didn’t already say when we broke up? Hey, listen, if you’ve got guilt you can let it go because I’m just fine, Trent.”

She’s mad, and that’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned because it means she still has feelings for me.

I already noticed she’s not wearing a ring, which means she’s fair game. If it’s a boyfriend she’s got, she won’t have him for long.

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