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Samurai Game (GhostWalkers 10)

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"I know that," she admitted, reaching to stroke a caress down his face. "I do, Sam. It's just so--unexpected. When I flew out here, a man was the last thing on my mind."

"Should I expect one of your brothers to try to take my head off with his sword tomorrow?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You're in my bed, Azami," he pointed out.

"You asked permission."

"To marry you. To court you. Not to sleep with you."

"I make my own decisions, Sam. They know that." She smiled at him, that mysterious smile that said so many things. "They know better than to try to tell me what to do."

"That's a relief." He smirked a little. "I wouldn't want to have to fight a relative." He forced himself to sit up. "I'm going to run you a bath. I don't want you sore."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes, I do." He leaned over to brush a kiss across her mouth. "We're not done. I have a lot more to show you. You need to soak and get some sleep first though." Already he could feel the first stirrings of need moving through his mind.

Azami stayed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, a bemused expression on her face while he dealt with the condom and started the bathwater running. She turned her head toward him as he came back to stand in the doorway. She looked beautiful, sprawled out on his bed, her long hair everywhere, a little drowsy, her lashes long and her mouth sinful. He was having fantasies about that mouth.

"You know that your friends will try to talk you out of marrying me once they realize you're serious," she said. Her voice was very quiet, very matter-of-fact.

He stiffened. "They know you're not working against them, Azami. They accept that you're a GhostWalker. Anything you've done to take down Whitney is no different from what we do. We're in a fight for our lives, for the lives of our children. They'll not only accept you but welcome you. You're an amazing weapon."

She smiled at him, serenity on her face. "That has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm certain they'll all get used to having me provide information, support, and even tactical help when needed."

"Why would you believe they would have an objection to you?"

"They love you. That was very evident to me when you were hurt. All of them hovered around the room these past few days, continually checking on you. I heard them asking Lily if you needed blood, anything at all to help. They will try to talk you out of marriage to me out of love for you."

He went to her, lifting her off the bed to hold her close to him. "You make me happy, Azami. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be. That's all they're going to care about." He carried her to the bathroom.

She brushed her hand over his face. Her fingers trailed over his jaw and the stubble there, conveying tenderness in that small touch. "Silly man. They will not understand why I don't show you affection publicly. And I cannot. It's against my nature."

"I put a little of that oil in the water. It seemed to have some kind of healing agent in it and I thought it might help," he said as he let her feet drop into the water.

Azami wrapped her hair up, tying the thick mass into a knot on top of her head before sinking gratefully into the hot, scented bath. "Thank you, Sam, this feels wonderful."

"Two things, woman," Sam said, watching as she leaned her head against the taller backrest, relaxing completely. "First, I have no doubt that if I ever needed a public display of affection, you would provide for me. I can't see that happening. I have every confidence in your feelings for me. Secondly, we have telepathy. I intend to use that shamelessly when we're out in public. Our relationship is ours. I like it that way."

"You're a remarkable man, Sam," she said, her lashes drifting down. "You really are. When I'm in your mind, I feel your strength and confidence. Your intelligence. I fell in love with that immediately." Her lashes lifted, her eyes meeting his. "I didn't think I would find a man as good as my father. He was a fierce warrior, yet gentle and kind. He was gifted and yet humble. He raised my brothers to be the same."

"And you, Azami, he raised you to be the same."

She smiled. "That's a huge compliment, Sammy. I'm not always as kind and gentle as I would like to be. I have tried to put my anger at Whitney aside and go after him for the right reasons, but it isn't always easy." Her eyes darkened. "It didn't help that he was willing to sacrifice you to an enemy for his own gain. He claimed he would have a man in place to kill you the moment the diamond is in his hand, but you know he wouldn't. You would suffer torture the moment you are in the hands of Ezekial Ekabela. Whitney wouldn't chance sending one of the men in his private army. He can't afford to lose too many more. They're enhanced, but they all have failed the psyche tests and eventually they're going to short-circuit."

"I've run into a couple," Sam said.

"I feel sorry for them," Azami conceded. "They give up their lives, thinking they're going to get something extraordinary. He gives them good salaries, far more than they can ever make in the military, but they have to 'die' on a military mission and give up their lives with family and friends to serve him. In the end, they lose everything."

"He promises them a woman," Sam told her.

She nodded. "I know. I've studied his tactics. I've been trying to find his connections to the military and the White House and sever them, but as fast as I cut one tentacle, he seems to grow another."

"You have to remember Peter Whitney is a billionaire. He is considered by many to be the world's most renowned scientist. Few people are aware of his experiments. He has political connections everywhere. He supported candidates and charities, and has research facilities all over the world. His connection to the military goes way back. He went to school with many of the people now running things."

"His daughter has his money, doesn't she?" Azami asked. "She inherited it when he supposedly died. He never came out of hiding to claim he was alive."

"No, but he'd already siphoned off hundreds of millions to untraceable accounts. Believe me, he has no money problems. And he's so entrenched in the military, he can still land his planes at any military base around the world."

"I couldn't draw him out, not even to meet with us about the satellite," Azami said with a small sigh. She yawned, covering the gesture with her hand. "Every single time I get a fix on his location, he's gone by the time I get there."

