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Burning Wild (Leopard People 2)

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Emma gathered her strength, her resolve. Once outside the door, she would force Rory to kill her, or he would drop her. If she struggled, Joshua would leap on Rory and if she was still alive she could aid him, but she couldn't be taken far from the house. Who knew where his partner waited?

The male leopard felt the female tense and knew she was about to resist again, so he opened his jaws and shut them instantaneously, sinking his teeth deeper for a better hold. Warm blood filled his mouth as the night air hit his face. The wind whipped through his fur and the rain slashed at him. The female gasped, her sides heaving, her lungs struggling for air. He was very aware of the male following him, his rival, and knew he had to drag her away from the others in order to give himself fighting room.

The blow hit him from the side, tremendously powerful, enormously strong, as a third male entered the fray with no warning. Even the wind had betrayed him, masking the presence of the huge, fit male with golden, savage eyes that held killing fury. Rory lost his grip on Emma as something inside of him broke and his cat screamed, twisting in the air to come down in a crouch, prepared to fight to the death.

Drake's frantic call to Jake earlier had put him on the road immediately, uncaring of the ferocity of the storm. He had arrived to find the scent of male leopards overpowering and Emma's female screaming in pain. Then he heard Drake's hoarse shout and knew he'd gone down as well. He shed his clothes as fast as he could, summoning the change, racing to intercept Emma's assailant. He hit him with full strength, catching him off guard as Rory emerged from the house, holding Emma by her throat.

Jake swung around in a half circle, changing his direction in midair to follow where his opponent went, arching his supple spine, sweeping out with a lateral sideswipe to catch Rory again, ripping through the thick fur, past muscles and sinew, down to the bone. With the scent of Em-ma's blood filling his nostrils, Jake nearly went mad, leaping onto Rory's back, digging his claws in and raking at the soft underbelly while he struggled for a death grip on the throat.

Rory fought back ferociously, the two cats twisting and rolling in a fight to the death. Emma staggered to her feet and turned toward the males, took a step in an effort to join with her mate in defeating their enemy, but she went down again. Rory, spun around and rushed her, his one hope of escape.

In that split second, Jake knew he had one recourse--to trust his leopard. He gave himself up to the snarling male, relinquishing control, allowing the leopard to merge fully into his mind. His leopard was on Rory in a second, faster than Jake thought possible, taking him down like prey, sinking his teeth for the suffocating kill and holding him utterly still, dominant, a male leopard in his prime completely unleashed.


RORY thrashed and clawed at the earth, but Jake held on relentlessly. He had embraced his leopard, given it full and free rein, and found that he was in as much control as ever. He was just as much a part of the leopard's form as he was in his own form. The leopard was no crueler than he was, no less dominant yet no more so. No matter the form, he was still Jake with good and bad traits, and just as much control.

He held the other male until the breath left the lungs and the heart ceased beating. And he waited still as the dead weight slumped to the ground, holding on to ensure there was no mistake and the man who would have killed or taken Emma was truly dead. Jake released him and padded over to Emma's leopard form. She lay bleeding from her throat, neck, shoulder and sides. Joshua crouched beside her but moved out of his way as he approached.

Jake shifted, uncaring that the rain poured down on his naked form. He lifted Emma into his arms and carried her back into the house. Her leopard looked up at him, shaking her head weakly. He felt muscles contorting as she shifted in his arms. He was amazed at how she was able to do it, injured as she was. She gasped, her cries muffled against his chest as her body protested the additional strain of shifting.

"Where are the children, honey?" There was a note of urgency in his voice.

"Safe room," she croaked, her hand fluttering to her sore throat.

He relaxed until he stepped inside the hall. "What the hell." Jake stopped abruptly at the sight of Drake on the floor with Conner crouched naked beside him. "How bad?"

"He's losing too much blood. I've radioed the helicopter. The pilot says he thinks he can fly him in if the wind dies down a bit. He's meeting us at the helipad."

"The men?" Meaning his all-human hands.

Conner shrugged. "Most of the horses got loose and few were badly injured. They're out looking for them as well as trying to tend to the injuries. A leopard had a lot of fun with them trapped in the stable."

