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Game of the Stepbrothers (2 Wicked Stepbrothers 1 Innocent Girl 4)

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“Got a surprise for you,” Blane says, and his smile widens. “Know you’re a sucker for those.”

He’s full of surprised lately, and as much as I try to fight my expression of glee, a smile eventually appears on my face as I set my book down and join him on the couch.

He immediately wraps me in his embrace and I settle in his arms, the only safe place I’ve ever known. I’ve lost my father, my mother, lost a brother … And Blane is the only one that can comfort me since everything went down.

Blane produces a brochure from his bag and lets me have it. My eyes scour the colorful pages, the words on the thick paper jumping out at me.

Secluded … Romantic … An adventure … Beautiful and unforgettable.

“What is this?” I ask Blane, the excitement easy to hear in my voice. I thumb my pendant between my fingers and look at him expectantly.

He chuckles and smoothes my hair down. “I wanted to apologize for being such a dick.”

I look at him, waiting for him to admit it was really him I saw down at the beach with that blonde woman, but no such luck.

“I’ve been working a lot, and I promised you a holiday. Thought we could spend some time really alone, just you and me, if you want?”

His eyes are hopeful, but I can see the mischievous grin hiding right under that expression. And I can’t help it - my gaze mimics his and I grin widely, nodding at his question.

“Awesome,” Blane says, kissing me deeply and affectionately. He shows me the brochure again, explaining what we’ll be doing there.

“There’s an island off the shore, you can see it from our balcony. The hotel has two houses on it, each on one side of the island. They suggested this retreat - they have electricity, but no internet signal. The receptionist assured me it was all very luxurious … But a real nice experience, being on your own there. One house’s already taken, but I got us the second one.”

Clapping my hands excitedly, I meet his grin with one of my own. “Can we go now?” I ask excitedly, and Blane laughs at my happy face, grabbing me in his arms and pulling me down on the couch.

And as soon as his hands start roaming my body, I’m gone - going down the rabbit hole again …


Next day, we land on the shore of the island. We’re taken there with a yacht that belongs to the hotel and I’m immediately stunned by the beauty of nature here.

Last night, I didn’t sleep again; but at least this time it was because I was so excited, and not plagued by nightmares. I immediately take my sandals off when we land on the shore, burying my toes in the warm sand. A blissful smile lightens up my face and Blane’s expression mirrors my own.

“You will find everything you need on the island,” the guide explains to us. “The food pantry and fridges are stocked, and I believe you will truly enjoy the beauty of the island. A ship will arrive in a few days, and there’s a direct line for the hotel in your kitchen.”

We nod enthusiastically, our thoughts already preoccupied with exploring the beautiful island we’ve landed on. When the guide finally finishes, Blane is quick to tip him and walk me to the house where we’ll be staying.

Though it is quaint, it’s still luxurious with gorgeous, Egyptian cotton linens and towels, expensive champagne waiting for us when we arrive and every other luxury I thought I might miss during my stay here.

“I can’t wait to go outside!” I exclaim, looking through the curtains at the beautiful sunny day. “There’s so much to explore … Do you think there are any wild animals here?”

I turn to face Blane, but as soon as I see his face, I know I’m in trouble.

And I don’t mind it one little bit.

He makes his way over to me, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as my eyes flutter closed, enjoying his sweet gesture. He tips my head back with one finger and I offer my lips to him.

He doesn’t decline the offer, leaning down against my mouth and sucking my bottom lip in his, biting down gently. I moan lightly as his hands come around my body, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

“Nature will have to wait,” Blane growls in my ear. “First, I have some other things for you to do …”

He takes my hand, sliding it between his legs where his rock hard cock is already waiting for me, and I’m suddenly desperate for him to plunge into my tightness.

Moaning and giggling at the same time, I let him take me … And I forget all about our plans, letting myself enjoy this blissful moment of peace and solitude.

How foolish I am …

Chapter 4

After a long day of making love and exploring the island, we decide to make our dinner by ourselves. Blane and I have a housemaid at home who prepares most of our meals, plus we eat out a lot, so actually preparing something from scratch is a little strange for us.