"He moves between his facilities and he's got several that are nearly impenetrable. That doesn't mean we won't stop him, Azami. We'll get him." He crooked his finger at her. "Stand up, honey. You're going to fall asleep in the tub."

She complied, pulling the stopper to allow the water to flow out. Sam wrapped her in a towel and lifted her out, drying her thoroughly before working the knot out of her hair so it could fall free down her back. He buried his face in the silky mass.

"I love your hair."

She smiled up at him. "You always make me feel beautiful, Sam."

He hugged her tight. "You are beautiful. Hell, woman, get a clue."

She snuggled against his chest. "I'm glad you think so." She put her arms around him and held him tight. "You know I can't help being protective of you, Sam."

He laughed and scooped her up. "I feel the same way toward you." But he heard that little caution in her voice. She was serious about something and didn't think he was going to like it--which meant he probably wouldn't.

He carried her to the bed and tossed her onto the mattress, coming down beside her and dragging up the covers. "Just say it."

"Do you think General Ranier is working with Whitney?" When he remained silent, she lifted her hand to his face. "I ask because he appears to be some of the time, but I can't be certain. Would he betray you to serve Whitney?"

Sam swore to himself, detesting that he couldn't give her a straight answer. "General Ranier is a patriot. He loves his country and has dedicated his life to serving it."

She continued to look at him, not saying a word, yet answering him very eloquently with her silence.

Sam pulled her close, kissing he

r hard. "Go to sleep, baby. I'm waking you up in an hour or so." He kissed her again, his throat aching. "Just go to sleep."


Sam kept his eyes closed, afraid if he opened them, he would know everything had been a drug induced illusion. His hand reached out and beside him, the bed was empty. His heart skipped a beat and his mind rejected the idea that making love with Azami had all been a dream. For a moment, he was the young boy in the darkened doorway, terrified of moving, of breathing even, because the world would come crashing down.

He inhaled, and her fragrance still lingered in the room mixed with their combined scents. He'd made love to her three times, waking her again and again and still, it wasn't enough to sate him. He wanted her again with every bit as much intensity and passion as he had the first time. There was no doubt in his mind, he would always feel that way about her.

Be real, baby, he murmured in his mind, reaching for her. Needing her to be real.

Silly man. I'm fixing your coffee.

He let his breath out slowly and opened his eyes. You're a goddess.

Her soft laughter warmed him, and he lay there a moment just savoring the feeling of being cared for--of love and laughter.

Morning light poured through the window, glowing through a light mist. Outside, tree branches swayed gently, the leaves rustling to add to the music of the running water. The rays of the sun streamed through the tree branches, golden spotlights playing over the rippling stream. The fine layer of mist added a feeling of being cocooned in his own world. He picked up the pillow beside him and took Azami's scent deep into his lungs before stroking a caress over the pillowcase as he replaced it neatly beside his own. Throwing off the covers, he stretched lazily before padding barefoot and naked to the window to look out into the forest.

A small herd of deer moved along the trail leading to the stream. Dipping their muzzles, some drank while others served as guards. His world. He'd never really seen and appreciated it before. The forest and outdoors had always brought him a semblance of peace, but having Azami in his life had changed his perspective on things. He found himself smiling for no reason at all as he turned back to pad across the room to the bathroom.

When he emerged from his shower, a towel riding low on his hips, she was there, looking so beautiful he couldn't breathe for a moment. She carried a mug of fresh coffee. The aroma blended with her scent, a welcoming start to any morning. He found himself smiling like an idiot as he took the mug and bent to kiss her.

"You look beautiful this morning."

Her hair was back up in that twisty thing she liked, each ornate pin in place, with those few artful long strands hanging down around her neck and shoulders making her look sexier than ever to him. He wanted to remove those pins slowly all over again. She wore her silken robe, and clearly nothing else beneath it, but she smelled like heaven, so she'd had her bath. Even her hair had a fresh, citrus fragrance he couldn't quite place but he found alluring. His free hand curled around the nape of her neck. She looked serene, demure even, yet her eyes, when she looked at him, held liquid heat, bumping his pulse rate up.

"How can you look so innocent after last night?"

She gave him her mysterious smile. "A woman must have her secrets, Sammy." Her smile widened and she walked on bare feet over to the neatly folded clothing on top of the dresser.

Sam took a slow sip of coffee, watching her intently. She moved like water, a flowing, fluid motion so effortless she seemed not to displace the air around her. He had a difficult time detecting any surge of energy whatsoever around her. She was at such harmony with her surroundings, she blended in, rather than stood out.

The silk slid from her shoulders inch by inch, slowly revealing the rising phoenix, the long intriguing tail feathers, so lacy, curling along the curve of her buttocks. He nearly choked on his coffee, and his body reacted instantly to the sight of her naked body.

"I'm going to have a hell of a hard-on all day, thanks to you," he accused.

She turned her head, a graceful movement, her long lashes fluttering as she observed him with her dark eyes. "I am glad, Sam. I want you to think of me throughout the day. That will please me, knowing you are looking forward to our bath tonight."

