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Quadruple Sext (Accidental Stepbrother 5)

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“Or the oldest? He’s so frowny and solemn though. I can’t imagine it was him, so it must have been Daniel, the other one. I bet it was him, he looks like your type.” She nodded as if to answer her own question and looked at me expectantly.

“Are you going to interrupt me again?” I asked with a grin. “Because if you are, I won’t tell you.”

“Oh, sorry,” she apologized, and her pale skin became tinged with pink.

“It was, to ease your curiosity,” I paused and looked at them both with glee. “All of them.”

“Huh?” Stuart asked, but Brooklyn’s eyes just went impossibly wide before she screeched with delight.

“No!” she declared and leaned into me. “Tell me you aren’t joking; you tell me right now!”

“No, I’m not. It was all four of them. At the same time, separately, on the bed, on the couch, on a table, in the pool, against a wall, against a balcony…”

I let my voice trail off as I was afraid she was about to pass out because I was certain she’d stopped breathing.

“Oh, my word! I can’t, oh God, I can’t breathe.” She waved at her face and took a breath despite her claim. “I’m so… oh my, girl, you’ve just made my day!”

“Have I?” I asked doubtfully and looked at her. I’d been so afraid, but I should have known better.

“This is the best day ever! Not only did you lose your virginity, but you went all out for it! All four Rome brothers? You are a star, Nicolette.”

“That’s not all,” I admitted and waited for her to stop sputtering. “It was supposed to be Amanda. She dropped her phone one day, and well, I found their texts. I’ll explain more later but suffice to say when she showed up in Vegas, justice found its place in the world. At least, for me it did.”

“Now I want to know all about that,” Stuart replied before his wife could, his hazel eyes alight with amusement, “but the dinner is ready and the garlic bread is about to burn, so follow me into the kitchen slash dining room.”

We ate spaghetti with a sauce Stuart made and garlic bread, as I recounted the rest of the story to them. I thought Brooklyn would hurt herself laughing as I told her about the whole Amanda thing, and Stuart nodded as if he was well-pleased by it all. That wasn’t the end of our story though, not yet. We still had July and August to get through.

After dinner, Stuart brought out a bottle of wine and I shared it with him while we continued to talk about my experience in Vegas. I had to go over the parts with Amanda more than the rest, repeatedly because Brooklyn was so delighted about it.

“I’m just so happy for you,” she gasped through a cloud of happy tears. She wiped at her eyes before she continued. “To know they’ve done all of that before they even knew you… yeah, they’re keepers.”

“I know. It’s amazing, all of it. I wouldn’t believe it, except that… well, I’m still sore so something happened,” I laughed at that and they joined in with me. I was slightly tipsy after two full glasses of white wine and that made me tip over on the couch, right onto Brooklyn.

She stroked my hair as I stayed in her lap, a comfortable place that was familiar.

“I used to do this when she’d been especially cruel to you. It always soothed you,

Brooklyn said gently, her fingers softly stroking through my hair.

“It did, still does. It wasn’t something Mom had a lot of time to do, even when I was sick. You’ve always been like the sister I wanted to have. I’m glad you were assigned to be my roommate.”

“Fuck, imagine if you’d been assigned to someone like Amanda?” I felt her cringe above me and had to agree with that sentiment.

“I’d have lost my mind. But I got you. And she’s getting her comeuppance. Maybe a few years too late, but at the right time too. She’s going to have a hard time. Especially since her dad cut off her credit cards.”

“What? You didn’t tell me that!” Brooklyn nudged me up with her thighs, so I got up to face her.

“I forgot. Yeah, he cut her off. She’s somewhere on her last few thousand dollars, trying to find her way, I guess.”

“That might be a little too harsh.”

“Well, she can always go to work at a restaurant somewhere.” I sniped, a little peeved. “I’m sure she’ll have him wrapped around her finger again soon.”

“You’re probably right. I shouldn’t feel sorry for her, but that is harsh, you have to admit. To go from being rich to poor in an instant must be hard.”

“People do it all the time,” I replied and picked up my glass of wine. Stuart had found another bottle.

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