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Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings MC 2)

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“Rock,” she whines, “there’s children out—”

I cut her off with a kiss and behind her flip the lock on the door. “No windows, baby.” Well, there are windows, but they are high up enough to keep out prying eyes.

Warm breath skates over my neck as she lets out a husky laugh. “You’re so bad.”

“What? I just wanna show you my latest project.”

She smiles and kisses me back until we’re both frantic. Then she ducks to the right, out of my grasp.

I shift restlessly, aching from the loss of her body against mine.

“Show me your project,” she purrs in a teasing way that surprises me.

I look up and catch her watching me with a heavy-lidded, sexy gaze. She slides her tongue along the seam of her lips and I swear I feel it in my cock.

“You’re so fucking hot, Hope, but you’re begging for me to spank your ass right now.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Oh, game on.

The whoop, whoop of a police siren interrupts the filthy plans I have for my girl.

“What the fuck?” I grumble.

Hope’s posture straightens, and she grabs for the door.

“Christ, give me a second,” I grind out, pointing to the erection tenting my jeans.

She giggles.

“Thanks, babe. Laughing at it will definitely help.” Of course, that only makes her laugh harder. “That’s enough. Let’s go see what the problem is.”

Of course, Wrath is the one standing closest to the garage and doubles over laughing when he spots us walking out.

“Shut up, dick.”

Hope’s blushing ten shades of red as she stalks past us and down the driveway in the direction of the glowing red and blue lights.

“The fuck?”

Wrath shrugs. “Your house, was waiting for you to go deal with it.”

Of course.

Except it looks like Hope’s got it covered.

“Can I help you, officers?” I call out as I stride over the lawn.

“We’re looking for Marcel Whelan. He here?”

I whip around and find Rock almost right behind me. “Go find Teller.”

He nods and takes off.

“What’s the problem?”

“You a family member?”

“Sort of. I’m also Mr. Whelan’s attorney, so what’s the issue?”

He jerks his thumb toward the back of his car, and through the window I spot a tear-streaked, red-faced Heidi.

“Oh my God! Heidi?” My gaze shoots to the officer. “What’s going on?”

“Caught her out with—”

“With Blake? We know. So what? Where is he?” I ask. I need to calm down and compose myself. Put my lawyer game face on. Act like a professional.

The officer cocks his head at me and motions me closer. “We got a call about an underage girl out with Mr. O'Callaghan, spotted them, pulled them over. She told us her family was here, so we brought her here. Her brother is her guardian?”

“Yes. He shares custody with their grandmother.”

“Okay, so why’s she out with this older guy?”

I really don’t care for his tone. “He’s a family friend. You’re interrupting the birthday party we were having for Heidi. Mr. O'Callaghan has known her since she was a kid and takes her out for a ride every year on her birthday. Nothing more, officer.”

He nods and finally looks a little embarrassed. “That’s the same story she gave us.”

I finally spot Murphy sitting in the back of the car with Heidi.

“Then why are they in the back of your patrol car? I’m sure you’ve run Mr. O’Callaghan’s license by now and discovered his record is clean. They weren’t doing anything wrong, so this seems a bit…excessive, don’t you think?”

The officer frowns, and I tell myself to tone down the attitude. Except I’m seriously pissed. Who do these guys think they are, scaring the shit out of a seventeen-year-old girl?

He looks behind me, and I can tell that Rock and a bunch of other people are standing there now.

“Officer, what’s the problem?”

“And you are?”

“Rochlan North. This is my house. Heidi is my goddaughter. Why is she in the back of your car?”

“Heidi! What the fuck?” Teller shouts from behind me.

“Easy, brother,” Rock mumbles under his breath, and I sense he must be holding Teller back.

“You the brother?”


Finally, the cop opens the door and lets Heidi out. Thankfully, they didn’t cuff her. She’s red-faced and sobbing. Ignoring all of us, she runs over the lawn into the house.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I eye the officer coolly. “Mr. O’Callaghan? You’ve got no reason to hold him. And I hope to God you didn’t cuff him.”

Rock’s gentle touch grazes my arm. Whether he’s telling me to calm down or encouraging me, I’m not sure. I just know that I’m livid right now.

