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Forbidden Prescription (Forbidden Medicine 1)

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He returned with a bowl of chicken soup and buttered toast. She ate about half of it before the warmth and comfort overtook her. Her eyelids felt like they were made of cement, and she fought to keep them open.

James kissed her on the forehead. “Go to sleep. I’ll come back over this evening to pick you up for dinner.”

“Thanks,” she slurred. “You’re too nice to me.”

He smiled, watching her slowly succumb to sleep. “I can’t help how hopelessly in love I am with you,” he said, leaving her to her slumber.

A few hours later, Isabella awoke from her nap with a foggy memory, but otherwise feeling more relaxed. She checked the time on her phone. She only had a few more hours until James would be back to pick her up. She sent him a text:

I guess I was so out of it that I didn’t even see you leave. Thanks for coming over earlier.

He replied instantly:

Really? Well, I hope you’re feeling better. I’m looking forward to having dinner with you tonight.

There wasn’t much time left in the day for studying, so Isabella vowed to herself that she would spend her entire Sunday with her head in a book. She took a warm shower, which seemed to wash the drowsy effects of the drug from her mind.

She was feeling a little nervous, but it was more like butterflies in her stomach than the sky crashing down on her. She chose a simple black dress that was elegant enough for a nice dinner with parents yet sexy enough that James would find great pleasure in taking it off later in the night. She braided her damp hair in two long plaits to dry, leaving her with waves when James showed up at the door.

“You look much better than you did this morning,” he observed.

“It didn’t take much.”

“How do you feel?” “A lot better. I’m still dreading this, and I would be perfectly fine if we decided to skip it, but I think I can make it without throwing up on myself.”

“Good,” he said. “And to tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous myself.”

“Why?” she asked.

“I’m the one who’s meeting your mother for the first time. It’s kind of a big deal.”

“Oh, I guess,” she said, forgetting that he would be having a meal with complete strangers.

“What do I need to know about your mom and stepdad?” he asked.

“My mom is probably going to ask you a lot of personal questions. That’s just how she is. If it becomes too much, kick my leg under the table, and I’ll create a diversion.”

“I don’t mind,” he said.

“Good. As for my stepfather, I know very little about him. They met while my mom was on vacation, and they got married on a beach s

omewhere. Apparently, he’s a good guy and I’ll like him.”

“Then it sounds like everything will be great,” he said. “Ready to go?”

“Wait,” she said. “There’s one more thing.”


“I guarantee that one of the uncomfortable questions that my mom is going to ask is about our relationship.”


“She’s going to want to know where we’re at in our relationship. Like, when are you going to move in together, get married, have kids, et cetera. She might even ask you about your feelings for me. I just want you to know so you aren’t in an awkward position when it inevitably happens.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I think we’ll be fine.”

They left for the restaurant. Along the way, Isabella tried to come up with any other tidbits of information to tell James about her mom. He did his best to calm her nerves, but they would both be relieved when they were in the safety of his home later.

“We’re a few minutes early,” Isabella explained to the hostess, “but my mother has made a reservation for four at seven o’clock.”

“What’s the last name?” the hostess asked.

Isabella let out a dry laugh. “Huh, I actually don’t remember what her last name is this time.”

“Well, the rest of your party hasn’t arrived yet. We could seat you, or if you want to wait by the bar, we can get you when they are here.”

“Bar,” Isabella said immediately.

James asked for a glass of ice water and Isabella ordered a double vodka tonic. She gulped it down.

“Easy,” James said. “Don’t overdo it.”

She ignored him and ordered another drink a few minutes later.

“Another double vodka tonic?” the bartender asked.

James interjected. “Make it a single, and give her a little extra tonic, please.”

The bartender had just handed her the drink when the hostess approached them.

“There you are!” she said cheerfully. “The rest of your party has just been seated. If you want to follow me, I will show you to your table.”

Isabella took a deep breath. She felt James’s hand slide into hers.

“It’s going to be fine,” he said again. “Relax. You might just have a good time.”

She nodded. “Okay, we can do this. You might not want to hold my hand, though,” she added.

“Why not?”

“My mother will love it too much.”

He let go of her hand and followed the hostess to the table.

When the pair got to the table, they froze.

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