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Stepbrother Secret Billionaire

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“Okay, maybe we don’t have to go that far away from the billionaire lifestyle.” I laughed. “I don’t mind luxury once in a while.”

“Good. I want to give you the moon. But I really mean it about helping people. One of the reasons I love you so much is not just because of how I felt about you before, but because you make me want to be a better man.”

I smiled and closed my eyes. Mick was warm and solid behind me. His strong arms were around me. Right here in this bed, in this cheap apartment in the bad part of town, was everything I’d ever wanted.




I climbed the stairs to our private jet right behind Casey. Even after three years of marriage, the sight of my wife’s heart-shaped ass in a pair of jeans was uplifting, if you know what I mean. But I kept my hands to myself. A day of travel, even with your own plane, was always exhausting, and I didn’t want to wear us out before the day even started.

We buckled ourselves into the cushy seats, and Casey put her head on my shoulder. I kissed her hair and looked out the window at the runways of Addis Ababa Bole Airport with the low mountains in the distance. We’d been in Ethiopia for three months this time, and I was eager to get home. I’d fallen in love with the country and its people, and the incredible natural beauty everywhere. But Casey’s various projects here were going well, and it was time to stick my head in the door of my law firm and make sure things there were up to snuff. I was lucky to have good people working for me.

Casey had a lot going on stateside as well. She was tireless as a manager from halfway around the world, and now her little non-profit was finding services for foster families all over the state. That old building I’d bought was now a gorgeous Queen Anne mansion. Casey had turned it into a place where kids who were aging out of the foster system could stay while they figured out what to do next. Except for that one apartment in the

back with the French doors. That one held fond memories for both of us, and it was her office.

She was an amazing woman. I was incredibly lucky to have her. Which is not to say we didn’t ever argue. She could hold her ground when she knew it was right. But mostly, I counted my blessings.

The jet was taxiing towards the runway, and Casey laced her fingers up with mine. If you asked her, she’d say she wasn’t afraid of flying, so I didn’t ask anymore. I just let her squeeze my hand as tightly as she wanted to when planes took off and landed. To distract her, I said, “So what’s your next big project, Case?”

“I don’t have any big projects right now.”

“No?” I was surprised. She usually was juggling ten plans at once.

“I do have a little one, though.”

“I thought you always liked to think big.”

“It’s only little right now. It will be a lot bigger soon. It’s getting bigger every day, in fact.”

I turned to her with what I’m sure was a dumb look on my face. “Don’t all projects do that? What are you talking about?”

“It’s…something inside me that will have to get out someday.”

“Well, let me know, and I’ll move some resources around.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. I’ll need you to be more involved in this one, though.”

I wasn’t always this slow, I swear. “Casey, spit it out. Whatever you need, we’ll find a way to make it happen.”

She laughed and started to hum “Rock a Bye Baby.”

I grabbed her. “No way!”

“I’m pretty sure.”

“Pretty sure? Pretty sure isn’t good enough!”

“Okay, then I’m eight-pregnancy-tests sure.”

“That is pretty sure.” I put both arms around her the best I could in the plane’s seats. “I don’t know what to say!”

“Say you’re happy?”

“Oh, yes, yes! Happy isn’t a big enough word!”

“You’re going to be the best dad ever,” she said, and looked up at me, her eyes shining.

Just then, our jet picked up speed, pushing us back a bit in our seats. I squeezed Casey a little harder but then thought, “Not too hard!” I lowered one arm until I could lay my hand over her belly. She put one hand over mine, and we stayed like that as the plane sped up, lifted off, and soared into the sky.

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