Another officer who’d remained quiet this entire time lets Murphy out and uncuffs him. You’ve got to be kidding.

“Where’s his bike?” I ask in my sharpest courtroom tone.

“On its way to impound.”

“You can’t be serious,” I argue. “He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Murphy’s busy flexing his arms and rubbing his wrists. “It’s okay, Hope. I’ll take care of it.”

Never a dull moment around here. Not even for a seventeen-year-old’s birthday party.


Watching my woman get all fired up and take on two of Empire’s finest over the way they treated one of my brothers?


Christ, after all the shit we’ve gone through, that she’s ready to tear into two cops like that? I fucking love her.

What a night. And it’s not even over yet.

First, we need to go inside.

Hope finds Heidi and calms her down. After a lot of reassuring, she convinces Heidi to join us in the kitchen where we’re all waiting to sing happy birthday to her and cut into her birthday cake.

Poor Heidi bursts into tears when she gets a look at the giant pink and leopard spotted cake Trinity made for her. She gives Trinity a big, sloppy hug, which seems to shock Trin, but she handles it well.

Everyone applauds Heidi for handling her first ride in a cop car like a pro.

Axel and Heidi disappear into the backyard right after cake.

Trinity drives Murphy down to impound to pick up his bike. Wrath paces around the house like a gimpy, caged animal waiting for them to return.

Axel walks Heidi back inside and then takes off for the night. Hope sets the girls up in the living room with more cake, sodas, and the scary movie they picked out.

After she’s done with the girls, she pads into the kitchen. Her gaze darts around the room as if she’s trying to figure out what to do next. “Wow. What a night,” she says at last.

Wrath’s finally sitting down. He’s busy shredding the label off his beer. Hope settles her hand on his shoulder.

“Need anything, big guy?”

He glances up, and I see several asshole-ish answers flash across his face, but he just shakes his head. “I’m fine. Thanks, babe.”

She squeezes his arm and he captures her hand. “You did good tonight, Hope.”

Obvious surprise crosses her face. “What do you mean?”

“With the cops. Sticking up for Murphy. Taking care of Heidi.”

An uncertain smile curves her lips. “Thanks, Wrath,” she says before making her way to me.

Wrapping her up in my arms, I press a kiss against her ear.

“You done?”

She lets out a soft snort. “Hardly. I’m going to make them some popcorn. Then I’ll probably sit up with them for a while. You can head to bed if you want?”

Not likely.

I hold onto her for a minute longer, resting my chin on the crown of her head. My gaze lands on Wrath and he nods

at me.

Hope pulls away and plants a kiss on my cheek. “Are you okay, Rock?”

“I’m good, baby.”

She rubs her hands over my back for a minute, then wriggles out of my embrace.

I sit with Wrath and watch Hope prep more snacks for the girls.

“Hey, did I ever get to tell you I had lunch with Lilly the other day?” she asks over her shoulder.

“No,” I answer honestly. She didn’t tell me, but I know because I had Hoot watching her. “How is she?”

“Well, it was weird seeing her in professional mode. But she brought a friend of hers along. He works for this lobbying firm and was telling us how all these tech firms are throwing a lot of money into marijuana reform in New York. Isn’t that crazy?”

Across from me, Wrath almost chokes on his beer. I shoot a glare at him before answering Hope.

“Yeah. It’s interesting.”

Hope hums an affirmative noise and continues working at the counter, giving me a chance to reflect on things.

A bunch of bullshit has gotten in the way of what’s important to me lately.

A handful of stupid secrets and lies almost threatened to blow us apart.

And yet, there’s still a few things I’m hiding.

One very major thing. After this conversation, I wonder if Hope already suspects the big, green elephant hiding in the clubhouse basement.

In time, it will all be out in the open and I’ll deal with the fallout then.

Until then, there’s the whole issue of getting Hope’s property patch. Can’t think of a woman who’s ever deserved it more.

I’m glad I finally explained the significance of the patch to her. Now, there’s nothing holding me back from bringing it to the table the next time we sit down for church.

As I’m sitting here watching Hope’s every move, she turns and flashes a sweet smile at me.

I love her so damn much.

The club needs to vote her in.


Yeah, we’ve got a lot of things to take care of.

Very soon.

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