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Snowed In

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She really was submissive.

She was perfect for him. She loved Reid, and Reid was crazy about her. A sudden vision of Jessica in between him and Reid made his cock harden painfully. She would be small between them. He would have to prepare her, but she could take them both.

Put it out of your mind, Michaels.

He’d dug a big hole with Jessica. It was too big for him to crawl out of. He should send her a note of apology and let her move on. He didn’t deserve anything like another chance with her, even if he wanted one.

A man held his woman’s hand, hurrying her inside. Gideon recognized the man from various functions though he couldn’t place the name. He nodded briefly as he brushed past.

“It’s getting bad out there, Master Gideon,” the man said deferentially. “It’s snowing like crazy. The ski operator said they’re closing the road down. Looks like we’re stuck for a couple of days.”

The lovely blonde looked like she knew what to do, Gideon thought, and then quickly disregarded the pair when he remembered he’d ordered Jessica to go home. His heart thudded in his chest. Had she already left? Could he catch up? She wasn’t used to driving on these roads. Anything could happen to her.

He sprinted inside, desperate to stop her from leaving.Chapter Three“You don’t have to stay with me.” Jessica glanced around at the suite Reid had brought her to. It was gorgeous, with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the mountains. The world looked fresh and clean. It was so different from her bland apartment in Alabama. It would have been nice to spend the week here. Maybe she would stop somewhere on her way home. She’d told the temp agency she needed the whole week. It seemed a shame to waste it.

“Maybe I want to,” Reid murmured as he uncorked a bottle of wine.

“Don’t you pull stuff out of the mini-bar. I can’t afford that.” She really couldn’t. Temping paid crap, and her savings was almost gone. She would have to think about getting a smaller apartment soon. She’d gotten too used to the healthy salary she’d earned when she’d worked for Reid and Gideon.

Reid’s dark eyebrow arched elegantly. “Darling, who do you think owns this place?” She shrugged and he continued. “This is my uncle’s lodge, but I bought in a couple of years ago when he needed to renovate. It’s why he shuts down for a week to give us the place to ourselves for the retreat. I told you I used to come here and work during the summers. My uncle and I are very close. Since he doesn’t have any kids, he’s always meant to leave the place to me. When I’m sick of being a lawyer, we’ll move up here and be innkeepers. Tomorrow we can go skiing.”

Jessica threw him her best “you’re crazy” look. She ignored the “we” comment. He loved to joke. It didn’t mean anything. “Do I look like a girl who’s ever skied before? This is the most snow I’ve ever seen in real life. Besides, I told you, I’m heading home tomorrow. There’s not a lot I can do if Gideon won’t let me in any of the classes. I suppose the mixers will be off-limits, too.”

Reid poured himself a glass and lounged casually on the bed. He looked incredibly sexy leaning back against the snowy white comforter. He was all lean elegance and male model hotness. She rather thought he knew the effect he had on her. “You can mix with me. Screw Gideon. He can handle the conference all by himself. He doesn’t need me, anyway. I’ll spend the week teaching you to ski and…other winter sports.”

“Dare I ask what those are? I doubt it’s hockey. Are you going to teach me to figure skate?”

He snorted elegantly. It was a thing Jessica thought only Reid could manage. “That is so stereotypical. I do not watch figure skating. I prefer hockey. The guys are way hotter. No darling, I was talking about other winter sports. What do you say we fuck?”

She threw her head back and laughed. He was such a tease. “Sure, Reid. We’ll just hole up in here and fuck each other’s brains out. I would believe that you were fucking Gideon before I would believe that was going to happen.”

Reid’s handsome face flushed. “Well, now that you mention it…”

There was a loud knock on the door.

“Saved by the bell,” Reid muttered under his breath. “That must be your martini. I told room service to bring it up.”

He crossed to the door and opened it. Gideon charged in.

“Thank god,” he breathed upon catching sight of her. He crossed to her and laid his hands on her shoulders. “I thought you had left.”

“Reid wouldn’t let me.” She pulled away from him. “He said it wasn’t a good idea for me to drive back tonight.”

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