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The Bratva's Baby (Wicked Doms 1)

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“Punish me?” she asks, her pink cheeks flushing even pinker than before. “In front of them? What… how”

She’s so innocent, it’s almost endearing. Almost. The fire in her eyes makes my dick hard even as I yearn to punish her. The sooner I strip her of her defiance, the sooner she submits her will to mine.

“Do you need a demonstration?”

She frowns. “You kidnapped and drugged me, and now I’m supposed to accept a drink from you like you’re wining and dining me in a restaurant?”

“Yes,” I tell her without apology. “Now choose. Drink or punishment.”

I watch as her pouty lips thin. I can almost see her internal battle.

Leaning in, I whisper in her ear, this time only for her to hear. “You have a choice, Sadie. Have a drink, or I take you across my knees and punish you like a child. You’ll sit on a sore backside for the rest of our trip, and know my brothers watched your chastisement, and likely it got them hard as fuck.” The humiliation will likely be worse for her than the actual physical pain of my punishment. Still, I watch with interest as she grits her teeth and narrows her eyes at me. With a frown, her gaze roams the length of my body then back to my eyes, and I watch with pleasure as a faint blush colors her cheeks and neck.

“You’d spank me?”

“With pleasure.”

She has much to learn.

“Fine,” she finally hisses out, turning away.

I nod and hand her the drink. It isn’t exactly compliance, but it’ll do for now. I’m observing her every move. Her body language. She’s been eyeing Maksym and Demyan since they got on the plane, and I can feel fear emanating from her like heat from a fire.

“You’re afraid,” I tell her. “Why?”

Blinking at me, she turns with a look of incredulity. “Excuse me? What part of normal human behavior are you unfamiliar with? You abducted me. You put me on a plane. I have no idea what you plan to do with me. In fact, I’ll admit to utter confusion as I’m sure normal abductions don’t typically happen the way this one did.”

My instinct to teach her manners bolts through me but I temper the need to correct her physically. For now, I’ll instruct her.

“What about this has been abnormal?” I ask casually, taking a sip from my drink. I know, of course, but I want to hear her take on this.

“I’m drinking wine,” she says. “You’ve threatened to punish me, but you’ve otherwise not abused me. And you haven’t raped me yet.”

My hands clench into fists. Her eyes travel to my white-knuckled attempt at composure. The very idea of rape disgusts me, though there are men in my brigade who have no such disgust.

“You are drinking wine because you need to rest, and if I give you another sedative, you’ll be groggier than I wish. When we arrive, we will make an appearance. I prefer for you to be lucid when that happens.” I take another sip of my drink and let her think about what I said before I continue. “Though I have no compunction about punishment if you earn it, I will not beat you,” I tell her. “In fact, my eventual goal is that you’ll crave it. The pain, at least. Eventually, you will learn to want to please me.”

“Never,” she hisses. “You’re delusional and utterly arrogant.”

I allow her to have her petty little tantrum. To think she still controls any of this. I dismiss the look of disgust that crosses her features. I have no doubt the very idea repulses her now, though deep down inside a part of her wonders what I have in mind. Morbid curiosity?

“I will not rape you,” I repeat with a smile. “But make no mistake. I will fuck you, Sadie, and when I do, you’ll like it.”

“The idea of being touched by you disgusts me,” she says, but her body betrays her. The pink at her cheeks and neck deepens, her pupils dilate. She’s an unblemished virgin, ignorant of the pleasure I can command from her body. I’ll take my time, though. I’ll enjoy her while she’s mine, for a little while. Permanent relationships are not for men like me, and anything beyond what I plan to use her for will destroy Dimitri’s plan.

I will marry her. Obtain her inheritance. Pay my tribute to Dimitri.

Then I’ll be rid of her, as women only complicate our mission.

After a while, the wine makes her eyes grow sleepy, and the hum of the plane and dimmed lights makes her eyelids droop. Her head lolls to the side, but she blinks her eyes rapidly, like a child trying to stay awake past bedtime.

“Rest,” I instruct. I snap my fingers to our attendant and obtain a blanket for her. I open it and spread it across our laps, tucking it in beside her. When I touch her, she stiffens, but I ignore that. The sooner she grows comfortable with me, the better.

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