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Quadruple Sext (Accidental Stepbrother 5)

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I’d gone through several scenarios in my head. It was Michael I’d have to convince. He was the oldest and the most dominant of the brothers. A natural leader, really. I had to get past him, and I think I might be okay. I mean, I’m not ugly, I’m kind of attractive, with my hair done and some makeup on.

I didn’t want this to be too hard, but I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. They were expecting a blond bombshell. Instead, they were getting a dark-haired, um, vixen. I could be a vixen, right?

I went into the hotel lobby and told them I was expected by the clients in the villa suite. I didn’t give my name or anything, I just told them what Michael told me to say.

“Ah, yes, we have a key ready for you, Miss.” The slim man with way too much hair gel in his hair and eyebrows said. He did something with a computer, stuck a card in a machine, and within moments, handed the card key over to me. “I hope you enjoy your stay, Miss. If you follow the blue lines on the carpet, you’ll find the elevator. You’ll need the card key to bring the elevator down.”

The villa was on the top floor, which was seventy-five floors up. A long way to go, but it wasn’t like I had to walk up, right? I went to the elevator, put my key in, and got in. I didn’t hit any buttons, not yet. I stared at myself in the mirrored walls, my nerves about to get the better of me.

I’d controlled myself the entire day. I’d had a few moments where I thought I’d lose control and run back home, but I hadn’t. I was here now. The moment of truth stared me in the face. Well, I stared at myself in the face.

I looked at the buttons and my fingers reached out. I was about to open the doors up and leave the hotel when I remembered what Mrs. Lawson had told me. Live your life. She hadn’t exactly said take chances and do wild things, but she’d told me to live. I lifted my gaze back to the mirror image of myself and looked at the woman there. She was worthy, she was smart, capable, and more than able of accomplishing major goals. This was one goal that I might end up a fool for, though.

With a deep breath, I hit the button to go up. There were only three buttons and I knew which floor the villa was on, so I hit that one. The elevator began to move, smoothly but with speed, up to the top of the hotel. I’ve never been up that high in a building, but I would be in a few seconds. I clenched at the bar behind me, tapped my toes softly, and waited for a ding.

I stared at the doors as they opened quietly. I looked out but all I saw was a hallway. Thank goodness. I had a moment to collect myself. I glanced at the panel again, wondered if I should push the down button and fly right out of this hotel.

This was insane. I was about to be the sex toy of four men I’d never actually met. If they let me into their villa, that is. Was I really that stupid? Horror movies should start with plots like this, but nobody would believe it, I thought. Who would be that stupid?

Me, that’s obviously who.

I wanted to call Brooklyn, or my mom, maybe even Mrs. Lawson. Was this what they meant? That I should go out and do things that terrify me but might turn out to be the best decision ever?

My father had died early in his life when I was still a baby. Not that I should really be thinking about him, of all people right now, but I wondered if he’d have done crazy things if he’d lived? Wasn’t his early death a reminder to me, though? That life isn’t guaranteed, and we should take joy where we could find it?

Take chances on even the insane things sometimes? I moved out of the elevator and the doors closed behind me immediately. I watched the doors shut with trepidation. Now all I had to do was knock on that door and this would be over with.

They’d turn me away or ask me to join them. It was right there. The moment I had doubted would ever come. With a deep breath, I walked up to the door, smoothed down my dress one more time as I straightened my spine. I pressed the button beside the door, even though I had a key card. I didn’t want to just walk in on them since it wasn’t me they were really expecting.

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