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Own Me

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I’m still focused on the climax, still half-lost in pleasure, when I feel Gio part my ass cheeks. Something thick and cool touches my anus.

Oh god.

He’s finally going to fuck me. But not in the way I expected. My body tenses, and I look over my shoulder, eyes wide.


He pauses to look down at me. His cock stands at attention between us, rock hard and wrapped in a condom, glistening with lube which explains the cool feeling. “You know the word if you want me to stop, Corbella,” he says. All the while, he continues to rub his cock against my ass, up and down my slit, between my cheeks, coating me with the lube he’s wearing.

I swallow hard, debating. The vibrating egg inside my pussy doesn’t help me make clear-headed decisions. “I’ve never… done this, before. Sir,” I add, remembering at the last second.

He leans over me and I tense in anticipation of another spanking. Instead he just brushes my hair off my shoulder and kisses the spot between my shoulder blades gently. Kisses his way up my spine, around the side of my neck, to nuzzle his nose into the crook between my jaw and my neck. “We don’t have to do this,” he says.

But his voice is hot against my skin, and I can feel his whole body pressed against my back at this angle. And the egg is still pushing against my G-spot, already making me start to tremble toward a second orgasm.

So I turn my head and kiss him, full on the lips. “Fuck me, sir,” I whisper into his mouth.

He doesn’t need any more invitation than that.

He slides his cock into my ass, an inch at a time, slowly, making me feel every second of the penetration. I groan with the feeling, painful and pleasurable all at once. With the egg in my pussy, I feel fuller than ever, stretched to my breaking point. And yet, he’s still going, still sliding into me, every inch as thick as I imagined.

Finally, his hips connect with mine, his cock fully inside my ass. My hands have curled around the leather cuffs in fists again, as I struggle to make my body relax. It’s hard to do when the egg is driving me wild, and his cock starts to slide out of me again, still slow. But finally, I’m able to spread my legs wider and sink into the stack of pillows he slid under my hips. I am his to use however he wants; all I can do is relax and trust that he’ll make me feel good too, when he takes his pleasure from me.

He finds a rhythm, rocking his hips against mine, his cock sliding in and out of my ass at a steady pace, a little faster each time he enters me. Finally, he’s fucking me hard enough that his balls slap my sensitive pussy lips with every thrust. My pussy tightens in response, around the hard vibrating egg. He reaches down between us, and there must be a remote control or something, because suddenly the egg starts to vibrate at a higher speed. Right against my G-spot, while he continues to fuck me from behind.

I can’t contain it any more.

“May I come, sir?” I call out, my voice strangled with effort.

He tightens his grip on my hips. “Yes, slut. Come for me. Come with my cock in your ass.” With that, he thrusts once more, harder than ever, and it’s enough to push me over the edge.

I cry out with the force of the orgasm that shatters through me. Dimly, through the haze of pleasure, I’m aware that he’s still going, still fucking me, my tight ass clenching hard around his thick cock. I’m still lost in the haze of my climax when he starts to speed up, groaning through his clenched teeth, nearing his own peak.

I tilt my head to look over my shoulder at him, watching the expression that floods his face as he comes. It’s at that moment when he looks most vulnerable, his eyes half-closed yet locked on mine, his mouth parted, a guttural groan escaping his body as he comes deep in my ass.

In response, I clench my ass as hard as I can, my cheeks coming together around him. He thrusts once more, twice, then collapses across me, breathing hard, his cock still twitching inside me.

“Fucking hell, Corbella,” he pants against my ear.

I grin and turn to kiss him, deeply. Our tongues entwine, and for a moment I forget that I’m tied up beneath him, that the toy he stuffed inside my pussy is still vibrating away. All I can think of, for a moment, are his lips on mine, the fact that I just brought pleasure to the man who gave me so much pleasure of my own.

Then he slides out of me, tugs the egg gently out of my pussy at the same time, and I come crashing back down to reality. Tied to a bed, bruises around my wrists and peppering my ass cheeks.

What just happened?

And more importantly, would sex with Gio always be this… intense?

When he asked me to be his, exclusively, and to pay me even more than my usual rate, it sounded too good to be true. I wondered what the catch was.

Now I’m wondering if I just found it.

Not that I didn’t enjoy that. I did–I really did. But would regular sex be enough for a man like Giovanni? Or would every night with him be like this, full of pain and pleasure in equal measure, a marathon of a kink-fest? And am I okay with that?

I’m kinkier than I thought I was, I’m starting to realize. I definitely like the power-play in bed, and being tied up. Even the spanking was hot, though I could use a little less of it next time–I’m not looking forward to trying to sit down tomorrow. I just don’t think I could do this all of the time. I’d need normal sex sometimes too. Some kind of emotional connection…

I shake my head.

What am I thinking? I don’t need an emotional connection to my client. And if he gets off on beating me up every time we fuck, then, well… That’s pretty much what I signed up for.

As I’m thinking all this, Giovanni is busy undoing my restraints. They fall to the sheets, and I pull my hands free, rubbing my wrists. He notices, and cups his hands around mine, massaging my bruised wrists. He uses his grip on them to tug me against him, cradling me against his chest in the bed. His lips brush the top of my head lightly.

But my head is still spinning with confusion. I’m still trying to work out how I feel about this–all of it. So, gently, I untangle my hands from his and touch his cheek softly.

“I’ve got to run, Gio,” I murmur. Then I stand up and head for the bathroom to find my clothes. When I emerge again, fully dressed and balancing in my sky-high heels, he’s watching me from the bed with something almost sad in his eyes.

“Thank you for coming, Corbella. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did.”

I cross the room to straddle him over the bed. Then I lean down and kiss him right on the lips, soft and slow. When we part again, we’re both smiling. “I definitely did,” I promise him. Because it’s true. For tonight, at least, I loved the experience.

“I can see you again in two days,” he replies. “I’ll pay you $5,000 per day in the meantime. To wait for me.”

His eyes, when they catch mine, are still soft and sad. It makes my chest ache to see him like that. I want to lie back down with him now, kiss the sadness from his eyes. Hold him against me until he’s smiling. But that would cross the boundaries. That would be taking this too far. So instead, I kiss him one last time and head for the door.

“I’ll see you then,” I agree over my shoulder. Then I step out of his bedroom. Make my own way down the stairs to the front door, along the steps. All the while, I can’t get one burning question out of my mind. I need the money, and I want Gio. But tonight, he was only just getting started. I can’t even imagine what else he has in store for me next. So, with that in mind, I need to know…

Can my heart handle the distance between us?


“How are you doing, sweetie?”

How am I doing, Mom? Well, I’m currently standing in the back storage room of my crappy coffee shop job, unable to sit down because of the enormous bruises on my ass from my second job fucking a rich man for money the other night. And all of this money I’m struggling to earn needs to go straight to your good-for-nothing asshole of a new husband.

But I can’t tell her all of that. Of course not. None of this is her fau

lt. Well, aside from her having terrible taste in men. But she didn’t know what my stepfather was really like–even I didn’t realize how truly evil a person he was, and I already disliked him.

So I suck in a deep breath, force a smile, and hope I sound convincing when I reply, “Great!”

“You sure? You sound a bit tired…”

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