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Falling For You (Love In All Seasons 2)

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RonanThe light snowfall this morning left a perfect dusting for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. It has been a long year, full of hard work and dedication but I was determined to make the town proud and this resort will certainly put them on the map.

“It’s with great pride I present Hollow’s End Resort!” I hand the oversized scissors to Bella’s father, Jules, and cameras flash as he cuts the ribbon, marking the opening day of the resort.

The crowd erupts in cheers and skiers begin moving toward the ski lift ready to put this hard work to good use.

Bella squeezes my hand. “You did it, Ronan,” she says, beaming up at me. “Look what you did for so many people.”

I feel her pride in me, and I wrap an arm around her, kissing the top of her head. I’m waiting for the right moment to pop the question, but I also want to catch her off guard. I’m thinking once we finish our first official ski run down the mountain, I’ll ask.

“Should we get on the lift?” I ask, nodding toward the massive ski lift that was installed. This resort is massive in scope and there are jobs for everyone. Nearly more than we could handle. And since all the rooms are booked for this first season and more lift tickets have been bought then we expected, there is no reason to believe this won’t be better than planned.

“Um, I don’t want to ride the lift,” Bella says, which is unusual for her. She usually jumps in with two feet. You should have seen her this fall when she set up her classroom for her first year as a teacher. She was all in and it’s paid off. Her students love her, with good reason.

I frown. “We spent all last winter practicing when you had time off school, I know it’s a new season, but you’ll be fine. I promise.”

“Says the man who’s built ski resorts his entire life,” she laughs.

“Seriously though, I’ll be with you.”

She tugs on my arm, turning from the mostly dissipated crowd. “I mean I can’t go on the lift, or rather, I can’t ski down the mountain.”

“Why not?”

“Because...” She breaks out into a massive smile. “Because I’m pregnant.” She laughs, shaking her head. “I mean, because we’re pregnant. We’re having a baby, Ronan.”

“Holy hell,” I shout, shocked and in awe. “You always beat me to the punch, you know that right?”

“Are you always going to hold the fact I said I love you first, against me?” She puts a hand on her hip, and I can’t keep my eyes from her. She’s having my child. I’m going to be a father. “Besides,” she adds. “What’s the punch to beat here?”

I drop to one knee and then reach into my parka, pulling out a black box.

“The punch here is, will you marry me, Bella? Will you be my bride?”

She falls to her knees too, wrapping her arms around my neck, and kissing me squarely on the mouth. Spontaneous as hell, that’s my Bella, through and through.

“Of course, I will, beast, as long as being your wife doesn’t mean you’ll get tame in the bedroom.”

I pull her closer. In her ear, I growl, “Never, my beauty. I’ll always be wild for you.”Epilogue 2: Five Years LaterBella“One more book, Mama, pretty please?” Alice asks, sleepy-eyed, and with a yawn on her lips.

“You are one tired bug,” I tell her, nestling her closer to me in the over-sized armchair of the library. I have Tucker in the crook of my other arm, and he’s out cold. Milk drool on his lips. Precious as pie. Clearly, it’s nearing bedtime for everyone.

“That’s better, loves,” Ronan says, standing up from the fireplace where he has just added kindling. “Now let me put Tucker in his bassinet so you’re more comfortable,” he says reaching for our newborn. When he takes our son from me, he gives me a gentle kiss.

I close my eyes, my body aches for him. It’s been weeks since we’ve been intimate and I’m ready for him to give me sweet dreams tonight.

“Thank you, Ronan,” I say. He looks at me, offering a wink. “On second thought,” he says, noticing the look in my eyes. “Why don’t we try putting him in his crib in his bedroom for a few hours?”

I bite the corner of my lip. “Perfect. And this little one will be in bed soon, too.”

Ronan kisses his daughter goodnight and takes Tucker with him. Having a newborn at Christmas is such a joy but as I cover a yawn to match Alice’s, I’m reminded that a newborn also makes for one sleepy Mama.

“You’re tired too, Mama,” Alice says, her words as soft as her heart. She’s such a gift, one that I will never tire of. “A story can wait.” She says it kindly, but I can see how badly she wants just one more story.

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