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Forbidden Prescription (Forbidden Medicine 1)

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They hadn’t breached the subject, but the family drama between them made things even hotter. It was perverse, but Isabella liked to daydream about hooking up in her childhood bedroom as their parents slept in their own bed across the hall. If James ever chose to stay in their home over holidays, the guest room was only a few steps away from hers.

Their seductive mind games came to a head when she arrived in the locker room one morning to put on a little show for James. He was nowhere to be found. Instead, a little piece of paper fluttered out of her locker when she opened it.

I think it’s about time to call a truce. Come over to my place tonight at 8:00.

Isabella’s stomach gave a little flutter. Had she won the game? She wasn’t the type to accept a truce. She wanted him to admit to her that she was right and that he cracked under her seductive prowess.

After work, she hurried home and put on jeans and a sweater that hung off her shoulders. He couldn’t resist that extra bit of skin. She released her hair from its bun, letting it fall down her back.

She practically cackled with glee. She would witness his defeat at her hands, and then she could bask in the pleasure that would follow.

Chapter Eighteen

James opened his front door before Isabella even had the chance to knock more than once. He had been anxious for her arrival.

“Good evening,” she greeted him as she walked through the door.

“You look nice,” he said.

“So do you.” He, too, had changed and was wearing dark jeans and a tight grey t-shirt. His face was covered with a miniscule length of stubble.

“Do you want a drink?” he asked.

“Just water for now,” she answered, sitting down on a sofa. She wanted to stay sharp in case he tried to play any more games with her.

James brought the glass over and set it down on the table. He twisted the top off a beer.

“What did you want to discuss?” she asked coyly, batting her eyelashes.

“You just jump right into things, don’t you?” he said. “You don’t even want to ask how my day was or what I’ve been up to lately?”

“No need,” she said flatly. “I see you every day. If something was especially good or bad, I think I’d know.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I forgot you don’t do small talk.”

She smiled back and took a sip from her glass.

“Fine, I guess I’ll just get down to it. I have to be honest with you. The games we’ve been playing are fun, but it’s been a month, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it.”

“Are you saying you’re giving in?” she asked hopefully.

“I’m saying that it seems silly that it has to be a competition.”

“Says the one who is about to lose.”

He rolled his eyes. “If you want me to declare myself the loser, then I will. Will that make you happy?”

“That would, actually.”

“Fine,” he said. “I’m willing to do that. Do you know what would make me happy?”


“If you’d take off your clothes right now and fuck me.”

Her eyes were ablaze as she threw herself on top of his body. They grabbed at their clothes, undressing themselves in seconds. There was no time to make it to the bed, just feet away from them. They needed each other immediately.

They kissed like they’d never kissed before, mouths mashed up against each other. He grabbed at her body, her skin softer and smoother than he remembered.

“Oh, I’ve wanted you so badly. You have no idea,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She let him enter her, and he moaned in delight.

“Slow down,” he begged. “This is too good not to last.”

“I thought you didn’t want to take it slow,” she cooed.

She watched him close his eyes. He was close.

“Fine, I’ll take it slow,” she teased.

She pulled away and put his hand between her legs. He groaned.

“My turn,” she whispered in his ear. He moved his fingers skillfully, making her sigh with pleasure. After a few minutes, she rolled back on top of him to finish what they started.

“Was it worth it?” James asked Isabella as he stroked her hair.

“All the fun and games? Absolutely,” she said. “It’s good to keep things fresh. Otherwise, things get boring.”

“I don’t think I could ever get bored with you,” he mused.

“Really?” she asked. “Even when I’m working all day and I go straight to bed without talking to you? You know how it goes. There’s hardly time for anything other than work and studying.”

“Don’t act like I never see you,” he said. “I know you get a thrill when I strip down in the locker room.”

She blushed. It was true.

“Well,” she said, pulling her clothes back on, “I’m glad we had this talk. I feel relieved, if you know what I mean.”

James grabbed her hand to prevent her from leaving. She landed back on the couch next to him.

“This was great and all, but it’s not the only reason I had you over.”

She raised an eyebrow. She didn’t like where this was going.

“I think we settled it. We’re on to the next step, where we go back to having occasional sex in the on-call room. I’d still like to keep things discreet, though.”

He shook his head. “Let’s be rational here. We tried the workmates with benefits thing. It didn’t really work. We also tried completely separating, and that was a major disaster. I’d never been so miserable in my life. Now you want to go back to secretly screwing around the hospital? It’s not going to work.”

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