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Still of Night (Thorne Hill 4)

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Everyone I love and care for most in the world will be here soon to celebrate with us. I’ve never been happier in my life.

Tabatha and Evander are already outside, waiting with the photographer for me. I consider everyone here family, and Evander is just as much my brother as Abby is.

“My darling girl,” Tabatha’s eyes fill with tears and seeing her standing there makes me so emotional as well. I’m technically still part of the coven. She’s risking everything to be here. “You look like an angel.”

“Fine choice of words,” a deep voice says, coming from behind. I whirl around and my lips part as a shocked breath leaves me.

Michael steps from the shadows, followed by Julian. Tabatha and Evander both gasp and the photographer looks equally confused and awestruck. Archangels seem to have that effect on people.

“You’re here.” My eyes brim with tears that fall down my cheeks no matter how hard I try not to let them spill. “I’ve been praying for you for days.” Michael strides forward and takes me in his arms. “I am sorry, my daughter. It wasn’t safe to come. Though after that stunt my brother pulled, letting a legion of demons loose in New York City, our siblings were quite preoccupied.” Michael smiles and lets me go, running his eyes up and down me. “You look so much like your mother. She would be so proud.”

The photographer watched the exchange, not sure if she should start taking pictures or not. Julian holds up his hand and she stands frozen, eyes glossed over.

“I have something of hers for you.” Michael reaches into the suit jacket that he’s wearing and pulls out a delicate silver bracelet. “She wanted you to have this, if this day ever came.” He takes my wrist and puts the bracelet on. “I gave this to your mother when we found out she was expecting you.”

I blink away more tears.

“Now, let me fix this.” He puts his hand over my cheek. Golden light spills from his hands and the cut heals in an instant. “Can I walk you down the aisle?”

“Please do,” I say, voice thin as I try not to cry. “I need to tell you something.”


“There’s a hellhound in my dressing room.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Don’t kill her. She’s…she kind of saved my life.”

“Well, then I’ll take her back then.”

“To Hell?”

“Yes. Where she belongs. Don’t let my brother’s tricks fool you into thinking he’s kind. He cares about you, Callie, but not even I know his intentions.” He cups my face with his hands. “But don’t worry about that.” He closes his eyes and whispers something I can’t make out. A warmth fills me and the entire yard seems to glow for just a second.

“What was that?” I ask when he takes his hands off my face.

“A blessing.” He smiles and looks at Tabatha and Evander, who are standing there a little awestruck themselves. “I believe you need to have photos taken now.”

“Right.” Tabatha shakes herself and Julian waves his hand in front of the photographer’s face again. She blinks a few times and goes right back to where we left off.

Abby, Phil, and Penny come out next, and then I have several photos taken of me with Kristy, Nicole, and Naomi.

“I love you guys,” I tell my friends.

“We love you too,” Nicole gives me a big hug. “It’s almost time.” She smiles and I suck in a breath, excitement going through me. I go back inside, standing next to Michael.

Next to my father.

“Do you think I’m evil?” I rush out.

Michael turns to me and shakes his head. “No. You are many things, dear Callie, but not evil. I have no doubt in my mind. And your mother was sure as soon as she knew you were growing inside her, that you would do great things.”

I blink back tears again.

“Thank you.”

We wait a few minutes and then the music starts. I take in another breath. Michael hooks his arm through mine and walks me out of the little building. The night is perfect, being just warm enough to not need a jacket, but not overly warm. Stars dot the dark sky above us, and the sounds of the night meld in with the harp music perfectly.

Lucas is standing at the end of the aisle and he looks sinfully good in his black suit. His eyes get misty when he sees me, and everything else fades away.

The music.

The night.

The small crowd of people here to celebrate with us.

Michael gives my arm a little squeeze when we get to the end of the aisle.

“I am so proud of you,” he whispers and kisses my cheek before stepping back. My eyes are all watery as I look from him to Lucas.

