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Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11)

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“I have no idea. My father and I discussed it, but he didn’t know either.”

“Would your father have told you?” Marzio asked. “Pardon me, Ania, but you are young and a female. This is not done, talking business like this.”

“My father had one child, a girl, and he treated me as he would a son. I grew up learning every aspect of the business, learning to fix cars and driving. He drilled it into me that our word was our bond and it was to never be broken. He often discussed things with me I knew my mother or grandmother didn’t know, and I knew not to bring the subject matter up with them. He would have told me if he knew why, simply because I was in danger.”

Marzio leaned back against the high-backed leather chair. “This is not good. I had hoped you at least had a suspect or knew the reason your family was targeted.”

She shook her head. “I don’t.”

“You know your father took packages and delivered them for various families, including mine?”

Alessandro and Benedetto both straightened from where they were leaning on the wall and door. Even Cristo and Donato, the younger sons, came to attention. Clearly, they didn’t want their father bringing that subject up. It was the same in every leopard family. Women weren’t allowed. She’d made a commitment to Mitya by saving his life when he was being shot at, but that had been made under the emotional toll of the day. Now, she was doubting her own sanity.

“Yes, of course. My father and grandfather both drove. I was being trained so I would be able to do the same. In fact, after my father was shot, there were four contracts left unfulfilled. I carried them out.” She had to work at keeping her voice very even, not at all defiant. She wanted to appear matter-of-fact, as if women were included in the business world of these men every single day.

“Ania, I want to take you home with me and keep you safe,” Marzio said. “Instead, I must let this Russian, this man with a past that raises too many questions, protect you.” He sent one contemptuous look at her bodyguards, as if they were totally inferior to his. “He is not a good man. I have lived around many dangerous men, but this one, this man you choose, he is the most dangerous of any of them.”

She didn’t need him to tell her that. Jewel knew and had pulled back, trying to be cautious. Ania seemed to be running toward Mitya again. She feared the physical chemistry between the two of them was so explosive she wasn’t seeing straight. It took discipline to keep her hands folded neatly in her lap. She wanted to rub her temples. They were pounding, the headache probably from all the tears she’d shed the last few days.

A polite knock at the door indicated they weren’t going to have any more time alone together and Ania was grateful when Benedetto moved, opening the door to allow Evangeline to stick her head in, with her usual smile. Ania could see that she was worried and gave her a look that said to come all the way in, which, thankfully, she did.

Marzio rose at once. “I’m taking far too much of your time when you have others who would like to pay their respects.”

Ania rose with him and gave him a kiss on either cheek. His sons, to her astonishment, kissed her on either cheek, Alessandro holding her hands tightly for a moment.

“If you change your mind, call me, Ania. If this is your leopard’s first cycle, she will accept another male if the one she first chose isn’t right.”

Ania didn’t know what else to do, so she nodded. “Thank you, Alessandro. I really appreciate your interest in her.”

“In you,” he corrected.

She flashed him an uncertain smile and then watched as the family left, Benedetto closing the door behind them, leaving Evangeline and Ania alone with the Amurov bodyguards.

“Are you all right?” Evangeline asked. “I stood outside the door, so I could hear some of it, but the gist seemed to be they want you to leave Mitya and take one of them for a mate. Ashe texted Mitya, but told him your bodyguards were with you. He sent back a text that they had already informed him.” She sent Kiriil and Matvei a smile. “I’m baking something special for them.”

“I would have wanted you to bake them something special had they not informed Mitya. When this is all over, I’m hiring my own bodyguards loyal to me.” She glared at the two men.

Kiriil smirked. Matvei covered a grin.

Ania ignored them and threw herself back into the chair. “Sometimes I think I’m going crazy. Jewel seems to be a very popular leopard, and she hasn’t even emerged.” She tried not to sound bitter or resentful, but she couldn’t help it. She took the opportunity to rub her pounding temples.

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