His cock jerked hard at the memory of the way she'd cared for him. He groaned. "You're killing me, honey."

She took a scrap of lace in her hands and slowly pulled it up over her legs, lace shaping her buttocks lovingly while a single lacy strap disappeared between her rounded cheeks. Sam groaned again and stepped close to grasp one firm cheek in the palm of his hand. She smiled at him and moved her bottom more snugly into his hand. Both her hands went to the back of her head, lacing her fingers together, and her lashes lowered, her lips parting slightly.

Sam closed his eyes for a moment, praying for strength. Hot blood rushed to his groin and the memory of the taste of her filled his mouth. She was naturally sensual, every movement as precise and flowing as when she was in battle or pouring tea. His body had gone so hard he was afraid to take a step, afraid he might shatter. He swallowed hard and dropped the towel from around his hips, one hand closing around his aching erection briefly before reaching around her with both hands to cup the slight weight of her breasts.

He bent his head to her inviting neck, kissing his way down to her shoulder while his fingers plucked and teased at her nipples. Her small body shifted back against him, her skin rubbing along his like a cat.

I am picturing you at my feet right about now, with that pretty mouth of yours filled with my cock.

Really? Her head went back against his chest. Her arm came up around his neck to draw his head down to her lips. She kissed him, drawing his tongue into her mouth until he was groaning at the simulation of what he wanted. You had only to say so. It will be my pleasure.

The joy in her voice, in her mind, made his body all the hotter. He hadn't known until that moment that his enjoyment was off the map because of her enjoyment. That was the reason his body responded to her the way it did. Crazy hard. Hot and pounding with urgent need. So close to loss of control. Mind-blowing.

Azami turned in his arms, her breasts brushing enticingly against his chest. She pressed a kiss over his heart and then on various scars along his ribs and down to his belly. His breath caught in his throat as her hands cupped his balls, rolling and squeezing gently before sliding up to circle the girth of his cock. His breath left his lungs in a rush.

She took her time, just the way she did everything. Careful. Fully engaged. Complete concentration. And so damned loving he felt he'd died and gone to heaven. Her soft lips brushed over the sensitive velvet head, small kisses, her tongue swirling around to catch the pearl droplets. He put his hand on her shoulder, and she went to her knees in front of him, her gaze locking with his. The sight of her sent his heart pounding and his hips rocking. She was the most beautiful woman--the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen.

One hand slipped between his legs, massaging along his inner thigh, her fingers moving progressively higher as her mouth slid over the head of his cock. Hot. Wet. Tight. Her tongue danced over and under, hitting that sweet spot that sent a shudder of pleasure down his spine. Fire raced through his veins and raged in his groin, roaring like a firestorm in his belly. Her mouth tightened around him and her fingers found that spot right behind his balls, caressing and massaging while her mouth worked over him.

This moment was for him--all for him; he could see it in her eyes. The giving. The gift of her body to him. The selfless act of passion. The joy in her vibrated through her mouth straight to his hard flesh. The small hand at the base of his cock began to squeeze and release in time to the pull of her mouth and the massaging of her fingers. The suction was hard and tight, and then slow and easy, shallow and then deep with that clever little tongue teasing at the one spot that kept his body shuddering with pleasure.

Sam couldn't take his eyes from her even as his hips began to take over the rhythm, his cock on fire in that silken, wet tunnel. Take

a breath. Because he needed this now. He couldn't stop the small thrust that took him deeper and damn it all, he'd been proud of being long and thick, but he was pushing her to the limit and he couldn't stop the need building in him--raging in him. Another. He pushed deeper each time, holding there for just a moment while she squeezed and massaged his cock, while the fire burned out of control in his cock.

She gave herself up to him, coughing a little, but following his command each time he told her to take a breath. The heat built and built, the pressure never ending, never letting up. He could feel the fiery storm in his balls, and those clever fingers never stopped massaging, pressing deeper just as she took him deeper, her mouth so tight, so silky, he couldn't stop the hard thrust of his body as she took him over the edge.

Her long lashes fluttered as her throat worked, but she was valiant and determined, her mouth loving him as he poured into her. He stayed for as long as possible in pure ecstasy before slowly softening while her tongue washed him the way her hands had done, with meticulous care and total commitment.

Sam's knees threatened to give out. He stood on shaky legs waiting for his brain to work again. Azami stood up gracefully, a small pleased smile on her face as she leaned over him, her hands cupping him gently so she could place a kiss on the head of his cock.

"Thank you, Sammy. I love pleasing you."

Before he could find his voice, she padded barefoot into the bathroom, and he could hear her rinsing out her mouth with the unhurried, fluid movements he had come to expect from her. He stood in the middle of the bedroom, breathing deep, shocked that his life had changed in the blink of an eye, shocked that a woman such as Azami could possibly give herself to him the way she did--so completely.

She reentered the room, looking just as innocent and demure as she had earlier, as if she hadn't just taken him to heaven. She reached for the small lacy bra that matched her underwear. "The garrote is such a thin wire it doesn't show up on airport security. And if it did, it simply appears to be an underwire. It's very comfortable, so much so, I forget it's there most of the time."

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