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The Recluse

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Not only was I having a hard-enough time gathering my composure when Fin was fully fucking clothed, but now that I’d seen him naked… yeah, good luck with reminding myself that he was my new boss.

I should’ve turned away, but for long moments, I stayed there, watching as he slipped into the hot tub, taking note of the way his muscles bunched and moved like a stealthy animal. He leaned back against the side, his arms stretched out on either side and hanging over the edge.

I couldn’t see his face any longer, but I didn’t need to. His image, the very visage of him, would be ingrained in my head for the rest of my life.

I forced myself to move away then, went back to bed, slipped under the covers, and knew that come morning I would be tired as hell. Sleep didn’t even seem plausible right now.

And as I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, my hand slid along my belly, between my thighs, and under the edge of my panties.

It was after I touched myself, made myself come so hard I saw stars, that I finally fell asleep.

And I knew I’d dream about Fin. I anticipated it.7FinI knew she’d been watching me last night when I’d gotten into the hot tub naked. I’d felt her eyes on me, as if she were touching my body, stroking me. Thankfully, I’d been in the water just as I started getting hard. That wasn’t something I wanted her to see... not yet anyway.

I’d gotten up before the sun had risen this morning, knowing I needed to get some work done before Kitty consumed my thoughts, and my focus the rest of the day was shot.

I’d heard her rise about six in the morning, and because I couldn’t control myself where she was concerned, I turned on all the cameras in the house just so I could see her while I worked.

Security was important to me, not just because of personal preference, but because of who I was. Having power meant you had enemies, people who wanted to take what was yours. All the security cameras might be overkill, but I was a firm believer in being safe rather than being sorry. And right now, I’d never been happier to have them in the house than I was now.

Aside from the bathrooms and the bedrooms, there were cameras in every other room and placed around the exterior of the property. And right now, I watched her sit at the dining room table with a cup of coffee in front of her, and a notebook beside that.

She had one leg bent up, the foot resting on the bottom of the chair. The sun came through the window and had this glow all around her.

She looked beautiful.

Kitty kept running her fingers around her knee as she wrote in the book. I zoomed in on the image of her and watched as she bit her bottom lip, tugging at that pink flesh, making it redder, slightly swollen from the subtle abuse.

Her long dark hair was pulled up into a ponytail, little wisps having fallen out around the crown, teasing her temples. I wanted to run my fingers around those tendrils, see if they were as soft as they looked.

I felt my hands curl against the edge of the table, and it was when I heard my nails digging into the wood that I loosened my grip. This woman had so much power over me that I didn’t even recognize myself.

Here I was watching someone without their knowledge, essentially stalking them, was obsessed with them... already fucking claiming them, and they didn’t even know it.

Who was this man I’d become?

I cleared my throat and turned away from the cameras, running a hand over my jaw, feeling the scruff underneath. I hadn’t even bothered shaving this morning. She consumed my thoughts to the point that I couldn’t even focus on anything else.

What I did know for certain was that I wouldn’t be able to concentrate until I had her as mine. But even then, I knew once I tasted her, knew how she felt, how wet she’d become for me, I’d be so addicted nothing else would matter but her.

Nothing would ever come close to Kitty.

Hell, that’s how it was going now, and I hadn’t even claimed her fully.

I stood and left my study, heading into the kitchen to pour myself a big cup of coffee. I had Tosco deliver pastries first thing this morning, another thing I indulged in quite frequently.

But when you lived alone, picking up certain habits that comforted and placated you seemed to be the norm in my case.

I stepped into the kitchen and saw the pastry box on the counter. I opened it up and saw she hadn’t taken one, but then again, I’d only seen that cup of coffee in front of her when I watched her.

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