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Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11)

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She loved that look on his face. She loved him. How had that even happened? She was caught up in something she didn’t fully understand, but she knew he was the man for her. “Yes,” she admitted in a low tone.

He leaned down and brushed a kiss across her mouth. “Just a reminder so you don’t forget, kotyonok, I’m madly in love with you. I know you have a difficult time even thinking about sharing your feelings for me, but you have them. I can see it in your eyes. I have no problem telling you, although sooner or later you’re going to figure out that you have me wrapped around your finger.”

He flicked the little string of bells again, sending fire streaking through her body. He glanced at her foot, the one she couldn’t stop wiggling, and then he stood up and very gently took it in his hand. His hand moved up to her ankle and rubbed around the shackle.

“Does this hurt?”

“I’m trying to be still, so it doesn’t rub, but it rubs anyway.”

The key, evidently, was on the small table where he’d laid several items out. He opened the cuff and rubbed her foot very gently around her ankle and then spent another couple of minutes examining her skin. His hands were gentle and stroked caresses. She felt every one of his touches like fingers of desire dancing up her leg to settle deep in her burning sheath.

He rubbed a soothing cream on her ankle, wrapped it in something soft and furry and then, to her consternation, snapped the cuff back on.

“Mitya.” She moved, and her breasts suddenly became twin points of fire. A storm of flames flickered over her skin and settled in her nipples. The streaks radiated outward, shooting like lightning down to her already inflamed clit.

He smiled at her as he removed the cuff on her other leg. He took his time rubbing her foot and then her ankle before applying the cream, then the soft fur before replacing the cuff. He didn’t speak as he came around the bed and opened the handcuff, releasing her right arm. She pulled it down immediately, or tried to. Mitya had already taken possession and massaged her from shoulder to hand. It felt like heaven.

“I have decided this one time, you will not have to apologize to my cretin cousin. He’s living in the dark ages. He doesn’t mind his women feeling a bit of not-so-erotic pain. That is not for you, no matter how much I love seeing you like this, on my bed, waiting for me to do anything I like. No apology, and I will speak to him about using something else to restrain you.”

“Restrain me?” She wanted to be outraged, but her body was in overdrive. What she needed was release. The tension coiling tighter and tighter was killing her. She needed . . .

“A bite of pain here and there enhances, not takes away from, the experience. Unless I’m punishing you. That’s different.”

Her entire body seemed to clench with sexual need. He was driving her insane with the way he massaged and rubbed her arm, hand and even individual fingers. “Punish me?” She nearly squeaked it.

He applied the lotion to her wrist and then wrapped it before once more cuffing her. “Yes, kotyonok, punish you. I can’t let you get away with what you did tonight. You need to learn that lesson.”

“I’m not five.”

“If you were five, you wouldn’t be in the position you are in right now, Ania.” He flicked the bells with his fingers and then rounded the bed to get to the other side. The fire that was only a breath away flashed through her body as the bells jingled.

She gasped, her body going liquid. Her gaze kept straying to his cock. He looked unbelievably hard. He liked what he was doing to her, that was evident. As he took her other hand and began to massage it, she licked her lips and tried to map him out in her mind. The weight of his cock was unexpectedly heavy. She liked the shape and thickness. The flared head was broad and smooth like silk. The shaft was thick, hot to the touch and felt heavy on her tongue. When she took him in her mouth without him being in control, she had to work to get him more than halfway in, but she was determined that eventually it would be easy, although she enjoyed having to work to please him.

“You aren’t paying attention.”

Her guilty gaze jumped to his face. “I’m paying attention,” she lied. She was, just not to whatever he was saying.

“I think we’re going to reposition you.”

“If you take the cuffs off, I’ll get into any position you want me in,” she offered.

He unlocked all four cuffs on the posters. “Turn over. Lie on your belly.”

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