But seeing the fridge and pantry stocked with so much amazing food, I can’t help but feel inspired by the local produce. I even end up picking some fruit and vegetables from the garden in the backyard.

Blane helps me with dinner, and we make grilled fish with steamed veggies and potatoes. It might seem silly, but the way we work together in the kitchen makes me feel happy.

When we finally sit down in the dining room, a feast before us, I’m ravenous. The dinner is delicious, and I choose to ignore the fact we’ve burned the fish a little and eat the blackened parts anyway, which Blane makes fun of me for.

We both shower and get ready for bed, but just as I’m coming out of the bathroom into the bedroom, there’s a buzzing sound and immediately after that, we’re enveloped in complete and utter darkness.

“Blane?” I ask immediately, my voice already filled with panic.

“Don’t worry,” he says reassuringly, and I can hear him moving to reach me across the room. “It’s probably just the buggy electricity here. Everything should be fine by the morning, so don’t bother yourself with it.”

Despite his words, I can feel a panic attack fighting its way out of me. The room is pitch black and Blane has to help me find my way to the king size bed. He holds me tightly in his embrace, never letting go, but even when he’s fast asleep, I can’t catch a wink of peace.

Finally, he rolls over and I break free of his embrace, which isn’t reassuring me at all at the moment. I can feel the panic taking over and I stumble through the room, somehow finding my way through the French doors leading down to the beach.

As soon as my feet hit the sand, I’m illuminated by moonlight and the fresh air finds its way into my lungs. I take deep, heaving breaths of the thick air and I feel like an addict getting his hit.

I stumble down the beach until my feet are in the water, telling myself I need to calm down in my head. I’ve been on edge for years now, but somehow, it seems like this trip isn’t agreeing with me even though we both thought it was exactly what I needed.

My hand flies to my heart as my breaths become a little less ragged and I finally feel the air entering my lungs, as hot and oppressive as it is.

I wish I were more careful, because no amount of panic could prepare me for what happens next.

A pair of strong arms wraps itself around me, and for a split second, I’m sure it’s just Blane coming down after me to check up on me and make sure I’m fine. The embrace is loving and sweet … but only for a moment.

Then, it turns vicious. The hands tighten around my body in a deadly embrace and I gasp, taking

in a sharp intake of breath just before a hand flies up and presses against my mouth forcibly.

I feel hot breath on my neck and someone whispers in my ear.

“Missed me, doll?” he whispers in my ear and I immediately start feeling the darkness around us, pulling me under. I’m sure my legs will buckle under my weight, but before the unconsciousness can take over, the body behind mine makes sure I stand upright, and the moment is gone.

My chance of blissful, dark ignorance is gone forever … now I have to face the facts.

It’s Aiden.

I felt his presence ever since we came here, but I refused to let myself believe it. I had convinced myself he was gone years ago, that he would never come back - his sick obsession with us was finally over.

Should’ve listened to your instincts, doll.

“Don’t you dare blank out on me,” Aiden growls in my ear. “The party’s just getting started …”

I whimper like a sad puppy, too weak to do anything about what is happening. His grip on my mouth is so tight I’m barely getting any air in my body, and my heart is pumping blood through my veins at such a fast rate, it’s a wonder I don’t pass out.

I wish I could go back in time and tell Blane. Tell him this would happen, ask him to save me.

Aiden’s cruel lips mar my neck, sliding his lips across my delicate skin and I shiver under his touch, trying to twist myself out of his arms.

“Oh, you don’t like that?” he mocks me, biting hard on my shoulder so I let out a muffled scream, right into his palm which is still covering my mouth. “Seemed to like me just fine on the beach the other day … Wished you were my little friend, didn’t you?”

I have no idea what he’s talking about, but slowly, the memories start trickling in.

The other day, seeing Blane on the beach with another woman, grabbing her ass.

Only … it wasn’t Blane. It was Aiden all along.

I whimper again and he emits a low chuckle against my skin, sending goose bumps across my complexion. And suddenly, I’m more afraid than I’ve ever been in my entire life.

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