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Unexpected Fight (Unexpected Arrivals 2)

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Chapter 10


* * *

Normally, working out of town doesn’

t bother me. Hell, I’m usually the first to volunteer, especially now that Ridge has a family to take care of. This time, however, was different. I missed Reagan like crazy. I’ve gotten used to her lying next to me every night. It’s kind of our unspoken rule that we’re staying at her place or mine. Two weeks with her, and then two nights without her is more than I can take.

These last twenty miles have been torture. This craving I have for her is so intense, I can’t seem to sit still. I keep shifting in my seat.

“What’s up with you?” Kent asks.

Reagan and I haven’t really discussed us. It’s been just the two of us at night, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t said anything to her brother or our friends. I broke down and told Kent the first night we were away. I kind of had to when he wanted to know who I was talking to. I’ve never kept something from any of them, and I don’t intend to now. Besides, Ridge knows, so why hide it from the rest of them?

“Just anxious.”

“To see Reagan?” he asks.

I nod and tighten my grip on the steering wheel.

“You’re supposed to call her when you get close, right? Go ahead and do it now. You look like a caged animal.” He laughs.

“Just wait,” I tell him. “I get it. I gave Ridge shit when it was him falling for Kendall. I didn’t get it until now. Your day is coming, and you’ll get it.”

“You’ve been shit at hiding it,” he says, laughing. “We can all see the sparks fly between the two of you.”

“And you didn’t ride my ass because…?”

“Because I know you, brother. You wouldn’t get involved with her if it wasn’t real. There is too much at stake. With Ridge, we thought maybe Kendall was the one, the way she was ruffling his feathers, but you and Reagan, this is different.”

“She’s different.”

Kent picks up my phone from the cupholder and hands it to me. “Call your girl.”

That’s exactly what I do; only I get her voice mail. “Hey, Reags, I’m just outside town. I’m going to drop Kent off at his place, and then I’m coming to you.”

“Feel better?” Kent laughs.

I don’t answer him as something catches my attention up ahead. Slowing down, I see it’s her car still sitting there. Pulling my truck over to the side of the road, I call her again and get her voice mail.

“I thought Ridge was helping her.”

“So did I,” I say, turning to face him. “She said he was there when I talked to her last. I even asked her to make sure it was him before we hung up.”

“Oh, shit,” he says, looking over my shoulder. “Someone broke the window.” He points in the direction of her car.

“Fuck.” I climb out of my truck just as the rain starts to fall. With a quick glance at traffic, I jog across the road, and sure enough, her window has been broken. There is what appears to be blood on some of the glass. The rain is falling so hard it’s hard for me to see much of anything else. My heart is racing. Did something happen to her? She assured me it was Ridge who pulled up behind her. Was she wrong? Fear grips my chest as my mind whirls with what could have happened.

Turning back, I look left then right, then again; this road is twisty, and people drive like maniacs. Crossing it in this kind of weather is dangerous as hell, but I’m not standing out here when I need to find out what’s going on with my girl. One more glance both ways, and I sprint across the road. Climbing in my truck, I’m soaked, but I couldn’t care less. I dial Reagan again and get her voice mail. “Son of a bitch.” I hit the steering wheel.

“Try Ridge.”

I nod and hit his name. It rings and rings, and rings before his voice mail picks up. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Drive to his place,” Kent says. “I’ll keep trying to call both of them.”

Slamming the truck into Drive, I hit the accelerator and pull out onto the road. I don’t bother looking. The rain is so heavy I can barely see the road in front of me. It takes us double the time to get to town. Ridge’s place is closer, so I start there. Pulling into his driveway, I park behind his truck. “Why the fuck is he not answering our calls?”

“I don’t know, man,” Kent replies. “I—”

I don’t wait for whatever else he was going to say. I’m out of the truck and sprinting through the rain to the front door. The thought that I might be waking the baby runs through my mind, but the need to make sure Reagan is okay is stronger. I’ll make it up to my little buddy. I lift my fist and pound on the door again, just as Kent appears beside me.

Fist raised, I’m ready to knock again when the door slowly opens, revealing a tense Ridge. “Where is she?”

“What happened to you?” he asks.

I’m just about to ask him again when I hear her voice. “Ty?” Ridge steps back, and that’s when I see her. She’s standing there holding Knox, looking confused and beautiful. Always beautiful.

