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Da Rocha's Convenient Heir (Vows for Billionaires 3)

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She would be the perfect wife for him, he savoured. She wouldn’t be clingy or needy because she would be far too wrapped up in the children to worry about what he was doing. She wouldn’t make demands or throw temperamental jealous or possessive tantrums. She would just get on with things the way he did without making a big song and dance about them. Freddie was wonderfully practical, so she wouldn’t go falling for him or anything inconvenient like that either. She had already signed the pre-nuptial agreement without the smallest difficulty. ‘A woman in a million,’ one of his lawyers had commented afterwards and Zac had felt very real pride in his future wife, who was so gloriously free of avarice and ambition.

Unaware of the unspoken accolades coming her way, Freddie settled into a corner of the opulent limo and studied Zac’s lean, darkly handsome face. He looked so different from the man she had first met. He had abandoned his jeans and worn sharply tailored suits for all their official appointments and, ironically, he wore a suit with the panache of one born to such formality. Exquisitely tailored in a fine grey wool and silk blend, his present dark grey suit outlined his broad shoulders and wide chest and enhanced his lean hips and long powerful legs to perfection. In jeans he looked incredibly masculine and sexy but in a suit he was to die for.

Her body was all of a quiver in his radius because it didn’t matter how much he annoyed or confused her, he still fascinated her. Her temperature rose, her heartbeat quickened, her sensitive breasts feeling constricted by her bra. She pressed her slender jeans-clad thighs together tightly, struggling to contain the swelling heat at the heart of her.

‘Don’t look at me like that,’ Zac husked. ‘Not when you don’t want me to do anything about it.’

Freddie turned pink, striving to look inviting and flirtatious rather than desperate to be touched. ‘You can still kiss me.’

‘No, I can’t,’ Zac contradicted. ‘I won’t start anything we can’t finish. I’ve already had enough cold showers to last me a lifetime.’

That blunt response sent a tide of hot colour washing up over her disconcerted face. Her eyes evaded the allure of his glittering and all too compelling light grey gaze. Something tightened low in her pelvis, a contracting thread of very physical yearning that was strong enough to unnerve her.

‘You can’t still believe that I’m going to jilt you at the altar,’ Zac intoned thickly.

Freddie swallowed with difficulty. ‘Not any more,’ she conceded reluctantly.

‘Then come back to the penthouse with me tonight. I’m dying here.’ Zac groaned that feeling admission without a shade of inhibition. ‘I’ve never gone without sex for as long as this.’

‘I’d prefer not to,’ she muttered tightly, that gruff, innately sexual intonation making her body burn hotly from head to toe. ‘Because it’ll be my first time and I just think it’ll feel more relaxed once we’re married.’

Zac frowned, ebony brows drawing together. ‘Your first time at what?’ he queried.

‘At sex,’ Freddie framed, her soft pink lips compressing with embarrassment.

Zac looked back at her, stunned, the riddle Freddie had occasionally shown herself to be suddenly clarified. ‘You’re a virgin...a virgin?’ he said again as if she now fell into the same unlikely category as a unicorn. ‘Are you joking?’

‘No,’ she confirmed flatly.

‘OK.’ Zac rolled his eyes, attempting to compute this new information and utterly failing because he was so startled. ‘But why are you still a virgin?’ he persisted.

‘I don’t want to talk about that, right now,’ Freddie told him hastily, hugely relieved to see that the limo had come to a halt near Claire’s terraced home and that escape into the company of others, where even Zac could not continue such a conversation, was within reach.

‘You can hardly blame me for being surprised,’ Zac murmured in reproof. ‘I had no idea.’

‘It’s not something I feel a need to talk about,’ Freddie parried in frustration.

And Zac looked back to their very first meeting and barely managed to suppress a groan of frustration. Without even knowing it he had blown his chances with her right from the start by assuming that she would be as laid-back and casual about sex as he was. Now he knew differently, now he knew why her barriers went up the instant he got too close, but he still could not even begin to understand why she had retained her inexperience into her twenties. It was a complication he hadn’t expected and he didn’t know how he felt about it. But obviously, any plans to enjoy a sexual marathon to satisfy his currently rampant libido would be out of the question.