"Joshua," Jake called. "Get clothes for everyone, including Emma. I'll need towels and hot water. Who's the best man we have to guard the children and Susan?"


"Get him here. Let him see the dead leopard. We're going to need an explanation for all of this. Conner, hang in there until I get Emma situated. I need to see how bad her wounds are."

"I've got this under control," Conner assured.

"Fucking bastard," Jake muttered as he bent down, preparing to set Emma on the couch.

She gripped his neck. "I'm bleeding. We'll ruin it."

"Don't be silly. Who gives a damn about the couch? I need to look at you. Hold still, honey." His hands were gentle as they probed at the wounds marring her soft skin. There was no arterial blood. Most of the rake marks were deep enough to draw blood but not to leave scars. The bite marks on her neck and throat had a few punctures that worried him, but Rory had been careful to miss anything vital. He hadn't wanted to kill a female.

He tossed a blanket over her, heedless of her blood getting on it, and crouched beside Conner. "How long has that tourniquet been on? You don't want him to lose his leg."

"I already lost it a long time ago," Drake said tiredly. He closed his eyes. "My leopard can't hold on forever, Jake, and this isn't a bad way to go."

"Fuck that," Jake snapped. "I told you, we're fixing that leg. When you wake up, you'll be stronger. I'll have the surgeon I've been talking to about this problem of yours on standby."

Drake's eyes flew open. "You cannot talk to a non-species doctor about us."

"I'm well aware of that," Jake said. "Have a little faith." He tapped Conner's shoulder. "You'll be going with him?"

Conner nodded. "Leave him to me, Jake."

Joshua rushed in, clad only in his jeans, still barefoot. He tossed Jake a pair of jeans and another to Conner. "We've got to load him on a gurney and get him moving. We've got a short window, according to the pilot. Now or never. Evan's on the way up. He says it pretty bad at the stables." He placed lanterns in the two rooms and lit a few candles to help. "The generator's been tampered with. I'll have to fix it later."

"Go up and get the kids out of the room. Get some light up there first. They'll be scared. Tell Susan to put them both to bed together and to stay with them. Tell her Evan will be there in a couple of minutes, and Mommy and Daddy will be up to reassure them. Evan can let them know Drake was injured and that's the reason we can't come right away."

Joshua nodded and raced up the stairs to follow the scent to Emma's room where he grabbed the first thing he found, gathered towels, soaked washcloths and then called down the stairs to Jake. "Here's Emma's robe and everything else."

Jake caught the robe and then the towels and wet cloth. "We'll have to put antiseptic on, as well as treat you with antibiotics so you don't get infected. Cat scratches and bites can be lethal just from infection."

Emma nodded. "I'm fine, Jake, just take care of Drake."

"There's nothing we can do until we get him to the helicopter. I want to clean you up and put you in a robe so we don't scare the kids any more than they already are." He wanted to check out every single square inch of her body to make absolutely certain that there were no serious wounds.

He washed each slash, each puncture, poured fiery iodine into the wounds so that she came off the couch and clawed him,

and then he bandaged each one as best he could before slipping her into the soft robe.

"We've got to go now, Jake," Joshua yelled. "The kids are in bed, crying a lot, but safe, and Evan's here. We've got to take Drake while the weather's calmer. The pilot says move it." He crouched beside Conner, and the two men slid a backboard under Drake before placing him on a gurney.

"Stay with the kids, Jake," Drake said.

"Shut the fuck up, Drake," Jake said, hating the lump in his throat. "I'm taking you to the helipad and making certain you live whether you like it or not." If he had one man he could call his friend, it was Drake. And after all he'd done, Jake wasn't about to let someone else see to his care.

Jake ran ahead of them, trying not to hear the sobbing of his children upstairs, but the sound stirred his leopard just as it did him. Rage swept through him, shaking him as they rushed through the rain with Drake toward the helipad.

Below the kitchen, in the large wine cellar, something moved in the dark, creeping up the stairs as the sounds of activities faded and the stench of male leopards receded. Silently the animal padded up the stairs and lifted one giant paw toward the doorknob. He had followed Drake from the stables, intending to kill him, but he'd caught the scent of the others as they shifted on the run, and knew he had to stay out of sight. It had been easy enough to slip through the open doors and secret himself in the wine cellar.

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