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Mister Moneybags

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Bianca: There are multiple reasons. I sometimes worry that, despite our online chemistry, you don’t really have any intention of meeting me at all. I also worry that our chats have become like a game to you. And sometimes, this is the worst one, I worry that I’m being catfished, that maybe I haven’t really been speaking to Dexter Truitt at all.Dex: I swear to God, it’s me. I would NEVER do that to you, Bianca. It’s me.I believed him. It was low of me to assert that. That thought had rarely crossed my mind, but deep down, I didn’t actually believe it.Bianca: Okay. I believe you. I’m sorry. I’m overreacting. I just feel like I’ve gotten in a little deep when I shouldn’t have. This is all so unprofessional.Dex: Fuck professional! Understand something: I do have concerns about meeting you, but NONE of them have to do with YOU. They ALL have to do with your impression of ME.Bianca: Do you think I’m shallow? Is it your face you’re afraid of me seeing?Dex: No. I know you’re not shallow and it has a little to do with my face, yes.Well, now I was just totally confused. He thinks he’s ugly? Honestly, with a body like that, I’m pretty sure I could overlook it. More than that, it was him I wanted first and foremost, not his body nor his face.Bianca: I’m sorry. I should have never mentioned seeing you. You already agreed to meet with me. I guess I just need to trust that and be patient.Dex: I promise we will meet, Bianca. Don’t ever be sorry about asking for what you want, either.I needed to end the chat before I said anything else I would regret.Bianca: I’m going to turn in for the night, if you don’t mind.Dex: I upset you.Bianca: No. I’m fine. I think I just need to rest.Dex: Okay.When I didn’t reply, he sent another message.Dex: Tomorrow night. Same time?Bianca: Yes. Goodnight, Dex.Dex: Sweet dreams, Bianca.I shut my laptop and closed my eyes. Feeling completely defeated, I checked my cell phone for any texts from Jay. There were none.

But twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door.Bianca’s eyes widened when she saw me standing there.

This was a mistake.

But I needed to see her.

Her eyes looked tired, like maybe she’d been crying.


I’d hurt her.

That’s why I came; I needed to know she was okay.

“Jay? What are you doing here?”

Instead of answering her, I wrapped my palms around her cheeks and pulled her into a deep kiss, desperately letting out all of the painful frustration that had built up inside of me after our earlier conversation.

It was Jay’s mouth she thought she was moaning into, but every part of me was kissing her as Dex.

I’m so sorry, Georgy Girl.

My dick was hard as a rock as I fervently tasted her. She panted into my mouth as my erection pressed into her abdomen. She tasted like toothpaste. Her braless, supple breasts were pressed against my chest. I could have easily taken her right there in the middle of her living room.

Bianca’s heart was pounding so hard against mine, and I took that as my cue to kiss her harder. She grasped the back of my neck, pulling me closer. I suddenly got the urge to lift her up. So, I did. She wrapped her legs around me as I continued to kiss her harder than I’d probably ever kissed anyone.

Adrenaline was rushing through me. It was mixed with a little bit of rage because of the fact that she’d so easily let “Jay” take advantage of her. After our conversation tonight, I was more certain than ever that her heart belonged to me—to Dex. Yet, she still managed to let me—Jay—do this. Was she that weak? It made me mad.

I ached to fuck her, to express physically all of the emotions I’d been forced to bottle up tonight.

Finally pulling back and slowly lowering her to the floor, I said, “That was probably the best welcome I’ve ever received.”

She kept her arms around my neck. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to ever see you again, to be honest.”

I was finding it harder and harder to look her in the eyes as Jay. Staring down at the floor, I said, “I need to apologize for not getting my shit together lately. It has nothing to do with a lack of desire to see you. Things have been crazy at work, and I haven’t been able to get here until now.”

Fucking liar.

“I needed this sanity check tonight,” she said.

“Why?” I swallowed. “What happened?”

“Nothing. It’s too much to get into. I’m pretty sure I almost lost my mind earlier. It’s just…really good to see you.”

No. No. No.

You didn’t lose your mind.

You’re right on target.

Jay needs to go—he just needed to touch you one last time.

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