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All he does is watch me with those sexy eyes.

“Good night guys, see you in the morning.”

Mom has an eye mask on and earplugs in. She looks ridiculous but it doesn’t seem to bother her. Both of them look like comedy parents from a made up show. They better not even think about fucking.

“Good night.”

When the door shuts, Landon and I are on our own. The Donkey and, well, me. Fuck this is awkward. What do you say to someone you know so intimately, and have never been alone with before. I know every muscle definition, every hair, every mole. I’ve spent hours tracing the lines his penis make into the fabric of the boxer shorts he wears. Embarrassingly, I probably know almost as much about his football career as he does, and even more about what they’ve said about him in the papers.

I haven’t seen his weapon, but I’ve read it being described so many times I feel like I know it intimately. I can shut my eyes and see it, which is why I try not to.

“I’m going to bed.”

“I know, you already said that.”

“That means you have to go to bed as well.”

“It’s 9pm, Tilly. Are you telling me that you are going to dump that mattress on the floor, get on top of it, close your eyes and go to sleep, at 9 pm, like Wee Willie Winkie and his little mistress?”


“At 9pm? On holiday? In the middle of nowhere with a jacuzzi outside? On our first night together getting to know each other?”


“Ok then, just don’t mind me.”

He’s not moving. Why is he not moving?

“You know.”

Now he’s talking at me. Whispering actually.

“I reckon your mom and my dad. It’s not normal. I reckon they’re in there doing some weird assed BDSM shit. Did you see the matching pajamas? Real freaky.”

“I heard that, Landon.”

It’s Marvin’s voice, and it sounds like it’s in the room with us. I hear him turn over and the bed creak.

“Didn’t deny it.” Landon holds his hands up and eases back into the sofa. “Just saying. We might have to watch them. You and I are in this together. You know, like a team.”

“A football team?”

“No, nothing like that. Just a two man team. A quarterback and a wide receiver. A brother and sister team.”

“Step brother, step sister”, I remind him.


I hear Marvin and Mom’s bed creak again, and Landon looks at me as if to say “I told you so.”

Again I have to stifle a giggle. If he saw me laughing at one of his jokes he’d never let me live it down.



“I’m going to bed, seriously.”

I can’t let him get me, not this early, not this at all. I can’t risk it, not now we are what we are to each other. I hate him, I must remember that. I hate Landon Maddox. I hate his everything that he does and his everything that he is. I hate him and I’m not going to change the way that I feel just because he’s right here in front of me right now.

“Come on, Tilly. This is boring. I’m bored. What am I going to do if you go to bed? I was bored at home, I don’t want to be bored here too.”

“Can’t you amuse yourself?”

I’m not entirely sure what I mean by that but I certainly don’t want my eyes to go where they do. It’s the last place I want them to go.

“That’s always more fun with two.”

Now I’m going red. Great.

“Alright”, Landon says eventually. “Go to bed. Amuse yourself, see if I care. I thought we could get to know each other, you know, have a beer, chill out. Throw the football around.”

“It’s dark outside, I don’t drink beer, and I’m already perfectly well chilled out, thank you.”

“You look so tense you could snap.”

“I’m fine, thank you for your concern.”

“You look cute when you’re angry too.”

I don’t know how to respond to that so I just do a sort of nod and grunt combination which must come across as completely unappealing based on the look Landon gives me.

“Are you going to get undressed?”

“What kind of a question is that?”

“You know, just so I know. I don’t want to accidentally come out of my room for a glass of water and see you standing there in the nude playing with yourself. You might get embarrassed.”

“Just stay in your room and you won’t have to worry.”

I have to squeeze myself against the edge of the dining table to let Landon pass. If the mattress wasn’t between us providing a barrier, his cock would be rubbing right up against me. As it is, I can see the dent it’s making in the foam, curving the edges away from me.

“Maybe I’ll take a look through the keyhole first, just to make sure I’m not about to disturb you.”