“You look beautiful,” Lucas says. Kristy takes my bouquet and I hold out my hands for Lucas. His skin is cool and smooth, instantly comforting me. “I want to kiss you now.”

“You’re going to have to wait,” I whisper and blink back tears.

The officiant starts the ceremony, but her words are a bit lost on me as I stare into Lucas’s eyes. After everything we’ve gone through…how many times I almost died in the short time we’ve been together…we’re here now.


Lucas takes the rings from Evander and hands me his. Then he takes my left hand and smiles, unable to look away from my eyes.

“I, Lucas, take you, Callie, wife, my friend, my partner, and my love. I vow to honor and respect you for all that you are and will become. I promise you this, to love you freely and unconditionally, for all the days of my life.” He puts the ring on my finger.

I take his left hand and say the same vows. I, Callie, take you, Lucas, husband, my friend, my partner, and my love. I vow to honor and respect you for all that you are and will become. I promise you this, to love you freely and unconditionally, for all the days of my life.”

The officiant steps forward. “By the power of love and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss!”

Lucas grabs me, putting his lips to mine as our friends stand and cheer. We did it. We got married. We promised to love and honor each other for the rest of our lives.

And for us, the rest of our lives really does mean forever.


Two weeks later…

* * *

“It feels good to be home.” I set my carry-on down in the foyer and look around my small farmhouse. It feels even smaller now that all of Lucas’s stuff is crammed inside. Eliza brought it over for us while we were on our honeymoon, enjoying a glorious two weeks in Wine County, and she did a pretty good job organizing it all, considering the lack of space.

Though, I just walked through the door and have no idea what the spare room upstairs looks like. It took the brunt of being used as a temporary storage facility. Luckily, Lucas didn’t have any sentimental attachment to his furniture—you know, like a normal person.

We did swap out his king bed for mine, and I’m sure my room looks tiny with that huge bed inside.

“It does.” Lucas comes up behind me, wrapping me in his arms. The moment his lips touch mine, Scarlet comes tearing through the house, chasing Binx. She yips and barks and her feet skid out from underneath her. It’s a game they’ve been playing, and Binx wins every time. I roll my eyes.

At the end of the reception, Michael was being summoned back to Heaven and couldn’t take a hell hound with him. Holding true to his word not to kill Scarlet, he gave me the option of keeping her or letting Julian take her to try and push her through the gates of Hell. With there being no promise it would even work, that Julian wouldn’t get caught, and with there being a chance something could come out of Hell the moment the gates opened, keeping her seemed to make the most sense.

And I’ve grown a little attached to the thing, which I’ve only admitting to Lucas.

To my husband.

It still feels good to say that.

Yawning, I pull my shoes off and turn, shutting the door with magic as soon as Lucas get the last suitcase inside. It’s nearing four-

AM and I’m ready to get some sleep in my—in our—bed.

As if he can read my mind, Lucas picks me up and whisks me up the stairs, laying me down in bed. I’m already wearing lounge wear, and we flew in a private jet, yet I still feel like I need to shower or at the very least change before I crawl under the covers.

Lucas turns on the shower, giving the water time to warm up, and then comes back for me. We shower quickly and then collapse into bed. My familiars jump up with us, and Scarlet sleeps on a folded blanket on the floor next to the bed.

I fall asleep as soon as I shut my eyes, and sleep soundly for a good hour before waking up, thoroughly chilled.

“Lucas?” The blankets have been kicked off, all gobbled off on Lucas’s side of the bed. “Lucas?” I repeat, watching him twitch in his sleep. Usually, he doesn’t move at all when he’s deep asleep.

Though it takes extreme temps to actually bother him, I’m cold so I assume he is too.

“Callie?” Lucas lazily opens his eyes. “Where are the blankets? Aren’t you cold?”

“Freezing.” I pull them back over us. “Were you having a bad dream?”

“Yeah,” he says and snakes his arms around me. “We were in the woods and stumbled upon a group of witches preforming some sort of dark ritual. That’s all I remember.”

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