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Deceit of the Stepbrothers (2 Wicked Stepbrothers 1 Innocent Girl 2)

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I am torn, being pulled in half by the decisions I’ve made, the feelings I have for two forbidden men, both of them my stepbrothers.

I am only 21 and I have gone through so many bad things, I wonder how I haven’t succumbed to the dark side yet. My name is Emme Ford and I am going to break in half.

“You fucker,” Aiden murmurs into his brother’s ear, as I scream my head off. He has his hands wrapped around Blane’s throat. “You stupid fucker.”

Two brothers.

One is light, the other is dark.

They both want me for all the wrong reasons.

They both love me.

And I love both of them.

As I lie in one of the brother’s arms, I wonder about the other. Because this is how it has always been with us – The Rule of Three, not one, not two. Always Blane, Aiden and Emme. Always.

We lost our footing for a little while, wandered around broken without each other.

But it is only now that I am realizing maybe two is better than three.

Maybe one needs to be left alone to wander my himself, not in the other two’s company.

Maybe, the last one is so broken the two cannot help him.

And even though it breaks me to know this, I know I can only choose one brother.

I replay the events of the last month in my head as my heart beats wildly in my chest, wrapped in the arms of one man I never want to lose. But to keep him is to lose another.

I am an orphan, my parents gone.

All I have left are my two stepbrothers, and I know now my love for both of them will tear us apart. Just like yesterday, when the twins had their first fight because of me. They would kill each other for me. One for love, the other for revenge.

I think of Blane.

Sweet, strong, reliable Blane.

Blane, who lied to me, betrayed me, hurt me, took advantage of me.

Blane, who claimed he loved me all the while breaking my heart.

Blane, who promised me he’s had feelings for me since we were both teenagers, but only managed to confess how he felt when he found it would benefit him.

I think of Aiden.

Crazy, wild, laughing Aiden.

Aiden, who has been my best friend since the day I met him. Who comforted me, loved me, even when his brother did not. Who always stood by my side, and protected me.

Aiden, who I knew in some part of my brain has been in love with me for the past few years, but never did anything about it.

Aiden, whom I denied because of his brother, because I was lost in the lie.

I look at my stepbrother lying next to me. They’re so alike, they look just like each other. Sometimes it’s hard for me to differentiate between the two, and just for a moment, I let myself believe they’ve morphed into one person, so I don’t have to choose.

But staring at the man in my bed, I know I’ve made my choice.

Whether I chose the right brother, I’ll never know. But there’s still time to change my mind …

I can choose a life of happiness and a nagging in the back of my head, or a life of danger, living on the edge, always afraid for my life, but blissfully happy in those rare moments when the sun shines through the clouds.

Both decisions will make me happy.

Both will destroy me.

I am lost.

Chapter 1

I’m screaming.

I run after them, holding a shaking hand before my mouth and screaming my head off, because I have no idea what else to do.

Aiden’s throttled Blane, sitting on top of him and holding his throat in such a tight grip I’m scared he’ll cut off his supply of air. I stumble forward and try to pull Aiden off his brother.

“Aiden, stop!” I scream at him, but I can tell he’s completely out of it. All he can think of is hurting the man beneath him, his own twin brother. But as I look at Blane on the floor, I can immediately tell he’s not fighting. He could push Aiden off easily, I’m sure of it – even though they’re twins, Blane’s build is more muscular, stronger.

“Blane,” I whisper. He doesn’t respond, but his face is turning a strange blue colour. “Blane!” I yell louder, and finally his gaze stops on my eyes. I see so much there it chokes me up.

This man just admitted he loved me, took my virginity, and is now being strangled by his twin brother. I’m so scared for both of them, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

Finally, Blane pushes Aiden off.

Aiden stumbles and Blane coughs and coughs and coughs. And I just stand there, hyperventillating, feeling useless.

In a moment of clarity, I rush towards Blane, cradling him in my arms.

“Are you okay?” I whisper, and I’m shaking again. He nods, but he won’t look at me. Won’t talk to me. “What the hell?!” I scream in Aiden’s general direction.

He smirks at me as I focus on Blane, but neither of them meet my eye.

“What is this all about?” I demand, feeling shocked and confused. In all the time I’ve known them, I’ve never seen Aiden and Blane fight.

“Tell her, Blane,” Aiden says viciously and Blane tenses in my arms.

“Tell me what?” I want to know.

“It’s nothing,” Blane murmurs.

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