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Triple Sext (Accidental Stepbrother 4)

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“I guess,” I told him and wondered why the person hadn’t just come outside to talk to him. He left and I figured whatever it was that had dragged him inside wasn’t that important because he came back out, that smirk on his face that always told me I was in trouble. But that good kind of trouble.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said and picked me up from the bench to press me into the tree. “Let me feel you against me for a little while.”

I moaned up into his mouth as he kissed me, one of his hands between us pressed into my cleft. I had on panties, but his fingers deftly slid beneath them to find me wet and ready for him. He circled my clit with those expert fingers of his until I thought I’d die from the pleasure of it.

“I’m going to give you pleasure for the rest of your life, Celia,” he whispered below my right ear as his fingers strummed me into another moan. “Every single day, you’ll know how much you’re wanted if you’ll just give me that chance.”

“Anything you want, Keith, just make me come.” I held onto his arms as my thighs tensed and my body began to shake. With my eyes closed and my body pressed into the tree, I let go and it was almost as spontaneously as his sudden need to get me off. He bent down to his knees as my body quaked and pushed my panties aside just enough to get a taste of me.

“I needed one more taste, just in case,” he said softly as he stood up and left me. “I need to get us some fresh drinks. Be back in a minute.”

I stood there, too stunned to protest, as he walked away. I slowly came back to my senses and straightened my costume.

A few moments later he came back out, two fresh bottles in his hand as he walked up to me. The smirk was gone and I saw the sensitive eyes, the tentative smile that was so different from his smirk.

He pulled me over to the bench and he held me close. I sank into his heat and let his aura wash over me. “I love this.”

“I do, too,” he agreed and put his face close to my hair. “Your hair smells so good.”

“I’m, uh, glad you think so?” I laughed at him, but at the same time, it was sweet that he’d even noticed something like that.

“I do. I think all of you smells good though.” He kissed my head and then pulled away a little to look up at the moon. “It has nothing on you, you know?”

“What?” I asked because I hadn’t seen what he was looking at.

“The moon. People go on and on about how beautiful it is. Stunning the say. But they haven’t seen you, Celia. Nothing can match how beautiful and wonderful you are. You’ve given me new hope in life and have changed the way I look at things, and you don’t even realize it.”

This was my studious Keith then, the scholar with a plan. I’d become used to the way he’d change, throughout the day, or stay the same, and it didn’t even occur to me to wonder if it was strange anymore.

“I think you’ve taught me a thing or two as well,” I said and turned to kiss him.”

“There’s the slut!” I heard someone say and turned because I knew that voice.

“Rachel?” I asked but I knew it was her, even behind the pop star costume she had on. A crowd of people stood behind her, ready for a show. I could feel the tension in the air and knew I couldn’t just run away from this. I had to face this silly little bitch, even if I just wanted to be left alone. Before I could say anything back, somebody else spoke up.

“Leave her alone, Rachel. She hasn’t done anything to you.” That was Becky, I knew it, despite the classical French artist costume she had on with a mask to hide her face. “You’re just a vindictive bitch, and we all know it.”

“Oh, says the rich little freak that can’t fit in with her own kind.” Rachel sneered and turned back to me. “You see, poor little farmgirl, most of us here are rich but you aren’t. It’s a shame you tainted your friend Becky there. She might have made a nice addition to our little group.”

“Would you fuck off, Rachel? I haven’t done anything to you. Why the fuck won’t you just leave me alone?”

I looked at Rachel, stunned by her need to victimize me yet again. Now that I could focus, I saw the way she chewed a wad of gum, and swung her hand around, as if she was the queen of the world.

Large and in charge. But I also thought she did it to draw attention to her costume. Nothing was left to the imagination. Her hot pants were so short and tight that I could see her butt cheeks in the light of the moon. She had a crop top on which showed off her perfectly formed abs as well as most of her breasts. They were crammed into a pushup bra for effect. She even had her hair in pigtails. It was as if she’d gone for the Britney Spears look in Baby One More Time, but this time she wasn’t playing a teenager in high school. She was clearly much older and wanted attention.

Something that I had wanted when we first met but not to that degree and not today off all days. I only wanted Keith’s attention today.

I shook my head and I wanted to say something. Anything that would magically make her leave me alone, but nothing came to mind. I sneered at her, instead and rolled my eyes.

“What? You don’t like my outfit?” she asked with a twirl that showed off her lean body, barely clothed despite the cold.

“Not really,” I smiled falsely but she didn’t know me well enough to know that it wasn’t genuine. “I just wouldn’t feel comfortable walking around with someone so desperate for attention that she had to show off all her assets. But it’s your body, not mine, that’s on display. You go, girl.”

She stared at me, ready for a battle but with a crowd around us that had obviously turned against her, she looked cornered. That might be a little dangerous I knew from my life back home. Animals that are cornered are liable to do anything to escape.

“Look, skank,” she said with an aggressive twist of her head. “I’m the one that belongs here, not you. You’re the stupid one. The one that turned the Bentley boys’ heads. I wanted them, but oh, no you had to go and fuck that up for me, didn?

??t you?”

“What? There’s only one of them, Rachel. What are you talking about?” I went still, certain now that I was dealing with a lunatic. But at least I knew what her problem was now. She wanted Keith. Even if she did think there was more than one of them.

“How can you be that stupid, Celia? You can’t fool me. Not with that sweet, innocent act of yours. You know good and well that the Bentleys are triplets. You can’t be on this campus that long and not know that Keith, Colin, and Grant are triplets and that they have a kink for fucking the same girl. Or can you be that stupid?” Her eyes narrowed and she looked at me closely.

I guess she could see the shock on my face, and she reveled in it. She laughed and laughed. A cackle of pure, evil delight. “You didn’t know? Are you serious?”

She almost fell over laughing, and then the crowd joined her. My life was officially over. I couldn’t process it all. I looked at Keith and could see from the guilt on his face that it was true. I’d been a complete moron!

I ran and Keith ran after me. Or was it Colin? Or Grant?

“Celia, let me explain!”

Becky caught up with me, took my arm, and we ran together to her old beat up Mercedes. Whichever Bentley brother that ran after me, tripped and we sped away, just as he made it to the car. “Celia!”

I heard him call after me, but Becky sped away and I didn’t tell her to slow down. How could I?

Chapter Thirty-One


Becky drove us to her warehouse apartment, and we took the elevator up to the floor where her apartment was. I saw that it was mainly one room, with a closed in space for the bathroom and the bedroom. There was also a loft, which was where Becky slept on a mattress on the floor. A bohemian life for a girl a that wasn’t sure she wanted to be a true bohemian.

Yet, I thought ruefully, I’d wanted the conservative life and had ended up being the bohemian one.

I was numb for a while and didn’t say a lot. Becky, on the other hand, wouldn’t shut up.

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