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“If I were available.”

“And I dated.”



Sexual tension so thick I’d struggle to break through it with a mallet. I don’t think I’d even be able to drill through it with the kind of drill they bore tunnels out of rock with. Rock as hard as my swollen cock.

“I guess there is nothing we can do then.”

“I guess not.”



Hold on, just that little bit longer. She’s going to break, I can see it in her eyes. She’s going to fold, right into me, begging me to take her. She’s going to smile, stand up straight again, bite her lip and skip away? That’s not in the game plan.


“I’m going to lie down outside under the sun for a while, I suddenly feel a little bit light headed.”

I can’t help but smile in awe of this girl. She’s stronger than I thought. More cocky, more confident.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, of course not. You-. Go right ahead.”

Leave me here with a raging boner.


At the french windows, she turns.



“I don’t mind if you want to join me outside. You can sit in the jacuzzi if you want, I know you’re big enough to handle it. I’ve heard the views are literally breathtaking.”

And then with a sassy smile, she’s away, and I’m left with my dick in my hand, wondering what the fuck just happened.

Five minutes. I give her five minutes before she gets bored and comes back inside. I can see her trapped by the glass, alright, half of her, her legs at least, her dress pulled up to expose them to the sun, or to me, whichever, I know she knows I’ll be watching.

Five minutes. She practically ordered me to come outside, get naked and jump in the jacuzzi, but I’m not going to let her take control like that, if she wants me, she can ask me for it. I’m not some kind of performing monkey with a huge dong that people travel two hundred miles to see sit in his enclosure rubbing his dick, I’m better than that, and I know Tilly’s just playing hard to get because she can’t cope with me knowing how crazy she is about me.

Five minutes. I count them tick past. I count another ten go with them, and still Tilly hasn’t moved to come back inside. She’s mocking me. We don’t know how long we’ve got to enjoy this time alone, and she’s sat outside wasting it. I know all I need to do is go outside, rip my shorts off and sit in the tub, but that’s exactly what she wants me to do, and if I play her game, we both know she’ll have won.

At least I’ll get laid though, I suppose there is that. Unless Tilly’s bluffing me, but based on the way she was moaning earlier, the way she was sassing me just now, I don’t reckon that’s even an outside chance.

I bet she’s sat there hoping I take the bait, regretting playing the hand that way in the first place, dreading me refusing altogether. If she didn’t take the whole thing so seriously, we could be fucking again right now. Once is not going to keep me sated, and the longer we leave it until we do it again, the harder it’s going to be to be able to resist. But no, Tilly has to know that I’m not just fooling around, that I’m playing the game to win, whatever the hell that means. What’s wrong with just fooling around and having a bit of fun? We’re both adults, right? We’re obviously attracted to each other, and even though Dad and Rachel are married, it’s not like Tilly and I are related. What’s she worried about? That I’m going to love her and leave her like every single girl I’ve ever been with she reads about in the paper? Or is she worried I’ll break her heart, which might even be out of the realm of my capabilities in three days?

I know girls go crazy around me, but it usually takes a little bit longer to fall in love. And anyway, I’m not the fuck them and leave them kind of guy the world thinks I am. Yeah, a relationship with my stepsister may be a little more challenging for people with a low IQ to understand, but that in itself wouldn’t be a reason for me not to do it. That’s so far down the line I’m not even thinking about it anyway, even if Tilly might be.

I bet if we did go down that road though, after the initial knee jerk reaction of people thinking we were doing something immoral, wrong or outright illegal, people would just get on with it and understand it’s a relationship like any other. Coach would probably prefer it too. At least Tilly’s wholesome. Much more wholesome than the girls I usually bring home. The weird one would be convincing our parents, although they’re both fairly liberal people they probably wouldn’t care either.

I don’t even know why I’m thinking about the possibility of a relationship anyway, because we barely know each other yet. The more time I spend with her, the more I like her, but it’s been a weird few days anyway and I might not be thinking all that clearly.

Yes she’s funny, sassy, intelligent, creative, independent, and sexy in a way that she doesn’t realize, she’s fantastic in bed and makes my dick hard just by standing next to me, but I bet she’s got just as many negatives too. I just haven’t been around her long enough to find out.

Thirty minutes and she still hasn’t come back in. This is ridiculous. She better not have fallen asleep out there. The more time that passes the more difficult it gets to resist, and my dick is still refusing to go down. I should be sleeping. Maybe I ought to do that instead. That’ll show her. Refuse her invite, lie down on my bed with her mattress underneath it and wait for her to wake me up with a little massage or mouth play. See how she likes coming in to beg.

I’d do it if I thought it would work, but I’m past the point of sleeping now anyway and my mind is on something else entirely.

I know what I should do. I should go out there just like she wants me to, but instead of sticking around and sitting in the jacuzzi and waving my dick in the air, hoping she’ll take a bite, I should walk straight past her, my top off just to give her an idea of what she’s missing out on, and go to the end of the garden and toss the football around.

When I’ve got myself all sweaty and put on a bit of a performance, I should sit in the jacuzzi like she says, and then tell her she can’t join me when she blatantly wants to. Tell her she has to beg, her panties round her ankles pushing herself back onto my tongue so I can taste whether she’s ready to get in alongside me. That’ll show her I’m not prepared to play her game. That’s bound to work.


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