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Quadruple Sext (Accidental Stepbrother 5)

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I stopped at the corner store and bought a hot dog for dinner and a bag of plain chips. Spring was in the air, I decided as I came out of the shop. Instead of it being so cold I could see my breath, the air remained clear and I could smell a faint hint of something floral in the air.

I wanted to get back quickly, my phone buzzed quite a few times while I was in the store. I knew it was the Rome brothers, the phone buzzed differently than it did when it was a message from anyone else. I wanted to read those texts, eat my dinner, and get right to work. Well play, in this case, I thought with a giggle as I let myself in the door. So much play.Chapter EightFor some people, going to a university means the first chance at real independence, or maybe they just want to delay the onset of adulthood for a little while longer. For others, going off to college or a university just means new opportunities to torture and bully others. I’d come to this place with hopes and dreams, a desire to be someone I’d never allowed myself to be. I’d worked hard all through high school to earn the opportunity that so many others were given and took for granted. I planned to be relaxed at this phase of my life; a little more outgoing even. I wanted to spend some time at parties and hang out with cool people that made me think.

Instead, I’d had Amanda and her attempts to make my life miserable from the start. Attempts that succeeded for a very long time. I know the Rome brothers think it’s Amanda on the other end of the chat box, but despite that, I still felt my confidence growing with every day that passed. I turned in my final projects, and today I had to take my final exams. After this, my life at this place that was a haven for so many, but hell for me, would be over.

Nothing could bring me down.

Not even the bomb that Brooklyn dropped on me early that morning. She’d rushed off to the bathroom before I’d even climbed out of bed. From the way she moaned, I figured she really needed it. I was just getting my clothes on when she came back, looking like she was about to die from the plague.

“What is wrong with you, Brook? You look terrible?” I rushed up to her and put my arm around her shoulder. She was hunched down, her arms wrapped around her stomach. She looked even paler than usual and the skin around her eyes and nose was red.

“I wanted to talk to you about it, I just haven’t had the nerve.” She walked over to her bed and sat down. I followed beside her and held her right hand in mine. There were tears in her eyes and she looked so sad it nearly broke my heart in two. “I’m pregnant.”

“What?” My explosive question and look of shock made her flinch away a little.

“I know, I know. I should have known better. We should have been more careful. But it’s happened and now… well, I’m pregnant.”

“Brooklyn!” I pulled her back into my arms and hugged her tight. “Things happen, otherwise, there’d be far fewer people in this world, I’m sure.”

“I know. It’s one of the reasons we decided to stay in Charlotte. It’s a place we know, with doctors we know.” She pulled away from me and swiped at her eyes. “I’m about four months along, so I’ll have just enough time to start work, get used to it, and then have to go on maternity leave.”

“It’s not a lot of time,” I agreed, my worry now that the hospital would rescind her offer of employment. “They can’t take the job away from you, now can they?”

“No, there’s a clause, or a law, something that protects me. I’ve looked into it already.” She took a deep breath and sat up straighter. “As long as I pass all of the exams and get my license, they can’t take the job offer away.”

“Good. That will protect you anyway.” I didn’t know what else to say. I knew she hadn’t planned this, but it seemed she had decided to keep the baby, so all that was left was being supportive. “Do you know what it is yet?”

“Yeah, she’s a girl. We found out yesterday.” She moved to the nightstand we shared and pulled a picture out of one of her books. She showed me the ultrasound printouts on the sheet. “This is her face, obviously. And that’s her labia and vagina. No penis in sight.”

“I’d want a girl.” I declared though I’d never really thought about it. Children were something for the future after I’d lost my virginity. Now, with Brooklyn’s pregnancy confirmed and brought to life in pictures, I knew that’s what I’d want.

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