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Grant's Deal (The Virgin Surrogates)

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Grant has to be at least a foot and a half taller than me and yet he always has his sexy blue eyes trained on me. With almost jet black hair and a slight five-o-clock shadow going on, he’s a walking sex magnet. What he’s doing in here is a mystery to me.

All my life I let fantasies of prince charming fly away, hell, I’ve shoved them away because I never expected to live a life better than I had. We were almost dirt poor, but not for my parents not trying. Small town USA has been dying with jobs going to China and we’re all left floundering. Then in walks this sexy son of a bitch and a hope flutters in my heart that maybe he’ll want more than a business deal and my pussy.

“How about we stop here and have a bite to eat, so we can talk?” he offers after getting off the phone with his lawyer. I did my best not to listen in, so I observed the city from the safety of the limo. Although being with Grant doesn’t feel that safe. I’m ready to take off my clothes for this man and let him put his baby in me for free. Gosh, I’m losing it. The city is getting to me right away.

We enter a delicatessen and order, taking a seat at a corner table with two corned beef sandwiches on rye and a couple of sodas. “I’m sure you want to know a lot about my health.”

“I do.” He opens the wrapper for me, reading my nervousness like a book. Taking a bite, I moan. This is the best meal I’ve had in a long time. I have been saving money to make the trip here that I’ve been living off ramen and oatmeal.

When I look at him, his eyes are focused on my lips. He quickly clears his throat and says, “Mostly, I’m just curious where you’re scheduled to go to school.”


“I graduated from there. Your major?” I bite my lip because honestly I haven’t narrowed that down. Seeing my hesitation, he adds, “You don’t have to know what you want to be right away.” God, now that I’m thinking about it, I feel stupid. I wanted to get out so badly that I never gave it much thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Grant asks, grabbing my chin with his thumb and forefinger. God, just the gentlest touch and I want to throw myself on him. He’s right this is definitely the hard way of getting pregnant. My emotions are already involved. It’s been an hour since we met and I’m falling for this stranger. Lust is a huge part of it, but there’s more. I can’t explain it, but if I’m not careful, after two years I’m the one going to be walking away, rich but broke all the same.

His phone rings and he smiles impishly before whispering, “my lawyer.” While he talks mostly in yes or no answers, he eats and so do I. His eyes never leave mine and I wonder what he’s thinking.

As soon as he’s off the call, he apologizes, “Sorry about that. Now where were we? Oh yes, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

“I should be heading back to the apartment I share with my friends,” I say, dodging his question. I take a bite of my food and let out a moan. A low growl comes from him and his eyes are focused on my lips.

“To get your things?” He arches his brows and somehow that makes him even sexier. This panty-melting bastard.

I try to create space, but I have a feeling that I’m poking the bear and gonna love it. “You know we can still have sex and not live in the same place.”

He seems calm, but I can see that he’s angry. “No the fuck we can’t. I’m a busy man, doll. I can’t be running by after a long day to pick you up, take you home, fuck you senseless and then drive you back home every damn night.”

Damn! Every night? I’m practically screaming.

“I suppose you have a point. Can we go to pick up my things now?”

“Absolutely.” We dump our drinks and wrappers into the wastebasket, and he takes my hand, leading back to the limo. A camera flashes around us and I blush, panicking and ducking my head into his chest.

His thick finger presses up under my chin, lifting my eyes to his. “Relax, doll. They’re just nosy reporters. They see a limo, and they need to snap. I don’t recall ever making TMZ, so we’re okay.”

“Are you famous?” I ask once we’re inside and driving away from the mob.

“No, just rich.” He gently kisses my hand and releases me. His phone rings again, and for the next ten minutes, it’s as if I don’t exist as he talks shop. I know next to nothing about this man, and yet I’m in his limo willing to let him impregnate me for money. This is ridiculous.

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