“You look like you’d probably like that though.”

There is a moment that passes between us in which I am completely unable to say anything at all.

When Landon gets to the door to his bedroom, and he stands there casually with his hands above him so he’s kind of half leaning, half swinging, I still haven’t moved a muscle.

“You know”, he says. “You don’t have to be embarrassed to admit it. It happens to everyone.”

“Admit what?”

“You’re starstruck.”

“I’m what?”

Landon smiles. “There you go, I knew it. Goodnight sis. See you in the morning.”

And with that, he turns, walks into the room and closes the door behind him. I flop down into the armchair behind me, the mattress tilted against my legs.

“Step sister”, I say, and I hear Landon ease his triangular frame into the bed that sits only a metre or so away from me, our lives separated by a thin partition wall less than a couple of inches thick.


At first I think it’s raining. There is a thunderous sound of water splashing down into water, so close it could be the same room. It wakes me, and while I allow my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I realize the light I think I’m focussing on isn’t a light at all, it’s the moon like shape of Landon’s buttocks.

He’s there, in the bathroom, the door wide open, and his boxer shorts inexplicably lowered so his perfect ass is hanging in the air, pissing. Pissing thunderously like a fucking race horse.

“Landon, what the fuck?”

I sit up in bed, unable to comprehend exactly what’s going on, while Landon looks casually over his shoulder.

“Oh, hey.”

“What are you doing?”

What he’s doing is evident, but that’s not exactly the point of the question. This fucking adonis has woken me up in the middle of the night to take a mammoth piss. A piss that is still going. What the hell has he been drinking? More importantly, why the hell is the door open.

“Taking a leak.”

“With the door open?”

“Yeah, I guess, I hadn’t noticed, sorry. Did I wake you?”

Did you wake me? What a question. As my eyes grow more accustomed to the failing light, more of his perfectly chiselled body comes into view. Naked from the waist

up, the tail of a tribal tattoo sweeping across his back, boxer shorts pulled down, I expect to give his mammoth cock air, and socks, jesus, he’s still wearing socks. Hang on a minute, is that?

“Landon, the door!”

“Don’t worry, I’m finishing now.”

There are at least twenty more seconds pissing, and a good ten seconds making sure he’s got it all out. After that, he gives a long sigh, pulls his boxer shorts up and flushes the chain, all of which creates a noise loud enough to wake the whole house. When he turns to face me, pausing briefly for no apparent reason other than to allow me to take him in, I feel like I’m front row in one of his catwalk shows, or eyes deep in a particularly well printed magazine. He is, even in the thin light, absolutely unquestionably huge. Mouth wateringly huge. Pussy wettingly huge. Pantie meltingly huge. Eye wateringly-.


“Huge. Fuck.”

I slap my hand across my mouth but the word has already escaped.

“I knew it”, Landon says, shaking his head. “Naughty, Tilly. I might let you see it if you play your cards right.”

“Wait, I didn’t mean that.”

But it’s too late. Landon is already back in his room and I can hear him laughing like a hyena through the walls. This isn’t right. I hate Landon Maddox, how many times do I need to tell myself that? I. Hate. Landon. Maddox. Maybe if I go to sleep this will have all been a dream. He’ll forget about it in the morning, right?




This is going to be hilarious. I knew there would be a good reason to bring my kit, and this is it. It’s just gone six am, I’ve already slept far more than I ever usually do, mostly because I’m sleeping alone, and even though no-one else is awake yet, I’m going to give them all a little ten-hut alarm clock to start the day. If Rachel wants us to act like a family, I’ll show her I mean to. This is exactly what a brother would do to his sister.

Tilly is half in the bed, half out of it. One long, slender leg curls around the duvet, while the other hides inside it. I can see the thin fabric of her panties clinging tightly to a nicely shaped ass although I can’t quite make out the color of them. Light is already creeping in through gaps in the drapes to the French windows, but not enough to pull her awake.

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