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Cormac (Dangerous Doms 2)

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When my father was Chief, one of his own left his wallet and keys in a woman’s room after a one-night stand. I attended the punishment he received for it, witnessed Keenan delivering a beating I remember to this day. It was one of my first inductions into Irish mob life, one I won’t forget.

Tully curses under his breath, then looks to Keenan.

“I’m sorry, sir,” he says. “Slept with a girl from the club. Came home, found my keys missing.”

“And you didn’t tell anyone,” Keenan says, his voice holding deadly calm.

Tully clears his throat. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Thought I’d go by in the morning and get them,” he said.

“You fucked her on your night on duty,” Nolan says. His boyish grin is gone, his eyes flinty. “Sheena told all.” He turns to Keenan. “Sheena’s the reporter.”

“Do I need to ask how you got the information out of her?” Keenan asks.

“No,” Nolan says, and his lips twitch. “I did so thoroughly. Suffice it to say, the girl won’t be back here anytime soon. I got what I needed.”

Keenan nods. He trusts him.

“Would explain the call I got from Walsh,” Boner says. He served time, and with his characteristic charm and wit, befriended several corrections officers and local police. He’s the one that keeps their bellies and wallets full. It comes in handy having local law enforcement in our pocket.

“What’d Walsh say?” Nolan asks, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Walsh is the head of the Ballyhock police force.

“Said a woman called to complain to him about seeing one of the men in our family manhandling a woman outside their estate.”

Nolan snorts. “Didn’t give a name?”

“No, but he traced it back to the bitch. Told her he’d look into it.”

“I’ll take care of her,” Nolan says.

“Do it,” Keenan says, his voice steel. “Or I will.”

Keenan and Nolan lock gazes for a moment. Nolan knows Keenan’s way of taking care of her will end her life. “You know the laws of The Clan when it comes to spying, Nolan.”

“I do, brother,” Nolan says. “But this particular spy may prove useful.”

“She’s got a nice arse, too, aye?” Lachlan says with a grin. He’s young, nearly twenty years old, but he’s a big lad, sturdy and fearless. “Might also prove useful.”

Nolan narrows his eyes at him but the others guffaw.

“Shut it,” Nolan says. “Her mighty fine arse has nothing at all to do with it.”

We sober when Keenan clears his throat. “Lachlan.”

As the newest member of The Clan, Lachlan’s called on by Keenan to earn his place at times. He’s still learning the laws of our order, the rules of brotherhood and fellowship.

Tully squirms, as if he knows what’s coming.

Keenan continues to address Lachlan. “How would Malachy deal with one of you boys if you’d been responsible for a security breach by sheer negligence?”

Lachlan strokes his chin thoughtfully. “Well,” he begins. “He taught us the order of the Clan, so we were held to those rules even as young lads.”


“A breach against security puts the lives of everyone in danger,” Lachlan says. His voice holds a tone of authority of an older man. He’s a natural born leader. “Malachy is an old-fashioned sort,” he says. “A minor infraction, anyone who did such a thing would likely lose privileges. No leaving school grounds, errand boy for the teachers at the weekend, that type of thing. But a more serious infraction would earn physical punishment. Hard labor. A brutal workout. A hard beating.”

“Aye,” Keenan repeats. He turns to Tully. “And what would you say’s a proper punishment?”

As father figure to our Clan, Keenan holds everyone to high standards.

Tully clears his throat. “Whatever you think best, sir.” Though we love each other like brothers, there’s a distinct hierarchy we all adhere to. I observe Keenan’s methods closely, as second-up to the throne.

Tully looks as if he might be sick. He’s no wimp, and I’ve seen him fight with the best of them. A fellow strike force brother, he’s had his jaw and nose busted. But it’s one thing getting into a fight and getting your arse kicked, and quite another to be sentenced punishment by your Chief.

“Good answer,” Keenan says. “It’s by sheer luck the breach was something rather easily dealt with this time. Cormac will see to your punishment.”


He turns to Lachlan. “And Lachlan will capture it on video and send it to the girl you fucked.”

My stomach tightens. I hate raising fists to my own brothers. But our rules are inflexible, and Keenan doesn’t play games.

“The girl’s best friends with Sheena,” Nolan says. “It’ll get back to her.”

Keenan swings his gaze to Nolan. “Precisely.”

“Will it please her, though?” I ask Keenan.

He shakes his head. “Depends on what we say when we deliver the message. I want her to know exactly who she’s dealing with.”

Tully stands and faces the group. “I’m sorry.”

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