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I just need to be sure of a few things first. One, she admits that she wants it and two, she’s not going to tell anyone what happens.

She must be struggling too. I mean, forty eight hours already in my presence is enough to turn any girl into a sex crazed, nymphomaniac. She must be chomping at the bit, demonstrating an almost inhuman amount of restraint not to throw herself at me.

Well, we’ll see how long she can last before the pressure gets too much and she breaks. Of course, it would be a hell of a lot easier if Dad and Rachel weren’t around to crush the vibe. If Tilly and I were here alone on a secret holiday, we could skinny dip in that lake I found, fuck each other out on the decking, create a whirlpool in that jacuzzi, displacing all the water we liked around the edges, and generally do exactly what it is she’s having so much trouble in admitting that she wants.

With Rachel and Dad out of the equation, we aren’t even step siblings. We’re just two horny people looking to get laid.

I’m so hard I have to wait a good ten minutes after I’ve finished cleaning myself for my dick to go back down. When it does, I realize I have the choice of putting back on my dirty running kit or wrapping a towel around myself until I get into the room, and every single one of the eight towels that I can find are barely big enough to get round me.

I don’t reckon Tilly standing outside the bathroom waiting to use it is coincidence either.


We lock eyes for a long moment before I follow her gaze slowly down to what I know is an already swelling dick. A moment later we look at each other. Tilly clears her throat.

“Couldn’t find any smaller towels?”

“There weren’t any big enough.”


I step aside to let her past, because if we refer to it too much, I know what will happen. If I’m even anywhere near past semi-hard, this towel is going to lift off like a rocket, and all hell is going to break loose. I don’t care, but Rachel and Dad might, especially if Tilly decides to throw a hissy fit. For some reason, however, she looks like she won’t. Maybe she’s ready to admit it. Maybe she’s about to push me back into the bathroom, whip the towel off and make me slide every single inch of it into her while Mom and Dad do the Sudoku in the fading sun. And maybe that’s all wishful thinking.

Whatever’s going on in her head, she takes her time to pass, and for what must only be a brief moment, but feels like an eternity, we are front to front in the entrance to the bathroom, somehow jammed awkwardly against each other, trapped by the confines of the door frame.

Caught like this, we can’t help but rub against each other as she slowly tries to release herself, and I swear to God she’s engineered the whole thing on purpose. It isn’t just my arm and upper body she’s in contact with either, it’s my rapidly bulging dick, and she knows it. She’s not only enjoying this, she wants me to know she is as well. Naughty, Tilly. Is she giving me a sign or playing me?

Before I have time to react, before I even have time to say anything, Tilly is past me, and I’m staring at a recently slammed bathroom door, only inches away from my face. That’s not all, either. I can feel it against my feet, even before I hear Rachel’s voice. Thank God it’s enough to soften me almost instantly.

“Nice bum, Landon, but I don’t think that’s really all that appropriate for dinner, even in this liberal household.”

I gather up the fallen towel, careful not to expose myself in the process, and side step the short distance to my room without even turning around to see what kind of face Rachel is pulling while she watches me.

I can hear Tilly smile to herself through the wafer thin walls, and I can’t help but join her.


Alright, I did miss him. Mom and Marvin aren’t exactly the life and soul of the party, so without Landon here to dick around with, it’s easy to get bored. I’d prefer a cell phone signal any day of the week, but I guess Landon isn’t too bad for a second best. I know he wants me to admit it, but I don’t think any of us should risk the potential head swelling that might occur afterwards if I did. The last thing I need is for him to know I like him, or at least like him enough to admit he has his uses, here in the middle of nowhere, in what could easily be a scene from a film about the end of the world.

What if we were the last human beings left alive? Come to think of it, that man in the tractor yesterday is the only other human being I’ve seen apart from my own family in several days. No wonder I feel some kind of attachment to The Donkey.

It must be all in my head though. As soon as I leave here, and we all head back to reality, I’ll realize what a fool I’ve been. You know, with my catalogue collection of every model shoot he’s ever done, my secret scrapbook of newspaper articles, the secret folders on my laptop of pictures. Yeah. Know your enemy, that’s what I say. Get so close to them you can feel their heartbeat, their blood pulse through their extremities.

You can’t blame me really. And after the other day, I just had to know. I had to know if it was swelling for real or he was putting it on. I had to make sure it wasn’t just socks stuffed down there after all. You should have seen his face when I did it. Shock would not go anywhere near to describing it accurately. I never thought I’d see him like that, with a face that gave the impression he had literally been caught with his pants down.


Landon looks at me over the dinner table, trying to work out what I’m thinking.


It would be weird enough to work. They do say opposites attract after all, yet when I look at Mom and Marvin it’s definitely a case of like for like. If this is what they are like now, only a year after being together, what will they be like in forty years time? They practically finish each other’s sentences off already so perhaps they’ll just turn into one person. A kind of Marvin Rachel morph. A Marvel. If Landon ever tried to finish my sentences off for me, I’d kick him in the balls. Repeatedly.

Of course, I know he’s just fucking around. If I wasn’t his step sister anyway, I wouldn’t let him get anywhere near me. I know what Landon is like. A love them and leave them kind of guy. A quick fuck and an even quicker exit, before anything can go bad. I don’t even need to ask him to know he’s never had a long term relationship, but I’m going to anyway, just to get under his skin.

“So, Landon, have you got a girlfriend?”

His smile is not an adequate answer, and I’m not going to let him get away with it.

“I think I read somewhere you were romantically involved with a La Perla model. Veronica something wasn’t it?”

Veronica Giuliani. I know exactly who it was, and romantically involved is as much a misnomer as can be.

“Yeah, that kind of sort of didn’t work out all that well.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. You two looked perfect for each other in the photos I saw.”

In the one photo I saw of them arguing outside a McDonald’s drive through.

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Sorry, is this making you uncomfortable?”

“No one likes to talk about their exes, Tilly.”

Oh, right, unless it’s everyone talking about mine.

“I haven’t had much luck with women.”

“Maybe it’ll just take you a little bit of time to find the right one. I mean, look at your father, second time was a charm for him.”

Marvin smiles at my mother in a way that sends shivers down my spine. Thank God they’ve managed to refrain from fucking each other so far. Tonight better not be the night they go at it, although by the looks of Marvin he won’t have enough energy even if Mom wanted it.

“Are you alright, Marvin?”

He doesn’t look all that well, and he hasn’t eaten much food, although that’s not all that unlike him to be fair. He’s pretty stick thin as it is.

“Fine, thank you. I was just wondering when my son might find the right woman for him.”

There he goes again, apparently los

t in some other task and following the thread of our conversation completely.

“Well, it isn’t for the want of trying is it?”

“Hey now, hold on. Just because I like women doesn’t mean that’s a negative thing.”

“You like them for a day and then you choose another one.”

“Not always, no. I get that more from the women I happen to end up with, actually. That love them and leave them kind of reputation I’ve got? Completely unfair. The papers made that up to sell more copies.”

“No, ok, that would mean you’d have to love them first, right?”

“Some people aren’t looking to settle down, Tilly, not until they find the person they want to do that with.”

“And you haven’t found that person in, what, like, a hundred, two hundred, three hundred-?”

“Sometimes you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.”

“With long legs, bronzed skin and big tits.”

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