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Forbidden Prescription 3 (Forbidden Medicine 3)

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“I think so too,” I said softly, kissing her on the nose.

I slept well that night, knowing that whatever happened in my life, I could always go to sleep beside Whitney. Holding her in my arms instantly made me feel like everything was right with the world. Even though Ted and I had made an agreement to share her, I felt like we both received all of her heart. For a devil’s threesome, it sure felt like heaven.

Chapter Twenty


“Good morning,” I croaked, rolling over in bed to kiss my girlfriend on the cheek. “Where’s Chad?”

“He already left for work.” Whitney yawned. “We should get up too, or we’re going to be late again.”

I laughed. “Your late is most peoples’ right on time. I’m going to take a shower. Do you want to join me?”

“I showered last night,” she said, rolling out of bed. I grabbed her hand in hopes of being able to pull her back in.

“You know it’s not about the shower.” I winked.

“Of course I know that.” She giggled. “Go get ready. You promised you’d make me breakfast.”

I groaned and climbed out of bed to quickly rinse off before starting on some scrambled eggs and toast. I always knew that single life was good, but I had no idea how great it was to live with your significant other. Plus, with my best friend living in the house with us, too, I felt like I had everything I needed right here.

“You look beautiful,” I said, looking up from the frying pan. Whitney slicked on some pink lipstick, using the stainless steel toaster as a mirror.

“So do you.” She smiled. “But you always do.”

After our first night together as three people officially in a relationship, things got serious fast. Initially, we just wanted to have a bit of fun and not worry about anything else outside our relationship.

Before we surprised Whitney at her house, Chad and I talked a lot about the pros and cons of entering into that kind of agreement. We both knew that there was a chance that it would become lopsided at some point, where one of us was getting more attention and affection than the other. Raised on monogamy, we figured that Whitney would naturally couple up with one of us, and the other would get left behind. We agreed that if that occurred, the odd man out would leave without too much of a struggle, for the happiness of the group.

So far, that hadn’t happened. Just a few weeks after getting together, we decided that it was too hard to decide whose house we were staying at on any one particular night, so we moved in together. Whitney’s roommate, Maria, moved into her boyfriend’s place, freeing up an extra bedroom. While we all had our own bedroom now, most nights, the three of us found ourselves cuddled up on Whitney’s king-sized mattress.

Things worked out pretty well with all of us under one roof. We all worked a lot, but at different times, so household duties were evenly split. I’d cook dinner for everyone and the other two would clean the house. Even Chad, whom I had always known to be a bit of a slob, pitched in.

The schedule differences helped our sex lives, too. For the most part, when we got it on, it was with all three of us. But, when either Chad or I were away, we didn’t wait for the other to come back. One-on-one time with Whitney was a special treat, but as we discussed, nothing was as good as the threesomes we shared. When Whitney and I were alone, sex was sensual and romantic. When we were all together, it was more about fun and pleasure. Never in my life have I felt so sexually satisfied.

Because our arrangement was still pretty taboo, especially in our social circles, we kept what we were up to on the down low. My friends and family knew that I had a girlfriend and that I was living with Chad, but they had no idea that he also shared my girlfriend. He told his friends the same thing but left out the detail that the girl was his stepsister.

Before we moved in together, Whitney accepted a job at another hospital in the city. Shortly after, Chad found a new job too, at a different clinic. Luckily, neither of their new workplaces knew about what happened at their old job. They got the fresh start they needed and I couldn’t have been happier for them. For a while, they kicked around the idea of working at the same hospital, but ultimately, they decided that it was best this way if they wanted to avoid another incident.

Sometimes, I wished that what we were doing were more socially acceptable, because then I wouldn’t have to worry about being found out by someone. As Chad and Whitney had experienced firsthand, a threesome is scandalous enough. A whole living arrangement built around one is even more shocking.

But on the other hand, I liked having our own dirty little secret. I think that was part of what made it so much fun. In any other situation, I couldn’t watch my girlfriend having sex with another guy without it being a fetish. With us, it was just called waiting my turn.

Chad and Whitney’s parents never found out that they were still seeing each other. I think Whitney still spoke to her mom on occasion, but after their falling out, they were never quite as close. I know she mentioned running into Chad on occasion, just to test the waters in case she ever wanted to break the news.

