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A Kiss Stolen

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I stare into her eyes and smell the soap on her skin, her shampoo. I feel the precious life-force inside her body and the heat from her skin. I hear her heart beating and the blood rushing in her veins. The lust hits me like a sucker punch in the gut. The need to spread open her legs and taste her is unbelievable. I have waited for so long. Why should I wait one second longer?

“Why should any of us die?” she whispers. “What the fuck did we do that was so wrong to you?”

“Because I swore I would avenge their deaths.”

Her eyes pop open. “What is all of this about? I don’t even know what you are talking about.”

“It’s all about guilt. It’s about making you feel what I felt. I want to share my guilt with you, but how can I properly do that if you don’t know what it feels like to cause the death of someone you love?” I let go of her.

Her legs refuse to keep her up and she slides down the wall into a heap on the floor.

I look down on her. “I think that answers my earlier question. Your father should be the one to die ... then you, just like me, you will live with the guilt.”

She shakes her head, then looks directly into my eyes. “No, let it be me. It was my fault. Kill me instead.”

Chapter Nine


Nine years ago

I looked at the grubby boy. He was tall and broad with fierce black eyes and straight black hair. He must have been at least a couple of years older than me. He was the son of one of the traveling gypsies. His father did some work for my father. He was standing alone and staring into the pond. His clothes are dirty and his hands are black with dirt, but for some strange reason I couldn’t understand I felt drawn to him. I decided to walk up to him and offer him some food.

“What’s your name?” I asked, as I drew up to him.

“None of your business,” he muttered, without even looking at me.

“What a rude little boy you are,” I said scornfully. “I only came over to see if you are hungry.”

“I’m not hungry. I don’t need your charity.”

I put my hands on my hips feeling angry at his rudeness. “I was only trying to be nice.”

He turned to me his eyes flashing. “You want to be nice?”

I looked at him, confused. “Well, I did. I’m not sure I want to anymore.”

“Then piss off.”

I gasped in surprise. I didn’t know why I didn’t just walk away and tell Daddy, but I felt compelled to stay and fight him. “Why are you being so rude?”

“Why are you being such a pest?”

I crossed my hands over my chest. “Fine, I want to be nice. What do you want?”

He grabbed me so fast I yelped like a kicked puppy. Then before I knew what was happening he kissed me right on the mouth! I was too shocked to resist. His mouth was firm and forceful and hot. The kiss went on and on and to my surprise a little butterfly started fluttering in my belly. Then he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. I couldn’t look away. I was too astonished.

“Liliana Eden, I’m going to marry you one day,” he declared, before striding away.

I touched my lips. They were still tingling.

He kissed me.

Ewww … Yuck.

The rude boy kissed me! I ran towards our house as fast as I can. I flew in through the front door and burst into the kitchen. Both Mummy and Daddy were there. “A boy kissed me,” I announced breathlessly.

“What?” Dad shouted. He jumped up, his face dark with fury.

Mum grabbed hold of his wrist. “She’s only eleven, Jake. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Fuck it doesn’t.” Dad swore furiously as he strode out of the house.

I watched him march up to the boy’s father. They talked, Dad gesturing angrily. The man called his son and slapped him upside the head. The boy said nothing. He just turned his head and looked at me through the window. There was no smile on his face. He just stared at me until his father slapped him again and pulled him away.

I touched my lips. They were still tingling. I wished now I had not told Dad about the kiss.

Chapter Ten


I narrow my eyes in feigned contemplation. “Hmm. The only thing your father is guilty of is treating my father and I as lesser than dogs. You on the other hand …”

I can never say it out loud, or even admit it to myself how much she affects me. My gaze roves down her body, at the full breasts accentuated by her posture on the floor and straining against the material of her blouse, the slim waist, and the gently flaring hips. The ache for her is almost painful. I lower my hand and grab the hardened rod between my legs.

At the sudden fear in her eyes, I smile slowly. Reaching down I pull her to her feet. “Look at you, all grown-up and at the mercy of the lowly gardener’s son.”

She does a strange thing then. She licks her lips. I’ve been around the block too many times to know it was not a dry mouth that made her do that. Astonished, I brush my thumb along her wet bottom lip. The flesh is soft and plump. “Have you ever thought of me, Liliana?”

For a second she hesitates, then she shakes her head.

What did I expect from the daughter of a criminal? I let go of her. “Grab that chair,” I order, jerking my head towards another chair close to her, “and pull it with you back to your corner.”

She stares at me red-eyed, as though not understanding me. When I don’t repeat myself, but my gaze darkens, she jerks into action. She drags the chair on the hardwood floors making the same scraping noise I had used to wake her up.

“That’s perfect,” I say, sitting down on the chair I had pulled to the middle of the room. “Now, take off your clothes.”

She stares at me in horror and for a split-second I expect her to fall to her knees and plead with me again. Instead, she lifts her chin haughtily and asks, “Will this save my father?”

I shrug. I’m glad she didn’t beg. “It’s a start.”

With her eyes on me she lifts her hands and begins to slowly undo the buttons of her blouse. When every button is undone, she shrugs it off her shoulders. Her movements unsexy, but unhurried as though she is either hoping her strip-tease is so fucking boring I will lose interest, or I will suddenly find my conscience and ask her to stop. Unfortunately for her there is no chance of either scenario happening. With every button that she releases my body becomes more and more taut with primal desire. By the time she is down to her dark lace bra I cannot take my eyes off her breasts. She pauses.

“Take it off,” I hear myself growl.

Swallowing audibly, she does as she is told. To hide her expression she lowers her head, before she reaches behind and unsnaps the scrap of lace. Her breasts are revealed—creamy red-tinged beauties.

“Carry on,” I urge thickly, my eyes movi

ng down her cinched waist and past her belly button. The panties she is wearing cover too much. I hate it. “There’s a whole drawer of underwear that I have provided. From now on you either wear those or nothing at all.”

She doesn’t respond.

Fuck her. I lay out my next instruction. “Take your underwear off, then spread yourself open and hang your legs from the arms of the chair.”

Now I have her attention. She gasps and opens her mouth as if to argue, but all I have to do is raise my eyebrows and say, “Is your body worth more than your father’s life?”

She closes her mouth with a snap and slips the offending material from her hips.

Ah, I knew she would be like this. Either waxed or freshly shaved, but as smooth as a baby’s butt. My mouth is dry. She turns towards the chair giving me a great view of her full, round buttocks. My breath catches as she sits down and lifts her legs, one after the other, and hooks them on the arms of the upholstered frame.

Her cunt opens up like a beautiful, dew-coated flower, glistening with arousal. It is exactly how I imagined it would be: pink, and wet, and undeniably seductive. I hold onto the chair to keep myself from diving straight for her. I want her in my mouth, then I want my cock stretching her out and fucking her brutally.

I lean forward in uncontainable excitement and raise my entranced gaze up to hers. “Do you ever fantasize about anyone?”

She doesn’t respond just as I knew she wouldn’t. Her gaze is blank and staring somewhere above my shoulders.

I go on. “Well, I have. Of you. Ever since I found you again two years ago. It was at a charity event. Your father was being honored and your whole family was there at the main table. Your skirt was so short you couldn’t bend down. I overheard one of your brothers mocking you for it. Your hair almost reached your waist, shame you went and cut it, and your lips were bright red. I’ve been fucking you in my head ever since. And now here you are before me, open and exposed.” I smile, teeth on full display.

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