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First Comes Love (Love Comes To Town)

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I don’t realize that I’m crying until he presses his lips to my tears. His eyes on mine are hopeful, questioning. “So?”

I giggle. “So.”

“I said it first.”

“Well, I… have a trip to go to.”

His hand finds mine. “Then so do I.”Chapter 35Greyson

Two Months Later

“You were right!” I yell as Harley and I sit on the hill and take in the sight before us. Disco lights paint the mass of dancing bodies bright green, crimson and turquoise. Giant glittering yellow banners and massive flaming torches and bonfires are lighting up the sky. Some Calvin Harris song that makes me want to dance even though I’m sitting down and not big on dancing. Maybe it’s just that punch I drank. “This Full Moon Festival is amazing.”

“Course I was.” Harley plants a kiss on my cheek, then leans her head onto my shoulder. “Mama Har can’t be wrong.” Another grin. “Although the internet did help. Who knew they had a whole island dedicated to this thing?”

“Even if this place has a lot of horror stories,” I say contemplatively. “Robberies, kidnappings, injuries—do you know hundreds of people get burned on the fire jumping ropes every year?”

“Drunk people and flaming jump ropes don’t seem like a wise combo,” Harley admits with a giggle. “Now, do you have any other uplifting observations to make?”

One look at her in her metallic pink dress and I have all the material I need: “You look hot as hell.”

Harley laughs and hides her face with her hands. “Anything not obvious?”

I reach over and give her butt a little whack. “Oh, somebody’s humble.”

Harley giggles. “What can I say, I come by it honestly.”

I lean over to whisper in her ear. “If our kid looks anything like you, they’re going to be beautiful.”

She steals a kiss. “If they look anything like you, they’re going to be beautiful.”

I grin again, so big and wide my mouth is almost sore after all the grinning I’ve been doing. Being around Harley does that to me. “Guess the odds are stacked, then.”

“Guess so,” she says happily, then, “Ooh!”


“Look up.”

I do. I crane my head back to stare and keep staring. “Wow. It’s easy to forget how many stars there are.”

“There’s no forgetting now,” she says softly, then, “Kiss me.”

I do, peeling myself away with difficulty. “Stop it, you.”

Her grin is downright devilish, sending a twinge right to my cock. “Or what?”

My lips lap at her ear as I answer, “Or I’ll make you regret it.”

She lunges another kiss at me, this one with enough tongue to make my cock instantly hard. “Something tells me I won’t regret it one bit.”

“That’s it,” I growl, pinning her down onto the grass. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Our mouths remeet and our tongues entwine. She tastes like the caramel corn I bought her minutes ago. She twists her mouth against mine with a passion that drives me mad. My hands twist in her hair, shove her lips back to mine when she tries pulling away.

“But Greyson,” she giggles.

“Don’t start what you don’t intend to finish,” I murmur, pulling her back to me and sucking on her lower lip.

She groans. “What are you trying to do to me?”

I grind my pelvis into hers. “What we both want me to.”

Partway through another groan, she manages to shoot me a teasing smirk. “That so?”

I press my fingers into her panty-covered pussy. “You tell me.”

Another glaring moan. “You ass.”

“You like it.”

“Oh yeah?”

I kiss her, hard. “Yeah.”

I take her chin in my hands, but still she’s pulling away. “What about… we’re right in the open. Anyone could come…”

She’s right, reasonable, logical. Problem is, with the lust sparking in her eyes and her lips pouted with want, I can’t calm down. Plus, there is no one around right now.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” I say, as my fingers slip inside her.

“Ooohhhh, that’s so… ohhh… Good.” She bites her lip.

Inside, she’s even wetter than I expected.

“That’s it, baby.” I smile over her. “I love seeing you all hot and bothered.”

Her eyes close and her back arches. “Just… please. More.”

I peel down her blue satin panties, growling in appreciation. “The ones I bought you. Good.”

But she’s too deep into her pleasure to answer now. Fuck, she’s hot. Just seeing her like this, dress bunched up around her legs, gorgeous slit bared to me, throat up, I’m close myself.

Hot as fuck.

My fingers jam into her as my other hand caresses the soft flesh of her ass, enjoying its fullness.

“I love you like this,” I murmur.


My lips find hers. “Mine.”

Hers kiss mine back hungrily. “Yours.”

And then I pick up the pace. Already, she’s squirming, my fingers working her expertly. I dip my head down and lap at her upper thighs, around her opening. Her pelvis twitches as her moans rise a pitch.

“You gonna come for me?” I croon, right before my lips land on her clit.

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