Eloise and Jack engulfed him in the narrow hallway. Jack clutched at his knees and Zac hoisted the baby high, ruffling Eloise’s hair as she sucked her thumb and rested her head sleepily against his thigh. The kids were so trusting and openly affectionate with him that it touched even his hard heart. Claire had said enough for him to know that Freddie had dealt with a lot of stuff she shouldn’t have had to deal with in an effort to shield the children from lasting damage at her sister’s hands. But Zac was beginning to recognise the damage done to Freddie, who, like a victim of abuse, was very nervous around men and found it very hard to trust.

‘I took them to the park,’ Claire told Freddie. ‘They’re exhausted and ready for a nap.’

‘I’ll take them upstairs,’ Freddie volunteered.

‘Want the dragon story,’ Eloise mumbled round her thumb, clutching at Zac’s jacket.

Over the past two weeks, Zac had not left the house without having to read the dragon story at least once and he gave way with grace, shepherding Eloise into the lounge where she quickly produced her favourite book. Jack went to sleep on his shoulder while Zac read and then Eloise announced her desire to go to the zoo to see a real dragon. Zac explained that dragons flew so fast and high in the sky that zookeepers couldn’t catch them. Eloise looked sad but cheered up when Zac reminded her that he was taking them to the zoo with Claire the next day while Freddie had her dress fitting.

Freddie watched and marvelled at the noticeable bond even now forming between Zac and her niece and nephew. Their interaction was very comfortable. Both she and Zac had already had initial interviews with social services and character references and basic documentation had been lodged. With their wedding only forty-eight hours away, Freddie believed that everything was progressing as well as could be expected. Zac had also requested permission to apply for passports for the children and to take them abroad for a trip after the wedding.

Claire had said that they were crazy to jump into marriage so fast simply in the hope of adopting the two children. Freddie had kept Zac’s need for a child of his own to herself, leaving the brunette to assume that Zac had fallen madly in love with her and she with him. And in truth, Freddie reckoned that she would’ve fallen for Zac had he not made such a disastrously bad first impression on her. Now when she saw him entertaining the children even for a few minutes, she blessed the quirk of fate that had brought him into their lives, for without him where would she have been? In despair at the threat of losing the children she loved.

Even so, she was nervous as anything at the prospect of meeting Zac’s rich and fancy relatives and their undoubtedly high standards. At least the royal pair would not be present, she thought with relief. Apparently, Pr

ince Vitale’s mother had abdicated after a huge scandal and, now that Vitale was about to become King, he and his pregnant wife were much too involved in official business to spare the time for a family dinner in London.

With such grand people in the family, would Zac’s lofty relatives criticise her the moment she was out of hearing? Would they be shocked by his choice of someone like her? Would they try to persuade him to change his mind at the last minute and not marry her? After all, a waitress with two children in tow was no great catch for a very wealthy and educated man. She would never be his equal in the eyes of the world. Perhaps they would simply shake their heads in surprise and remind themselves that Zac needed an heir and that it might as well be Freddie as any other woman. Perhaps they simply wouldn’t care either way.

That evening, Zac long gone and the children readied for bed, Freddie got dressed for the dinner she was dreading with Zac’s father and his girlfriend and his elder brother and his wife. It bothered her that he had told her so little about himself and she worried that she would stumble in conversation and reveal her ignorance.

Zac stood at the passenger door of the limo watching Freddie descend the steps, her tiny feet in pearlised shoes, ultra-careful in the high heels, her clutch pinned between white-knuckled fingers, her state of nerves patent. But she looked absolutely amazing, like a delicate doll in silver, shapely legs as fragile as the rest of her, big brown eyes anxiously pinned to him.

‘You look fantastic,’ he told her bracingly, wishing she weren’t a virgin, wishing he could lower the privacy shields and pounce on her in the car to live out every fantasy she had awakened. But intelligence warned him to hang onto his self-control. She would trot out all sorts of excuses when he finally tackled her but Zac had already reached his own conclusions: she was scared of sex, scared of everything he made her feel. The last thing she needed from him was more pressure. He would have to be rather more subtle than nature had made him if he didn’t want to risk frightening her off.

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