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Falling For You (Love In All Seasons 2)

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“You’re so nice and tight,” he said, words I’d never heard before.

I realized Blaine had been a selfish ass—all that time wasted, when I could have found someone to please me. But in this moment that didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except the fact that Liam caused me to tremble as another orgasm shot through my walls, my pussy pulsing as it clenched tight in a way I couldn’t do on my own.

“Fuck,” I screamed, my back arching uncontrollably.

I knew I wasn’t supposed to move, but he had done this to me. His fingers were in my pussy and his thumb still circled my clit, and another orgasm rolled through me. His eyes were heady with desire, and I wanted to wrap my legs around his waist and pull his mouth to mine.

But then a bell rang, and interrupted my next move.

“Shit,” Liam said, moving his hand slowly from my heat. “Another client.”

“Oh,” I said, disappointed, but also a bit worn out. No guy had ever gone down on me like that. “Do you have clients all day?”

“You want more?” he asked, that smooth, sexy smile returning.

He crossed his arms and his pecs flexed under his cotton tee. I wanted to rip it off. I wanted him to pick me off the table and pin me against the door.

“I need you to tell me what happens next,” I begged. “I need you to tell me where you want my pussy.”

“Mmmm, you are a good, submissive lover.”

“Is that what you like? Telling women what to do?”

“I like telling you what to do.”

I closed my eyes, letting his words fill the space for a moment. He knew the exact right thing to say.

“So what you are going to do, Callie,” he began, “is put your clothes on, and walk out of here. You’ll go to your room and take a nice long nap, because when you come back here tonight at eight, I’m going to need you to be able to listen. And I also need you to have stamina, because I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

“Is that a demand?” I asked coyly, standing in front of him, pressing my hand on his cock, which began to grow hard again.

“Hell, yeah, it’s a demand. I know what you need, and it’s my job to take care of you.”

“Just your job?” I asked, playing with the idea that this could be more.

“Not a job like being a masseuse; it’s my job to make you come. It’s my job to teach you how to fuck my cock.”

With that, he turned and slipped out the door, leaving me alone to dress. To walk away with shaking legs and a fast beating heart.

I would come back tonight. I needed to.

I had no choice.Chapter ElevenReturning to the cabin, I couldn’t suppress the smile on my face. The day was brisk, but the sky was clear, just like my mind. I had clarity for the first time in what felt like months—maybe even years.

I was done holding the reins so tightly that my skin cracked and my heart turned cold. I wanted to be filled with the warmth that had blossomed in my core.

Obviously life couldn’t be all ecstasy and orgasms, but it also didn’t have to be bitter and judgmental. I didn’t want to be so rock-solid that I forgot what it felt like to have waves wash over me, breaking me down so I remembered that I was alive.

This was my life. My one precious and wild life.

I had been too rigid, for too long.

Liam had broken me free.

And fuck, I was going to do it all again tonight.

Opening the door to the cabin, I knew that for now my story would stay my own.

“Hi, Courtney,” I said. “Your day go okay?”

“Yeah, I mean, I wish I had splurged on going on a kayak trip or something, but it’s been okay,” she said briskly. “Quiet, but fine. What are you so smiley about?”

“I just had the best massage of my life.”

“That’s great.” She pulled Brie and grapes from the fridge. “Wine?” she asked, holding up a bottle of Chardonnay.

“Yes, please,” I said, realizing that I had stepped away from my regular role of making the food, and the world hadn’t ended. Court got a knife for the fig jam and put the crackers in a bowl. “This all looks so yummy.”

“Good,” she said. “Well, I’m glad the massage was nice. It’s the worst when you get a crappy masseuse. This one knew what they were doing?”

“Yeah, he definitely knew what he was doing,” I say, hiding my smile with a gulp of wine. “Actually, I booked another one for later tonight. I figured what the hell, we’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Right, what the hell,” Court said, turning her back towards the sink. I could tell something was up with her, but before I could ask Willow walked through the door. And maybe it was for the best; my body was in a state of bliss and I couldn’t really get caught up in Courtney’s mood.

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