I know for a fact that Chad hadn’t spoken to his father since he quit the hospital. Chad was the type to hold grudges, so I didn’t see them sharing a holiday meal any time soon. He said that he’d always choose our little family of three over his biological family.

As for me, I told my parents everything except for the fact that Chad was having sex with my girlfriend on a regular basis, and I was perfectly fine with that. I figured that eventually, a time would come where I would need to give them more details, but for now, I liked how things were going. There was no reason to complicate a good thing by telling too many people what we were up to.

“Don’t forget,” Whitney said, quickly hugging me before she walked out the door, “Maria and Mark are coming over for dinner tonight.”

“Was I supposed to prepare something?”

“We’re getting takeout.” She smiled. “I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I told her, as I had every morning since we’d started living together.

I dumped the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink. Chad would be home before us, so he could take care of them.

Some nights, Whitney, Chad, and I would stay awake after a lovemaking session and talk about our relationship. We all decided that we wanted to keep things how they were for as long as possible. We weren’t sure if marriage could ever be possible for us, but we wanted to keep our special bond for life. When it came down to it, we didn’t need the ceremony or the legal papers telling us what we already knew.

We had even talked about kids a few times. We all wanted some at a later point in our lives but figured we had plenty of time before we needed to discuss it seriously. I knew I didn’t have to worry about getting anyone pregnant, though. After a few pregnancy scares in college, I’d decided to undergo a reversible procedure that kept me from having kids until I decided it was time. We could take our time with that major life event.

As it was, everything was perfect. I could spend my days as an accountant with a doctor for a girlfriend and my nights as part of a threesome with my friend from college and his stepsister.

In the future, we hoped we could fill all of our friends in on our secret, but for now, Maria and her boyfriend were good company. They were very open and understanding of our situation. It was nice that other people didn’t judge us.

Maria’s boyfriend, Mark, Chad, and I were watching hockey in the living room as the girls talked. I had a feeling they were talking about us, since I only heard whispers and giggles. I pretended to get another drink from the fridge just to listen to their conversation.

“You’re so lucky,” Maria whispered. “Do you know how lonely it gets when Mark is away for work? I wish I had someone around at all times.”

“I won’t lie,” Whitney replied. “It is pretty nice.”

“So, who’s better in bed?”

I leaned in a little closer, interested in her answer.

“They’re both good.”

“Ah,” Maria groaned. “That’s such a cop-out.”

“It’s the honest truth. If I closed my eyes when we were having sex, I’m not sure if I’d be able to tell the difference. And they’re both so, so good at it too.”

I smiled smugly. It certainly helped my confidence to know that I was fantastic in bed. Although, just by looking at her face every time we did it, I guess I already knew that.

“Are you sure I can’t get in on the action?” Maria asked. “You have to admit, they’re both absolute babes, and I’d love to give group sex a go.”

Whitney laughed. “That’s like me saying that I want to sleep with Mark because I think it would be fun. It just doesn’t work like that. They love me, and I love them.”

“That’s so adorable I can hardly stand it,” Maria said dryly. “Do you think that Mark and I could ever find someone to try a threesome with?”

“I’m sure you could, but I don’t think you’d have the same results,” Whitney answered. “I think you’d get too jealous.”

“You’re probably right.” She laughed. “I would be furious if I wasn’t getting enough attention. Also, Mark doesn’t even like to have sex with the lights on. I can’t imagine he’d be down for adding another person.”

“I never thought I’d be in a situation like this, but here we are. I have to say, it’s surprisingly great.”

“I’m really happy for you,” Maria said. “I’m a little jealous, but you deserve to be happy.”

“What are you ladies talking about?” I interrupted, wrapping my arm around Whitney’s waist.

“Oh, nothing,” she said, giving me a peck on the lips. “How’s the game?”

“It’s going into overtime. Do you want to watch?”

“Of course,” she said, taking her seat on the couch between Chad and me.

Everything felt so right with Whitney in our lives. Chad and I had dated and slept with a lot of girls in our time, but Whitney was really the missing puzzle piece that we never knew we needed. As I sat with her, watching sports as we did most evenings, I knew deep down that we were going to make it. We were an unconventional bunch, but we found that if there’s enough love to go around, then anything is possible.

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