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Viper Game (GhostWalkers 11)

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They each knew the layout of the building and each had their own enhancements. The five men were used to working together, already a cohesive team, but Pepper was an outsider, one they weren't familiar with, yet they needed her. Ordinarily, they would never have gone into the field with someone they didn't know. Wyatt saw the others exchanging uneasy glances and he couldn't blame them. Bringing someone untried, someone new, into a cohesive team was a recipe for disaster.

He was certain none of them believed she would betray them, they'd gotten to know her and they all trusted Wyatt. He was connected to her and he hadn't found one hint of conspiracy or an alternate agenda. He'd made that abundantly clear to them. She wanted those children free just as they did. Just the same, she was an unknown. All of them knew they could count on each other, but Pepper... He sighed. They would just have to do the best they could.

Draden leapt from the boat when he stopped it and almost instantly disappeared into the terrain. He blended wherever he was, a ghost, moving through any background, impossible to find unless it was far too late and he was already on top of you. He would be their man to take out the guards while Wyatt controlled the dogs. Draden tied off the boat to keep it in place, using a tree stump.

Watch yourself. Snakes and alligators love this particular spot, Wyatt warned. Zeke, we're countin' on you to keep them away from us.

Roger that.

In the field, Ezekiel was all business. The cat in him was strong, the drive to hunt sometimes coming close to overpowering him. He was enormously strong and could leap high as well as long distances. He would clear most fences with no problem. Ezekiel was an extremely dangerous man, but he never left a friend, and he would fight to the death to get to a team member in trouble. Wyatt was grateful he was there.

Out of curiosity, Pepper, Ezekiel asked. Can you control snakes?

Wyatt felt the instant alertness in the team members. He glanced down at her face. Did she feel it too? Did she feel the sudden change in energy directed at her? She already felt like an outsider, a flawed GhostWalker, destined for termination. Wyatt wasn't as certain that Whitney wanted her dead, but still, he knew she felt very alone.

Her eyes met his as she took his hand to step from the boat. He pulled her in close to his body, wanting her to feel protected. Not in the way you mean, Ezekiel. I can't make them move away from me, but I can soothe them sometimes if they're agitated. I usually am aware of a snake close to me, but I can't always count on that. Here in the swamp, I had a lucky escape or two. It's possible Ginger can though, she added, sounding matter-of-fact.

Wyatt knew she didn't feel matter-of-fact. He tightened his fingers around hers and pulled her hand to his chest, pouring his mind into hers, filling her with him - with his belief in her. She wasn't alone and he didn't want her to ever think she was.

I meant the things I said to you earlier, Pepper. We're together in this. We'll get them out. The boys are used to workin' with each other. They trust you, but you're an unknown in the middle of a team that's worked together through many battles. We know how one another thinks.

She nodded her head in understanding. I'll stay open to you at all times. You can build a bridge between us, Wyatt, so I'm included in your loop.

And you're under my command. He wanted to make that very clear. It's important we work together as a team, Pepper. I can' have a wild card runnin' loose when all of our lives are on the line. Our first priority is the children, but if we have to cut and fade, you will come with us.

She bit down hard on her lower lip. Her guilt and sorrow at leaving the other two girls behind still beat at her. She was afraid for them, afraid they would think she'd abandoned them, and he didn't blame her, but they had to be prepared for a fight with Whitney's soldiers once they took the girls back, and that meant preparation time.

I'll never forgive myself if anything happened to them. I know Braden would have ordered the guards and the lab techs to tell them I left them and I wasn't coming back.

She'd told him that last night, but he let her say it again. In the midst of a team of GhostWalkers, she had to feel isolated. She wouldn't be there at all if they didn't need her to get the children out. They could kill the guards and use their keys and prints to open the elevators, but that would open an entire new can of worms. The goal was to get in and get out without anyone knowing they were there until after they were gone. The last thing any of them wanted to do was fight their way out with two babies on their hands.

Wyatt took the lead, moving through the swamp, feeling carefully with not only his experience, but also with his enhanced cat senses. Oftentimes, one could take a step and just sink right through to the murky, muddy waters below. The ground could be very thin in places. One had to know where to step, and even then, erosion was always taking place in the ever-changing swamp.

