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The One (Coming Home To The Grove 3)

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She’s crying too, her body trembling against me. “I love you, Brody Hall. You’re going to make a terrific daddy.”Epilogue 2Olivia“I’ll take whatever they’re having,” I tell Patty.

I’m on my lunch break and decided that I would stop into Patty Cake’s to get a sandwich and maybe some soup. I planned to get it to go, but when I saw Rose, Chrissy and Lacy seated at a table, I knew I wanted to stop and chat.

“Okay, what did I miss?” Carrie asks as she joins us at the table. She’s taking a break, letting Patty man the bakery so she can sit and join us.

“Nothing,” Lacy says. “We’re just catching up. Let’s see. I’m getting married to Trent. You’re head over heels for the sheriff. Rose is happier than can be with her pregnancy,” she tells Carrie before turning to me and Chrissy. “Now all we have to do is get Olivia and Chrissy with someone, and we’ll be good to go.”

“You can leave me out of this conversation. I’m very happy on my own, thank you very much.”

“Me too,” I chime in. “I don’t have time to date anyway.”

“What about Kyle? He’s been asking about you,” Rose says, explaining to all the girls about Brody’s teammate and how he and I hit it off the night of Brody’s accident.

“He’s nice, but I don’t think he’s the one,” I tell Rose.

“Fine,” she says, rolling her eyes. I’m sure she was hoping to play matchmaker. “How about the job? How’s it going?”

I tell them some funny stories about some of the animals I’ve already seen since being back in town. “So far it’s been a really good experience.”

“But?” Rose asks me. Of course Rose is going to pick up that I’m a little off.

I don’t answer immediately, but looking around the table with all eyes on me, I know I need to say something. “Well, I met a guy…”

They all shriek.

“Shh!” I tell them, looking around the half empty bakery. “We don’t need the whole town to know.”

Each of them starts plying me with questions. “Who is it? Do I know him? How long have you been dating? When can I meet him?”

I reach out and grab on to Rose’s and Chrissy’s hands because they’re on each side of me. “It isn’t like that. It was last night.”

“You mean…?” Rose asks me, surprised.

My face heats in embarrassment. I can’t tell them I had a one-night stand. “Yes, I met him last night. I thought we were hitting it off, but apparently not. He left me, uh, at the bar.” No way am I telling them I had a one-night stand and the man couldn’t leave fast enough the next morning. I’m so humiliated.

“Olivia!” Chrissy exclaims.

I wave my hand in front of my face. “I know. I know. I should know better, but I don’t know. I was feeling down, and I thought he was interested. Obviously not though.”

Lacy tilts her head to the side. “Well, maybe something came up… an emergency.”

I shrug and try to cover up my sadness. “It’s not a big deal. I just…”


“You know, I guess I wanted more, that’s all.”

They’re all staring at me, and I can feel the heat rising on my cheeks. How pitiful do I sound right now?

Carrie reaches across the table and grips my hand. “Well, maybe it could be. Maybe he wants more too.”

If anything, my face gets even hotter remembering the morning after. “He doesn’t.”

“How do you know?” Rose asks.

“Well, it was pretty obvious the way he bolted. He couldn’t get away from me quick enough. He didn’t even say goodbye.”

“Oh, Olivia,” they all seem to say in unison.

“No, it’s fine. I’m fine. I’ve learned that I’m not cut out for letting loose, that’s all.”

“Well, it’s his loss. If he doesn’t know what a catch you are, then he’s just stupid.” I could agree with them, and normally I would. I’m a pretty confident woman, but I know this man is not stupid. He was smart, handsome, and made me feel things I’ve never felt in my life. I’ve never depended on a man to make me feel loved, safe and wanted. But with him, I did.

I shake my head, trying to get the thoughts to go away. If I haven’t seen him before last night, I probably won’t see him again. He was probably just passing through town. I need to get over him. Maybe I should give Kyle a chance.

“So what about the wedding?” I ask Lacy, knowing that wedding talk will get me out of the hot seat.

The women all start talking at once, and I try to get the image of my older, rugged cowboy out of my head.THE END

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