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Forbidden Prescription 5 (Forbidden Medicine 5)

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I could see the fiery temper that I loved so much inside Tabitha start to rear up. I didn’t need a cat fight between her and Mary, though, in the middle of my office. It was something I would have to address, but not at that exact moment .

“Just give me one second and I’ll send Ms. Morgan out,” I told her before firmly adding a, “Thank you .”

She glared at me one more time before shutting the door behind her. I turned back to Tabitha and laughed at the whole ordeal .

“Sorry about that, Mary can get a little snarky .”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve had woman like her looking down their plastic noses at me my whole life,” she said casually. “They all think I care about what they think, but don’t have two brain cells to rub together between the lot of them .”

I laughed, “You are something else, Tabitha Morgan .”

“Thanks,” she said, her cheeks blushing. “I think .”

I glanced back at the door. “Well, I guess I will see you next week then ?”

“Yes,” she said quickly before heading for the exit. “See you then .”

I watched her walk away, my heart sinking into my stomach. I wasn’t bashful about not wanting her to do the surgery, but if she didn’t come back in, would I ever see her again? The idea filled me with dread. I didn’t want to wait another week to see her, how could I go forever ?

Chapter Fifteen


“A re you going to tell me where you’ve been all week or do I have to force it out of you?” Selina asked me as she chewed a celery stick .

“You sound like a horse,” I told her. “And you look like one too. Don’t you ever chew with your mouth closed ?”

“And miss out on a lecture from you?” she asked, loudly smacking her lips together as she ripped off another piece .

I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully. “I don’t know, there isn’t much to tell .”

She looked at me silently and I couldn’t help but smile. She returned the shove. “You lie !”

I laughed, but said nothing. I felt giddy and happy, like things were finally starting to work out in my life. It was such a new feeling for me as an adult that I was scared to share it with anyone. Some part of me thought that if I told Selina about how things were going it would break the spell and my luck would go back to crap. Still, she was my sister. I wanted to share the joy I’d found with her .

“Things are just going good right now. I met with the career advisor and I feel really good about my interview on Monday. I don’t know, I just feel like things are finally starting to turn around for me .”

“Well,” she said, sounding disappointed. “I guess that is good news .”

“What’s wrong ?”

Selina shrugged. “I was kind of hoping that you’d met someone. You just have that glow about you. I mean, I think it’s great that you are feeling better about the future, but you know…” She slouched again and let her sentence die off .

I sighed. “Well, I did meet someone .”

Instantly her eyes lit up. “I knew it! I just knew it! I want to know everything about him !”

This was it, I had to tell her or I was going to explode. “You actually already know him .”

“What?” she stammered. “Who is it? Don’t tell me it’s that guy who hit on you at the bar last week .”

“Someone hit on me? I just remember Earl .”

Her head turned toward me so fast the bun of hair on her head bounced. “Earl? I didn’t think you even remembered meeting him .”

“Of course I do, I told you he was going to do my surgery .”

“Yeah, but that’s the good doctor, not ‘Earl.’ That sounds a little personal .”

I smiled at her. Her eyes grew wide again and she squealed so loud I thought the neighbors were going to wake up. She dove across my bed where we’d been watching television and tackled me. I couldn’t help but laugh at how happy she was for me. It was a blessing to have her as a sister. I wasn’t insecure about my decision to tell her anymore. Her joy was more than enough reaffirmation .

“Oh my god!” she said breathlessly. “I can’t believe this. I want all of the details .”

With a joyful laugh, I told her about how we’d first met and everything that happened at the dinner with our mother. It was the week after my appointment that really changed things .

“He was the one who suggested I go to the career advisor. Afterwards, I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “I felt like things were totally different. I had a new perspective on things. My confidence was back and I knew what I needed to change to really land a job. So, I asked him out to dinner as a ‘thank you’ for pushing me in the right direction .”

“Wait,” she interrupted. “Does this mean that you aren’t going to do the surgery next week ?”

“Heck with that!” I scoffed. “I still think that a new set of breasts is going to be the difference between a job and living on the streets .”

Selina rolled her eyes. “You know that I would never let that happen to you .”

“Anyways,” I interjected. “Do you want to know the details or not ?”

She sat back and ran her fingers across her lips like she was zipping them closed. Seeing her like that brought back so many memories of us as kids. We used to stay up all night together just laughing and playing under the sheets. I missed those days, but it was good to still have her in my life. Some things would never change .

“After dinner, one thing led to another,” I said with a smile as I thought back. “The next night we didn’t have plans though and he showed up at my door. It was so romantic .”

My thoughts drifted to that evening and suddenly I was back in that moment .

* * *

H is eyes danced as he handed me a dozen roses from behind his back. I looked like a hot mess though. I’d just gotten off work and I smelled like a stale bar. It didn’t seem to faze him though as he leaned forward and kissed me .

“I hope it’s okay that I stopped by like this,” he said when we finally broke apart .

I nodded, my heart racing. “Oh yeah, I wasn’t doing much. Except maybe a shower .”

Earl laughed. “Listen, I wanted to thank you again for dinner yesterday .”

I bit my lip. “Well after I get a shower, I can think of a few ways you can thank me .”

“I like the sound of that,” he growled. “But I really did come over here to talk to you .”

“Oh,” I whispered. “Is everything okay ?”

“Everything is fine, perfect actually. I know that we’ve both said we just want to keep this thing between us causal, but last night I realized that I don’t want casual anymore. I’ve already had that in my life .”

“Okay?” I choked out. Now I could barely breathe. I didn’t know which way the conversation was going. I wasn’t the kind of girl that men like him dated .

“I want to see more of you,” he said .

“You’ve seen me naked and in a few days, you’ll be cutting me open. Not sure how much more there is to see,” I said jokingly .

He laughed and pulled me to him as he sat back on the arm of my couch. I stood between his legs, wondering how the beer smell didn’t overpower the romantic moment he was trying to create .

“I love that you have a great sense of humor and a lot of sarcasm. You aren’t like anyone else in my life. I am being serious though, Tabitha. I’d like to really give this a try .”

“You mean a relationship?” I stammered .

Earl nodded. “Yeah, well,” he faltered. “I would like to, but obviously I need to know what you think about it. After all, it would be both of us in it .”

“So dating,” I said again. “Exclusively ?”

His eyes grew wide, one brow arching in an unspoken question. “Is that a problem? I didn’t think that you were seeing anyone else .”

“Well I’m not,” I said defensively. “It just seems strange that you would want something like th

at. Let’s face it, you are a catch. Why not try dating someone more your level ?”

“Because ‘my level’ girls are empty. I would like to be raised up to yours .”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “You are so cheesy sometimes .”

“You’re the one dragging yourself down. I won’t stand for that. You are,” he shook his head, at a loss for words, “just amazing .”

“I don’t know what you see in me .”

“Beauty, compassion, determination? I could go on all night. Why are you always so hard on yourself, though? Don’t you realize what an amazing woman you are? The things that you’ve had to endure not only with your mother, but with your father passing away too is brutal for a young girl .”

“I don’t need anyone’s charity .”

“And I’m not offering it,” he said defensively. “If you don’t want to give this a shot then just say so, but I thought there was real chemistry between us .”

“There is,” I said to him as I looked up into his eyes. “I’m just in shock .”

Earl smiled and wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t be, we deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else .”

“So, this is really happening?” I asked him .

He nodded and pulled me down onto the couch. I didn’t care about the stale beer smell anymore .

* * *

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