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Four hands, two mouths, two tongues, four lips and two bodies of equally magnificent proportions working from home all over my sensitive, sex starved and orgasm hungry body.

“Penny?” Logan asks. “We can be at my house or Jack’s in less than fifteen minutes. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other in a much more relaxed environment. I know there’s something kinky about office romances, but the see through windows and artificial lights in here are a little bit of a buzzkill for me.”

“No pressure”, Jack adds. “We could wait until tonight or even another time if you need to, it’s just with the three of us here now-.”

“No”, I say. “I mean yes. I mean I’d like that very much, working from home that is, all of us, and I don’t want to wait, I’ve waited long enough and I’m tired of being that girl that lives inside her head and nothing ever comes true and now this has happened and you two are here and it seems like it’ll slip right out of my hands like sand if I don’t grab hold of it hard and prove to myself it’s real because it is real, at least I think it’s real and I’ve wanted this since I saw you both-.” I pause to catch my breath, my cheeks going red again. “Jack?” I ask, before what little I have left of an already limited reserve of courage totally fails me, “please can you kiss me again so I stop talking, and Logan, can you keep hold of me while he does so, just in case I fall over again?”

“Absolutely”, the twins say in unison, already moving rapidly towards me to gather me up in their arms protectively.

Chapter Eighteen

It must be a record for a first day at work. Arrive at 9:00am, kiss the boss at 9:04am, pass out at 9:05am, come to at 9:10am, kiss the boss’s twin brother at 9:11am, and then leave in the boss’s car, with the boss’s twin brother at 9:25am.

We pause briefly at the entrance gate to return my temporary pass, where the security guard leaps out of his seat to military like attention when he recognizes the car passing is Jack’s, and the look he gives me as I wind down the window to hand it back to him is priceless.

Even though I don’t dare to say it, the words populate in my head: yes, I imagine myself explaining to him, this is exactly the kind of proactive woman I am. In less than half an hour here, I’ve convinced the boss and his identical twin brother to take me back home and ride me into heaven like a pair of wild stallions. Just imagine what I can do if given a full day.

We ride mostly in silence, the same kind of silence that filled Logan’s car on the way back from Red Hook the previous Friday, but this time with an expectation of something at the end to fill it, the excitement between all three of us palpable. Both Logan and Jack live within a short distance of the studios, but it’s Jack’s house we decide to head for.

The traffic is light and the streets are about as quiet as you might expect for a Monday morning, but I’m beginning to realize it probably wouldn’t matter if there were roadblocks or traffic jams several miles long. If it took a week to get to Jack’s house the result would be just the same. What we are about to do isn’t time sensitive now nor is it an either or option. This isn’t some spur of the moment thing, or some one night stand that we might lose interest in if we don’t do it straight away, it’s something we’ve considered, talked about and embarked upon, and unless I’m totally misreading this situation, neither one of us has any intention of changing our minds. We’re going to Jack’s house to fuck, and nothing in the world can get in the way of that.

I hadn’t imagined it happening like this, but then I hadn’t imagined the build up at all, skipping straight to the most interesting part every time I allowed myself to fantasize it, in the same way that causality is skipped over in dreams.

If I were dreaming now, this car journey wouldn’t even be taking place, we’d have moved swiftly from the office to the bedroom, without explanation for our arrival, naked without the need to take off our clothes, and fucking without the inevitable awkwardness that always leads up to it, but we would have lost something in the process too.

The anticipation makes this real, the inability to immediately transform ‘desire’ into ‘process’ a reminder of the importance of wanting something we can’t always have right away, the churn in my stomach, the rapid acceleration of my heart beat and the trembling of my fingers as we near our destiny, tell-tale signs of just how real this whole situation is. I can control fantasy more than I can my own dreams, but getting what I really want outside of my own head is a luxury unlike any other, and the longer it takes for it to happen, the more I end up wanting it.

When we finally arrive at Jack’s, the car parked, the front door opened, the lightning quick tour given in a heartbeat, I am practically ready to explode.

Naturally, having never been in this situation before, I’m unsure about the protocol. I’m not the kind of girl that has one night stands, and I’ve certainly never had one during the day. I know what they do in movies, but this isn’t the movies as much as it feels like it.

For an awkward moment all three of us just stand there in the front room staring from one person to the next, like we’ve just broken into a house and have no idea what to do next. We’re on the precipice of the scene I’ve played out in my head, with the awkwardness of narrative convention to get over first, and not a single one of us seems brave enough to put forward an idea about how to get there. We’ve kissed, we’ve come home, we’ve confirmed what we all want but because this isn’t a dream and we can’t just arrive there magically, we have to somehow find our way up to the bedroom in a much more conventional way.

Jack smiles mischievously, Logan looks suggestively from his brother to me, and I bite my lower lip, the three of us like greyhounds at the beginning of a race, waiting for the rabbit to be released so we know the signal to begin. I can feel the tension mounting between us, our heartbeats racing, the anticipation of what’s about to happen pushed to the very limit of what we can bear until finally, as though neither one of us can cope with the pressure anymore, we explode in a synchronized outburst of action, and move so quickly together we practically burst into flames.

There is an urgency to our actions now, in complete contrast to the tranquility of the car journey we took to get here, which makes me think of the clarity of the eye of the storm compared to the power of the natural event it conceals.

Like horny teenagers discovering the opposite sex for the very first time, given a window of thirty minutes to indulge themselves before their parents come home, we practically fly to the bedroom in a unified mass of sexual arousal, clothes torn off and strewn about the house in our wake, just in case we run out of time.

If I had inhibitions about this moment before now, I’m given little time to accommodate them. When we make it to the bedroom, I’ve somehow been reduced to my bra and panties and Jack and Logan, who have thrown me on the bed and now stand at the foot of it like hunters taking in their catch, do so naked from the waist up.

My eyes glide across a pair of broad shoulders, thick forearms, ripped torsos and perfect abs and then down along the lines of their adonis belts to thick bulges getting bigger and bigger by the moment.

If my breath hadn’t already been taken away, I’d be screaming away in delight, instead I just stare at them with my mouth open in utter astonishment, unable to believe that this is actually happening for real. One of these impressive men would be a dream come true, two is like heaven on earth.

I don’t need to touch myself to know how wet I am, nor does it take me long to see that I’m clearly not the only one this turned on. As Jack and Logan kick their way out of their pants, I get a front row view of just how horny they already both are, and for the third time in my life I can’t help but gulp. Their boxer shorts do little to conceal the form, which isn’t a surprise, considering the sheer size of them.

My eyes go slowly from the outline of their enormous cocks, across their chests and up to their faces - where wide smiles greet me proudly - and then back down again like a pair of magnets inevitably drawn back to the huge met

al rods attracting them.

I wouldn’t exactly call myself promiscuous, but in the limited experience I refer to as my sex life, I have been with what I thought were men before. Next to these two, however, it’s like those guys were a different species altogether. Either they weren’t men at all, and I’ve been experiencing a second rate category of human being, or Logan and Jack are actually Gods. Even in my artwork, the men aren’t this well proportioned.

Naked but for their boxershorts, which they already seem to have outgrown, Logan and Jack mount the bed, a hunger in their eyes I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive, even if I get anywhere close to satiating.

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