“You’re okay,” I say, stepping into the room, and wrapping my arms around her and Knox. He giggles and wiggles, which has me pulling back, but not releasing her.

“Of course I am. What’s wrong?” she asks, and then her eyes widen as she steps out of my hold.

“What are you doing?” I ask, reaching for her. It’s been two long days. Add in the fear that something might have happened to her, and my nerves are shot.

“Not here,” she whispers as Kendall takes Knox from her arms.

“Yes, here,” I say, snaking my arm around her waist and pulling her close. Her hands land on my chest as if she’s going to push me away, but I hold strong. “Don’t.” My voice is firm. “The last time I talked to you, you told me Ridge was there to get you. I just drove by your car that’s still sitting on the side of the road. The window is broken and there’s blood on the seat.” I squeeze her tightly. “Fuck, Reags. I thought something had happened to you.”

“I’m fine,” she says, trying to pull back.

“Stop. Stop pulling away from me.”

“Tyler.” Her eyes dash to her brother.

“He knows, baby.”

“W-What do you mean, he knows?”

“I told him. Well, I asked him what he would think. No way could I start something with his little sister and hide it from him.”

“Y-You told him?” she asks. “Were you going to tell me? He’s my brother.”

“He may not be my blood, but he’s my brother too,” I counter.

“For the sake of an argument, I’ll tell you what I told him.” Ridge appears beside us. “Respect each other. If neither of you is feeling it, be honest, be respectful. That’s all I ask.”

“I think it’s about damn time.” Kendall laughs. “Sorry, buddy,” she says to Knox bouncing him in her arms. “We’ve been watching the two of you dance around this for months. Good for you, for both of you for going after what you want.”

“You really are sh—crap at hiding it,” Kent chimes in as he steps through the still open door.

“You all knew?” Reagan asks.

“We had a pretty good idea. The way you two look at each other.” Ridge peers over at his wife. “That’s how I know it’s not a game for either of you. I know Ty would never do that to you.”

“Hey.” I rest my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry for not telling you, but I’m not sorry for this. For us.” I stop to let her process my words. When her hands that are resting on my chest grip me tightly, pulling me into her, I know. I know that she’s in this with me. That I’m not the only one feeling this magnetism between us. It’s more than just a crush, or a fling. It’s real.

“I love you, Reagan,” I whisper. However, she and Kendall both gasp, so I must not have been as quiet as I thought.

Not that I care. I want the world to know how I feel about her.

I feel a strong hand squeeze my shoulder, and then footsteps leaving the room. Standing back to my full height, I bend down and lift her into my arms. She doesn’t say a word, not even a yelp as I carry her to the chair, which happens to be the only piece

of furniture open. “Looks like Knox is getting a lesson in fort building,” I say, settling her on my lap.

“Yeah,” she answers, never taking her eyes off mine.

“You don’t have to say anything.” I tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “I just need you to know. You’re right here.” I tap my chest over my heart.

“Ty.” She smiles as tears shimmer in her eyes.

“You and me, Reagan. I’ve wasted so much time not knowing for sure if you wanted the same things as me. Then, when I thought you did, I worried about Ridge and our friendship. I had to tell him. And just so you know, I didn’t ask for permission. I asked what he thought, but if he had told me no, we would still be sitting right here. I would have pursued this anyway.”

“He’s one of your best friends.”

I nod. “He is. Has been for a long time. But you’re the love of my life. Nothing comes before you.” Conviction holds every word strong. There’s no way I’m holding back with her.

“Tyler.” More tears well in her eyes.

“You’re everything I never knew I wanted.”

“Is this real? Am I dreaming?” she asks, her smile growing wide.

“Come home with me? We can get your car later. I just need you close. I was scared out of my mind that you were hurt… that something had happened to you. Neither of you answered your phones. I was going crazy with worry.” I wrap my arms around her a little tighter, thankful she’s here, and she’s safe.

“I’m here and I’m okay,” she assures me before pressing her lips to mine.

I stop this kiss before I get carried away. I have to remind myself that we’re in Ridge’s living room, and we’re not alone. “Come home with me. I’m not ready to let you go. Not yet.”


I want to kiss her, but I know I won’t be able to stop. She must realize it too. She smiles and stands, pulling me from the chair. Hands intertwined, we make our way to the kitchen. “You ready?” I ask Kent.

“All good?” Ridge asks, looking from Reagan to me.

“Yes,” we say at the same time.

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