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Traction (The Driven World)

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I can feel his eyes watching me. He’s assessing my reaction, and even though I would usually be shy to speak my mind in front of someone I’m just getting to know, put me in a garage, and I feel like I’m home.

I’d love to see what’s under the hood of each car, but we came here to race, and my blood is already speeding through my veins with anticipation. When I finally tear my gaze away from the cars, I glance up to find Kayden grinning.

He’s so sexy.

And in this moment, just like many others over the past couple of days, I find myself questioning just why he chose me. The insecurities I’ve lived with most of my life rarely come to light when I’m behind the steering wheel because that’s when I know what I’m doing. But with Kayden, I’m clueless.

“You did well,” I tell him.

He slowly pushes off the wall and saunters toward me with the swagger of a confident alpha male. I take in his clothes, which I didn’t really notice earlier when he was talking to Mom. His jeans hug his thick, muscled thighs, and the deep blue T-shirt he’s wearing seems to be bursting at the seams with his broad shoulders and strong arms. His torso tapers as it reaches the waistband of his jeans, and I’m almost certain if I were to lift the material, I’d discover defined obliques.

Kayden stops inches from me, his eyes practically glowing in the shadows. The corner of his mouth perfects itself into a smirk. “Did I impress you, speedy?”

I ponder for a second, and instead of saying yes, I respond, “We’ll have to see. It’s all good and well showing me these beauties, but it depends if you can drive them.” The taunt earns me a harsh swat on my ass, causing me to yelp, “Ouch!”

“That sassy mouth of yours will get you into trouble.” His warning has my stomach fluttering with nervous energy, and I can’t stop myself from squirming at the thought of him doing that again.

“Is that an empty threat or a promise?” Once more, I poke the bear with my question, and Kayden’s sinful grin has my body pulsing in places I haven’t had anyone touch me before.

“Choose a car, we’ll race, and when we’re done, I’m going to make you regret being a naughty little minx.” He gestures to the cars with his chin, his eyes sparkling with mischief and promise, and I’m even more turned on than I was from the spank on my butt.

I turn around, taking in each car. I’ve looked at them, touched them gently, but the one which piques my interest is the bright pink one. There are slashes of silver along the doors which look like lightning, and I can’t deny it’s my favorite.

The Audi R8 has been one of my favorite cars to look at. I’ve never been inside one, but I know I can win with it. My gut tells me to go for it, so I do. “This one.” I’ve never seen it in this color before. I can’t deny, the hot pink is quite alluring.

He arches a brow in question. “You sure you can handle that one, speedy?” I know he’s only asking to taunt me, but still, it irks me in a way that doesn’t bring about anger like it did our first training day. This time, it makes me want to prove him the fuck wrong.

“Get the keys, and you’ll find out.”

Kayden heads to the wall where a pinboard with various keys hang, waiting for someone to use them. He grabs two sets and hands me one. Just feeling the metal in my hands makes me less anxious, and I enjoy the moment.

“Two laps around. Loser buys lunch,” Kayden teases with another playful wink, and I can’t stop my heart from thrumming against my ribs with the excitement of this crush that seems to be reciprocated.

“I can do that,” I assert confidently. “I hope you have a thick wallet because I’m starving.” My flirting earns me a loud chuckle.

“Oh, speedy, it’s not only my wallet that’s thick,” Kayden taunts, causing my cheeks to heat.

“Ugh, you’re insufferable.” I spin on my heel, making my way to my ride for the morning. The moment I slip into the driver’s seat, my nerves ease, and I bask in the smooth leather along with the pine scent of the freshener plugged into the cooling system.

Kayden slips into the sleek, black BMW Z4 that looks like it needs to be up on a pedestal with people admiring it from afar. It’s absolutely breathtaking, and when he turns the key, the engine purrs with a low rumble, which makes my stomach tumble. I can imagine sitting in that beside him, watching him maneuver the vehicle around the track, his fingers gripping the gearstick, his feet working the clutch and the accelerator, and his strong hand holding the steering wheel.

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