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Atone (The Disciples 2)

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Eve snorts and scoots the lounge chair closer to mine. “Charlie, all these guys in the Disciples are the same. They’re bad boys, they can’t be monogamous.” She uses air quotes for bad boys and monogamous.

Dolly lights up another cigarette. A pop pop sound makes us all stop and look around.

“Was that gunshots?” I look at Cindy who is still passed out on the raft.

Eve’s eyes narrow and she holds up her hand for silence as we all strain to hear yells and banter.

“God, they’re animals.” Dolly looks at us.

Eve turns her head and gives her a stare. “You need to hear this too, girlfriend.” She points at Dolly. “The truth is, if you want them, then go get them. It’s not complicated. Take matters into your own hands. Because if you wait around…”

Slightly buzzed, I’m done with my margarita and a little disturbed at the noises. Did I misunderstand her?

“Are you saying I should get pregnant and trap him?”

Again, loud screams are coming from the other area. A couple of the bikers’ girls run toward the side of the compound.

Dolly snorts and blows smoke up into the cloudless sky as if all the commotion is normal. “Eve thinks that getting knocked up seals the deal.”

I turn to Eve who is sitting, legs crossed at the ankles, looking at both of us. “Yeah, and…?”

“Wait.” I stand up. “You think I should trap David?” I whisper the trap part.

“Of course. That is, if you absolutely want him. Make sure because after you’re pregnant, it’s a whole ’nother ball game.”

Dolly starts laughing at my horrified face, I guess. “You didn’t know our little Eve was so calculating, huh?”

“Oh, stop being dramatic,” Eve snaps and turns her eyes on me. “It’s common sense. You want David. He’s tortured.” She holds up her thumb as she rattles off his flaws. “It’s a fact that he does have a fucked-up past.” As she counts, she takes a dramatic pause and holds up the third one. “He could take forever to come around… but trust me, you get knocked up with his baby, he’ll be all yours.” Her hands drop as she slaps her long tan legs.

I look at her then Dolly. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely. How bad do you want him?” She stares at me like I should automatically know all this.

“I could never. I want him to love me like I love him. Not trap him.”

“Hear, hear.” Dolly raises her glass but frowns at the yelling again.

Eve looks at both of us. “Okay, clearly you don’t want him bad enough.”

She sits up straddling the lounger. “When I wanted Jason, nothing, and I mean nothing was going to stand in my way.”

I sit down, completely dumbfounded.

First, I have never been around anyone so blunt and unapologetic about it.

Second, who is this woman? Seriously, that is a horrible thing to do.

Yet, she says it with such calm and passion I’m starting to wonder if I’m being ridiculous. If I was pregnant, and knowing how he loved Tabatha…

She’s right. I have to believe David would have a hard time thinking he wouldn’t be with me.

“Or you can wait around and hope he fights his demons enough to get it together to be with you.” She stands and walks over to the pool, sitting on the edge and letting her legs dangle in.

“Charlie, don’t even.” Dolly lights another cigarette and leans close to me. “That shit worked for Eve because well, she’s Eve, and Blade was dying in love with her. There’s a reason Eve is his queen. They’re perfect for each other.”

Dolly takes a deep inhale and looks at the pool as if she’s lost. “And not all Disciples are good, and most can’t be monogamous. Eve’s young and she hit the lottery with Blade. You and me”—her pretty brown eyes find mine—“let’s just say I’d be careful. David can hurt you and not look back.”

She leans back as Dewey comes running up.

“Eve, Dolly, we need to go.” He looks scared and I freeze, terrified.

Eve nods and stands. He takes her arm as she grabs her purse and Dolly’s arm.

“Christ, I suppose I’m not allowed to leave Eve’s house?” Dolly looks more aggravated than scared, which does nothing for me.

“What’s happening?” Cindy is swimming over, her big blue eyes I’m sure mirroring mine in terror.


I stand and swing around to a face that must stop traffic. I stare up at green eyes that look like a forest.

“Holy shit.” My hand goes to my heart as if that can protect it.

“I’m Reed.”

“David? Where’s David?”

“I need to take you and your friend home now.” He looks over at his expensive vehicle and the man in the suit steps out holding the back door open.

I can’t seem to form words, but Cindy, who is dripping wet, grabs a towel and says, “Is everything okay?”

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