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A Kiss Stolen

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Oh, Jesus Christ.

“Tell your men to stand down,” my father is saying. “We’re not here to make trouble, I’m here only to take my daughter back.” His eyes are fierce and cold. I have never seen him like that. He looks like a stranger. My great-grandmother on my mother’s side was Chinese, and she used to teach me a lot of proverbs when I was small. One of them was: human beings are full of secrets. You can eat salt with a person for seven years and never know them. That is what I felt watching my father at that moment.

Brand laughs. “You mean you’re not here for revenge. You don’t want to see me dead. I kidnapped your daughter. I made a fool of the great Jake Eden.”

I rush into the room. “Dad,” I call.

My father looks at me and I see a flash of something I recognize. It is what I have seen all my life. Love. “Get out, Liliana” he says.

“No,” I say coming further into the room. “I’m not a child. I want to have my say in this.”

“Get out, Liliana,” Brand says.

“No.” I take another step closer to Brand. I know Brand will never fire on my dad, but I saw it in my dad’s eyes that he would be more than willing to kill Brand.

“Liliana,” my father calls, his voice is harsh. “This is an order and not up for discussion. Go back out. Now. This is between Brand and me.”

“No, Dad, this is not between just you and Brand. This involves me too. Brand is John the gardener’s son, Dad. Remember him? I got him fired. It was my fault. It was just an innocent kiss. I should never have come crying to you. I made it sound worse than what it was. Because of us something terrible happened to Brand after that, Dad.”

My father keeps his aim steady on Brand.

“Dad, if you hurt Brand, I will never be able to live normally again. I will feel guilty for ever. Is that what you want for me? Please, Dad. I’ve forgiven him for kidnapping me. You just have to forgive him too. He didn’t mistreat me. He wasn’t cruel or anything like that. He just made a mistake the same way I made a mistake. Just look at me, Dad.”

Then, before my dad can respond, a freaky thing happens, one of Brand’s men bursts through the door with a gun in his hand. He comes through with such momentum, he slams into the kitchen table, and dislodges a bullet. It should have just made a hole in the ceiling, but it ricochets off a metal pipe and tears into the flesh of my stomach.

The sensation of being shot is like having a white-hot poker in your flesh. The pain is unimaginable. I scream and the impact of the bullet throws me to the ground.

After that everything seems to happen in slow motion. Other men run in. The panic and confusion is surreal. Brand forgets my dad, flings his gun to the ground and runs towards me. His face is stricken and white as a sheet. He lifts my upper body on to his lap. He is so shocked he can’t even speak. My Dad on the other hand does not come to him. He is on the phone straight away to call the helicopter to get to the farmhouse. As soon as that call is over he contacts the best surgeon in London whom he has apparently already flown down in his private jet to be on standby. He even seems to know which hospital I will be taken to.

I start to feel woozy. I call my Dad. Ignoring Brand, he crouches in front of me. “Help is on its way. You’re going to be just fine,” he says calmly.

I can feel the blood pouring out of me. “Am I going to die?”

Brand tightens his hold on me. “No, you’re not going to die. I won’t let you die.”

“Dad, you know how much I hate to see blood, right?”

He touches my hair. “Don’t look down, darling. Just don’t look down. Everything is going to be fine.” When he presses his lips together I see the skin around his mouth is white.

I look into my father’s eyes. “When I’m out, don’t hurt him, Dad. I love him. I’ve always loved him.”

My father’s eyes widen with shock. “He’s a criminal, Liliana.”

“He can change,” I whisper. I can feel the pain receding.

“Criminals don’t change their spots,” he says harshly.

I start to feel woozy. “Dad, remember when you told me the story of the prostitute and the monk?”

He stares at me. “I didn’t think you actually listened to any of my stories.”

“I did. Am I the monk or the prostitute?”

Tears come into his eyes. “Okay, Liliana. Okay. I trust you.”

“I’m just going to sleep for bit. Don’t you two fight now.”

“No, no sleeping,” Dad booms. “You must stay awake, darling.”

“Talk to me, babe,” Brand says. I look into his eyes. The edges of my vision are getting blurred, but they never completely blur because between Brand and my dad, I never get to sleep until we arrive at the hospital.

