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Jack falls in sync with his brother and having had my turn already, I let the two of them fuck me hard, two pistons pounding the engine block, orgasmic bliss coming for me at a million miles an hour.

Logan grunts, he goes on one leg, he holds my ass cheeks apart and he fucks me forcefully, and although I can’t see him, I already know by the sound of his sporadic moans, that it’s coming for him too.

Jack pulls my hair back so he can see my face and I sit up as much as I can to see his, my hands making red impressions on his chest to match the stains on his neck where I’ve covered his flesh in over zealous bite marks.

Logan likes me to bite him, but that doesn’t mean Jack can’t enjoy it too. Twins like to share after all, whether that’s the same toy, the same idea or the same mind blowing orgasm at exactly the same time.

It’s exploding through me before I have a chance to stop it. A thousand fireworks going off at once, the flames of a forest fire sweeping across an arid plain, a star compacting. I try to stay balanced, desperate to hold Jack’s gaze, but the trembles that reduce my arms to jelly make anything other than lying flat-out on his chest while my lungs and heart catch up to my brain an absolute impossibility. I come for what feels like an entire minute, as though the needle has stuck the record in the one groove that gives the most pleasure, or the earth, without prior warning and completely against the laws of nature, has stopped spinning just to prolong my ecstasy. In these orgasmic moments, time seems as abstract a concept as it could ever be, with absolutely nothing to mark its passing, apart from the eventual dissipation of nirvana and subsequent glacial return to a previous state of heightened arousal.

I am never disappointed by how incredible these two men are able to make me feel, or just how mesmeric the sensations they seem capable of generating inside me are. I have no idea whether you could even call what I’ve just experienced a multiple-orgasm, because in doing so it seems to massively underestimate the whole experience.

At some point after I have exploded in uncontrollable orgasmic ecstasy, Logan shows me just how much he likes to dominate me by ejaculating deep inside my anus, and Jack follows his brother’s cue by a microsecond, filling my pussy with several spurts of his hot, salty cum.

Once relieved, Logan allows himself to fall against me and like one slice of bread in a Penny Breen sandwich, he hugs Jack and I into the bed.

“You needed that”, Logan says after a while, his breathing still choppy. “All that talk about what we should do definitely made you tense.”

“We all needed that”, I respond, adjusting myself a little until I’m more comfortable. “A whole day without fucking is way too much for me to cope with.”

“I whole-heartedly agree with that”, Jack says, and then a moment later. “So, Logan, now that we’ve relieved our tension and all that”, - he pauses dramatically for emphasis - “any chance you want to relieve your weight?”

Logan groans, and then reluctantly pulls out of me to flop against the bed alongside us both.

“You need to get back in the gym”, he tells Jack. “All that time behind a desk is making you weak.”

“I can’t help it if you’re getting fat”, Jack says, “you need to stop eating junk food.”

“Boys”, I say. “Stop wasting your energy arguing. You’re going to need it again in ten minutes.”

“Ten?”, Logan says, “You’re losing your touch, Penny. We better make sure we don’t miss another day again.”

“That is something we definitely agree on”, Jack says, his dick still inside me and showing absolutely no signs of softening up.

Part Five

Chapter Twenty-Five

When Brandon said that money was no object for this wedding, he wasn’t lying. Three of the world’s best chefs flown in especially to do the catering, an exclusive mansion hired for the entire weekend where the ceremony and subsequent reception will take place, lavish bespoke gifts for each of the two hundred guests, entertainment provided by world class musicians, and then the kind of honeymoon that even Bill Gates might be jealous of. Mom describes all of this to me in stages over the last few weeks in such a detached way I wonder if three months living the high life is enough to get de-sensitized for life. Jack, Logan, Alice and I think it’s an unnecessary extravagance that doesn’t change the way two people feel about each other, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to enjoy it either.

I’m really excited for Mom because it seems as though she’s finally found someone who’s serious about her, and deep down, I know the most important thing for her isn’t how much the whole thing is costing, it’s the fact they are getting married in the first place. If you’ve got the kind of money to be able to afford to do it in style, then why not make the whole thing a monumental showpiece?

Since Jack, Logan and I found out our parents had been dating, and then their subsequent desires to get married, things couldn’t have been better between us all, despite the obvious complications it brings up in our own situation. If anything has changed between us in the intervening three week period, it’s that we’ve got even stronger and become even more certain we are the perfect three way match. I can’t say the idea of my mom and their dad getting married doesn’t scare the absolute hell out of me, nor that I wouldn’t prefer it another way, but I also know that that fear is something that no matter how valid, won’t change my relationship with Jack and Logan in any way at all.

Mom and Brandon still don’t know, of course, but that isn’t exactly because we’ve been keeping our relationship on the down-low, it’s simply because she hasn’t noticed. Mom and Brandon have been so swallowed up in the preparations for today, that even if she’d caught all three of us mid act, she probably wouldn’t think anything of it. We’ve been careful when all three of us have been in their company, keen not to make the situation any more complicated that it already is, but we haven’t exactly kept ourselves away from each other either. Whenever I’m not in the office, I’m either with Jack, Logan or both of them, at either one of our houses or out having fun, so it wouldn’t take a genius or a half decent private detective to find out what we get up to. I get a kick out of seeing people’s reactions when we’re out in public and it’s clear our relationship is an intimate one, or I kiss both of them passionately but at different times so I get people wondering if I’m conscious I’ve kissed the wrong twin, or I’m actually just having an affair.

We’ve come to the decision between all three of us that there’s no point in hiding what’s going on between us, and as soon as Mom and Brandon have tied the knot, they’ve gone on their honeymoon, settled into life as a married couple and everything has slowly returned to normal, we’re going to sit them down and come clean. Marriage might not be something that Jack, Logan and I can ever consider between the three of us, but we don’t want to be hiding something so important from our par

ents either, that has an impact on all of our lives.

I know what you’re probably thinking. We’ve known each other for just over a month, so how can we all be so certain this is something that’s going to last when the dust settles over our own honeymoon period and real life kicks in like it always inevitably does?

Because I’ve never felt so certain about anything else in my life, that’s why. When I picture my future, I picture it with Jack, Logan and children around us both of them have given me, and the best feeling of all is that I know they share they same sensation. The question isn’t whether we’ll be together in the future at all, it’s what the future is going to look like with us three in it.

Mom and Brandon getting married is a complication, but it was never going to be anything more than that. Life can throw as many problems as it likes at us, fate can twist it’s way around us like a slithering snake and stack obstacles in our path, people can comment, judge, and shower us with their prejudice and we’ll bounce back against it all as a team, fighting for what we deserve. Nothing is going to be strong enough to pull Logan, Jack and I apart, like nothing can come between any kind of love shared between two, three or a million people in this world. And it’s not like we have a weakness either. There is no kryptonite here, no flaw in our design, no secret hiding in the shadows that threatens to destroy us forever. All there is is me, Penny Breen, the girl that dared to dream, and Jack and Logan, the sexiest twins this side of the Orion arm.

The very same twins that definitely shouldn’t be in my bed right now, definitely shouldn’t have done repeatedly what they did to me last night, and definitely shouldn’t be thinking about doing it again.

Mom and Brandon have the master bedroom in the eastern wing of this palatial home, so unless they’ve got hearing like bats they thankfully won’t have heard us going at it. Tonight, however, the bedrooms alongside our one will be occupied with friends and family members, so when we undoubtedly fuck later on, unless we want the whole world to find out our secret, we’re going to have to do it silently.

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