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Can't Fight It (Fair Lakes 3)

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“Okay. I’ll talk to you when you get here.” She pauses. “Colt?”


“I love you.”

Damn this woman, and what she does to me. “I love you too. I’ll be there soon.”

“Okay.” The line goes dead, and I drop my phone to my lap.

“Well?” Chase asks.

“I don’t know, man. All she managed to tell me was that she was safe. That we’re safe. I don’t know what that means, but I can only assume the guy has been caught? I hope to hell he’s either dead or rotting in jail. I hate looking over my shoulder, and what’s worse is the worry and fear for Hollis and all of you. My son, you and Gabby, and Mom and Dad. Everyone who is close to us.”

“She’s all right? Milo…” He swallows hard. “He’s all right?”

“Yeah. She assured me they were both fine.”

Chase nods. He loves his nephew, their bond is… special. Chase thought he was Milo’s father for a while, and he fell in love with him only as a father can. Then, he learned that he wasn’t the father, but the uncle. It was hard for him. I think the fact that he and Gabby are so close to the delivery of their own baby helps. I also know it’s a bond that I will never be able to explain, and I don’t want to. It’s special between the two of them. My brother, although younger, he’s the true hero. He stepped up, and even after he found out Milo wasn’t his son but his nephew, he loved and cared for him until I could. I’ll never be able to repay him for that.

“Seems like my little brother is always bailing me out,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. I’m still scared as hell, but I trust Hollis.

“Nah, you would do the same for me.”

“I would. I appreciate you driving me. I’m sure you’d much rather be home with Gabby.”

“She’ll understand. I’ll call her when we get to your place.”

“Thank you, Chase. For stepping up with Milo, for loving him and taking care of him. For being here with me now.”

“That’s what family does.”

“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

“Your thanks is enough. I mean, you can throw in some babysitting when my little girl gets here. Give Mommy and Daddy some alone time,” he says, smiling, his eyes still on the road.

“Definitely,” I say, and then his words register with me. “Little girl?” I ask. He’s so blissed out over the thought of his wife and daughter he doesn’t even realize what he just said.

“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “Did I say little girl? I mean, when my girl delivers.” He tries to cover up his slip and does a terrible job at it.

“No, that’s not what you said.” I’m grinning from ear to ear. “I’m getting a niece,” I say. “Don’t worry, Uncle Colt and Cousin Milo will help you scare off all the boys.”

“Let’s not talk about my daughter and boys,” he says, his voice stern.

His grip tightens on the wheel, and I hold in my laughter. That could be any of us, and the thought of a daughter, and all the dicks out there… that shit is scary.

“There!” I point at him. “You admit it.”

“Fuck, don’t tell Gabs. She’d kill me if she knew that I let the gender slip. She has this big reveal planned when we’re all together for Christmas.”

“I won’t say a word,” I assure him as he pulls into my driveway. “You recognize that SUV?” I ask Chase. It’s all black with tinted windows. I know before I ask the question that he’s not going to know who it is.

“No,” he says, putting his truck in Park, but I’m already reaching for the handle and climbing out. “He’s here. He found her, and her call was her way of getting me here. Fuck!” I run into the house, slipping and sliding on the snow and ice. I almost bust my ass, but I get my footing under me and keep running. I don’t stop until I reach the front door, and bust through, not knowing what I’m walking into, but knowing that my entire fucking life is behind these four walls.

Twisting the handle, I push through the door and survey what I see. Hollis is sitting on the loveseat with Milo asleep in her arms. She’s holding him close, but she doesn’t seem to be afraid or in distress.

“Colt.” She smiles as tears shimmer in her eyes.

I rush to her, taking the seat next to her. Leaning over, I kiss her softly on the lips, running my hands down Milo’s back. I then look at the man and woman sitting on the couch. “What’s going on?” I ask, keeping my eyes on them.

“Who are they?” Chase asks, joining us. He walks over to the loveseat and perches on the arm on the other side of Hollis, crossing his arms over his chest.

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