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Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11)

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She gripped Evangeline’s hand, her lifeline, and looked at Ashe, hoping both would stay close. “I’m not certain it’s a good idea right now,” Ania replied, keeping her voice steady. “I’ve been upset over my father’s death. I have no other family, and losing him has been a terrible blow.”

“I know how close the two of you were,” Marzio said. “But surely so many years of friendship warrants me a little bit of your time.”

She didn’t know how to graciously refuse him. She nodded to Evangeline and reluctantly let her allies go. Evangeline and Ashe moved just a little distance away.

The moment the two women put distance between them, Kiriil and Matvei moved close. “Ania,” Kiriil said gently. “Mitya gave specific instructions.”

Ania lifted her chin at Marzio, grateful beyond anything that Mitya, even out of her sight, was looking after her. “If you wish to speak to me, my bodyguards have to be with us.”

Marzio frowned. “They will report every word to Mitya.”

“There is no choice in this matter.” She was already on emotional overload and she was fearful of anything Marzio said to her. She was okay with not having the conversation, and the head of the Caruso family could clearly see that. He nodded abruptly.

Ania entered the room with both Kiriil and Matvei, who immediately took up the two best positions in the room. Once the Caruso family entered, everyone else left, leaving her alone with Marzio’s sons and their personal bodyguards. She was extremely grateful again for her two bodyguards, something she hadn’t thought possible.

Ania decided she had to come out of the fog she was in and take charge. She indicated the two armchairs. “Would you care for something to drink?”

“No, no, cara, I know you have spoken to Alessandro and he has indicated to you that Donato would like to purchase your business. That is for another discussion. This one is one I don’t wish to have because I fear it will ruin our friendship, and that is very valuable to me.”

She tried to keep her frown from showing. She didn’t have Mitya’s expressionless mask. “Please continue, signor Caruso.”

“Marzio, Ania. We won’t be formal. It is your alliance with Mitya Amurov that is distressing me. This man is not a good man. His father is one of the worst of the bratya. Everyone fears him. There are rumors of this man coming here to either kill his son or do business with him. In any case, you cannot win with a man such as Amurov. They are violent and have no problem killing women and children. They deal in things we would never think to deal with. They kill rather than keep their word. These are not good men.”

He patted her hand. “I don’t say these things to you lightly or to upset you. I weighed whether or not to approach you but could not neglect my duty to Antosha’s beloved child.”

“I appreciate that you care enough to talk to me,” she said, uncertain how to reassure him. Now she knew why he didn’t want a witness. She didn’t dare look at her bodyguards, and knew Mitya was going to know everything said, probably before she had a chance to tell him. It was obvious that Marzio was sincere. “But you do business with Mitya. All of you do.”

“Business is one thing, allowing a man like this to have a treasure is something else. Alessandro tells me your female is close to the Han Vol Dan.”

She glanced at his son. The brothers were across the room, giving their father privacy, but she knew they could hear every word. She inclined her head slowly.

“I have four sons, all good men. All willing to marry you and treat you with the respect you deserve. Alessandro in particular would very much like to have a chance with you.”

She leaned toward the patriarch of the Caruso family. So far, everything Marzio had said was the strict truth. She could hear the ring of sincerity in his voice. “My leopard has accepted Mitya’s leopard’s claim. They are bonded together. You know that’s sacred. Once done, the law of our people is strictly on his side.”

Ania was extremely glad that Mitya had touched on that very thing a few days earlier. She wouldn’t have known what to say.

“Your female isn’t as certain of the bond as you appear to think,” the older man said, his voice gentler than ever.

Ania cursed her wayward leopard. She was new at this, bonding with her female, happy she had her, but not knowing what to do when Jewel was so afraid of Dymka. She had to get Evangeline or Ashe alone for a talk.

“They’re bonded,” she repeated. “My female is nervous, yes, but she accepted the pairing.”

“It has to be her first cycle, and she can make a mistake.”

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