The babies will know better. The guards and lab people aren't goin' to persuade them differently. They'll be able to sense lies. Ginger can, and no doubt the others can as well. I think Whitney wants us to have those babies. I think he studied my personality and yours and knew we'd fight for those children regardless of whether or not we believed they were biologically ours.

Then we really could be walking into a trap. What's to say he doesn't want us all living in the horrible compound, guinea pigs for his experiments?

Wyatt shrugged. It doesn't really matter much, does it? We're not leavin' them there, so we don' really have a choice. Whitney doesn' like things easy for us. He sets up his hideous little experiments to see how his soldiers work together. That's part of his fun.

He held up his fist as they approached the end of the tree-line. His team sank low and scanned the tall fence just ahead of them. Pepper followed their example. She'd gone out many times as a child and teenager, into the field to practice and learn maneuvers so she wasn't unfamiliar with their silent signals.

Malichai leapt for the branches of the nearest tree, drawing himself up easily, careful to keep the leaves from rustling or the branches from swaying. He was light and nimble when he needed, a strange phenomenon for such a big man. The others all called him the "rubber man" because his spine was so flexible, much like a large cat's, that he could turn in midair and switch direction. His flexible spine came in handy when moving fast through trees.

Two guards on this side. Our friend Larry and his pal, Jim. They've got the dog, Wyatt. You'll have to reach out and keep that dog moving. He's already scenting the cat in all of us.

I don' think so. He didn' really react when he was near the house and I had my scent everywhere. I think he's lookin' for a particular scent. Snake. He's reactin' to Pepper bein' close. I've almost got him. Give me another minute. Draden, hold your position.

Draden stilled at the very edge of the grass leading to the fence. The dog whined, swinging his head toward them, and then just as quickly, turned away, walking casually close to the chain-link fence with his handler.

Wyatt waited until the two guards moved around the corner of the building. You're on, Draden, be careful. They've got a guard up on the roof. Don' forget the cameras. We don' want Whitney to see any feed of us workin' together. We give that man nothing at all if we can help it.

A lazy one on the roof, Malichai said. That's no soldier. He's lighting a cigarette. He's got a comfy chair up there and a he's settling down to read.

A literate guard. Wyatt couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice.

The guards at the plastic plant had no idea what was going in or out of their compound and they'd grown

a little complacent. Larry, he knew, was suspicious. He'd even tried to warn Wyatt, which signaled he wasn't privy to Whitney's plans. The civilian guards were considered disposable by Whitney and Braden. Wyatt didn't consider them disposable, and he'd cautioned his team, especially Ezekiel and Trap, to use as little force as possible.

You're absolutely certain of the thickness of those walls? he asked Pepper, building a bridge so his team could hear. We can't be off at all.

There was no way to measure, Wyatt. I went off the original blueprints and added what I thought looked right, but if you're planning on setting a charge... She trailed off, obviously worried.

Charges make noise. We're goin' in absolutely silent. I would prefer no one knew we've been here, at least not tonight. Trap, we don' have exact measurements. If you can' feel how thick that concrete wall is, don' attempt to get in. We'll think of somethin' else.

Tell me what you're doing, Pepper demanded.

We're goin' to take the buildin'. You'll go in through the air vents just like you did before. In case they're lyin' in wait for you, Trap will go in first to protect you and children.

That's your plan? Are you insane? It's impossible. He's too big. He'd never be able to fit into the vents.

Wyatt curled his fingers around the nape of her neck, his thumb pushing up her chin so she was forced to look at him. He could feel her pulse beating hard into his hands. He'll be there. If he can', I'll let you know and you abort until we all get inside to take them back. If we have to, we'll kill everyone inside. We don' want to do that, but we won' leave the children in those cells, Pepper. That's a promise.

She swallowed hard and put her hand on his forearm. You know someone will be waiting down in the cells.

Maybe. Maybe not. They've never had a real break-in before, and I would guess they don' believe it's possible.

Pepper took a deep breath and let it out. How is Trap going to get into the cells where the children are being held without being seen? You never told me.

That's what he does, honey. Just do your part and get into position. Wait until I give the go-ahead and then get to the children. And don' let them bite Trap.

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