Chapter Forty-Nine


I feel like a man broken. I can see Liliana’s father striding up and down the small waiting room floor making calls, arranging things, reassuring his family, talking to other professionals in their field about Liliana’s subsequent care, but I can’t even move. For the first time in my life I feel completely helpless. I look again at my hands in surprise. They are still shaking. Her blood is still on them.

I know she will make it, but the shock of seeing her being shot still makes me feel nauseous. My God, she could have died. My God, I could have lost her. I swallow hard and stand. Jake Eden immediately turns his head in my direction. For the longest time we stare at each other.

“What do you want?” I growl finally. I’m not giving Liliana up. Not for him. Not for anyone.

His expression is hard. “You have something of mine. Where is it?”

I know instantly he is talking about his ring. “It’s in England. At my home.”

“I’m sending someone to your house now. Will you arrange for it to be handed to them?”

I nod slowly. “Yeah. I can do that.”

“Sit down. We might as well get this over with.”

I immediately become defensive. Every sinew in my body hardens. I know he is going to try to convince me to give up Liliana. “What?”

He sits down. “I want to apologize.”

Suspicious of his real intentions I take a seat opposite him and cross my arms over my chest. “You do?”

“Yes, my apology to you is long overdue. However, over the years I have ensured that I continually made up for the losses that I cost you.”

My eyes widen. “What?”

He shrugs. “You’re twenty-four and insanely wealthy. Do you think that it is all by your own doing? The business you are in was how I began my career. I know it like the back of my hand. Have you never wondered why it was so easy for you to break in, or did you just think it was pure luck?”

“I …”

“It is also a bloody path, and yet you seem to have been shielded from most of the turf wars that you should have fought by now. There are numerous times you should have even lost your life. Have you never wondered why it has been so easy for you?”

The truth in his words begins to dawn on me. My path has been rocky, but not as bloody as it should have been. “What the fuck are you really saying?”

His next words shock the life out of me. My head starts pounding. I stare at him in astonishment.

He leans his wide frame back on the back of the chair. “I am that person you were always so keen to meet, Brand. I am Victor Maeterlinck.”

“What the …? You are Victor Maeterlinck?” I repeat in disbelief. Victor Maeterlinck was a legend and a mystery. No one had ever met him. He was rumored to be a Belgian living in Monaco. Some said he was a fat, round thing who incessantly smoked cigars, others said he was six foot six. He was also my boss. Over the years he had passed a lot of big jobs to me through intermediaries.

He nods.

I shake my head in disbelief. “All these years I’ve actually been working for you.”

“Yes, life is a funny old thing. After I got married I knew things had to change and I’d always liked the idea of running an invi

sible empire. So much harder to unravel and deniability is such a good thing.”

I stare at him. The irony was not lost on me. All these years I’ve spent hating Jake Eden and I was working for him! “Does Liliana know?”

“Of course not. No one knows.” He moves closer to me. “It’s a secret, Brand. And now you’re in on it too.”

I feel a flare of pride. Jake had trusted me his big secret. “Why did you do all this for me?”

He shrugs again. “It was my way of saying sorry. I fired your Dad in a fit of temper, but when I cooled down I knew I had done the wrong thing. Especially when news of your mother’s death filtered back to me. Your father was a good man and a good employee so I looked for him, but he died in prison exactly a week after he went in. What else was I to do but take over the job of being your father? Remember that first offer you had to go straight. To have your education paid for. That was me. But you refused.”

“Yes,” I look into his eyes. “I wanted to be like you.”

“After that I made it my business to protect you,” he says, “and connected you. Remember Marcus? He met you in Leicester and he introduced you to this world. It wasn’t an accident. I sent him to you too. He nurtured you on my behalf. However, from now on and based on what you have done to my daughter, I consider us both even. My daughter thinks she is in love with you, but we will see. I am hoping it is an infatuation.”

At that moment, a doctor enters the room and Jake immediately walks up to him. “How is she?” he asks.

The doctor smiles. It is clear they are old friends. “She’ll be just fine, Jake.” He turns to me. “Are you Brand?”

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